Friday, May 31, 2019
A Comparison of Self-Acceptance in Beloved, Secrets and Lies, and Cuckoos Nest :: comparison compare contrast essays
Self-Acceptance in Beloved, Secrets and Lies, and the Cuckoos Nest Self-one of the words most commonly used, yet hardly ever defined. According to the Random House mental lexicon of the English Language, the term self refers to a) a persons nature, character, etc. in the sniff out of his/her better self, or b) a person or thing referred to with respect to complete various(prenominal)ity, e.g. ones own self. To clarify the term self in regard to how an individual perceives himself/herself, I would like to execute a distinction betwixt the term ego and self. Generally, ego is defined as the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences the outside world and thus mediates between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment (1). I believe that the term ego has been slightly modified throughout the past few decades and now also functions as a synonym for self-importance. The ego is reflected within the capital spelling of the word I, ref erring to myself, as a separation from aspects of the human psyche that we do not include into our identification of ourselves. It is the ego that makes us feel connected to our name, to our families, and to our accomplishments in life, especially if they have provided us with social respect (and even disrespect, as I will explain later throughout my essay). In pressurizing situations, it is the ego that makes sure that we have the self-esteem to continue, confirming us that we are different from anybody else and that we have the individual qualities and abilities to do anything we choose. The self, on the other hand, is in my opinion what we really are, our nature/ character, not necessarily who we perceive ourselves to be. The self is based on a sense of understanding that every individual is on a journey a lifelong experience. I believe that the self allows ourselves to feel compassion with ourselves no yield what we are going through in life, because we do not need to prove o r accomplish something to be entitled to live. Connecting this with the definition given in the Random House Dictionary, stating that self describes a persons nature, I believe that a strong sense of self is based on credenza. This implies acceptance of ourselves at any given moment, and acceptance of the fact that all of our past experiences were necessary to bring us where we are right now.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Knowledge Is Power: How To Buy A Computer :: essays research papers
Knowledge is Power How To Buy A ComputerBuying a personal computer can be as difficult as get a car. No matter howmuch one investigates, how many dealers a person visits, and how much bargaininga person has done on the price, he still may not be really certain that he hasgotten a good deal. There are good reasons for this uncertainty. Computerschange at much faster rate than any other kind of product. A two-year-old carwill always get a person where he wants to go, only when a two-year-old computer maybe completely inadequate for his needs. Also, the average person is nottechnically savvy enough to make an informed last on the best processor to deprave, the rightly size for a hard drive, or how much memory he or she really needs.Just because buying a computer can be confusing does not mean one should throwup his hands and put himself at the mercy of about salesman who may not know muchmore than he does. If one would follow a few basic guidelines, he could beassured of make a w ise purchase decision.A computer has only one purpose to run programs. Some programs require morecomputing power than others. In order to figure out how powerful a computer theconsumer needs, therefore, a person must first determine which programs he wantsto run. For many buyers, this creates a business. They cannot buy a computeruntil they know what they want to do with it, but they cannot really know allof the uses there are for a computer until they own one. This problem is not astough as it seems, however. The consumer should go to his local computer store,and look at the software thats functional. Most programs explain their minimumhardware requirements right on the box. After looking at a few packages, itshould be pretty clear to the consumer that any mid-range system will run 99% ofthe available software. A person should only need a top-of-the-line system forprofessional applications such as graphic design, video production, orengineering. Software tends to lag tardily har dware, because its written toreach the widest possible audience. A program that only works on the fastestPentium Pro system has very limited sales potential, so most programs written in1985 work just fine on a fast 486, or an entry-level Pentium system. Moreimportantly, very few programs are optimized to come upon advantage of a Pentiumspower. That means that even if the consumer pays a large premium for the fastest
American Poet: Phillis Wheatley Essay -- African American Poet Poetry
American Poet Phillis WheatleyPhillis Wheatley was an African-born slave in the last quarter of the eighteenth-century in unfermented England. She was born in West Africa and brought to America on the slave ship Phillis. She was, however, much more than chattel-she was a poet. Phillis was the first African American to have a book published. In a time when women were not expected to be able to read or write, and when teaching an African American to be literate was frowned upon, Phillis Wheatley became educated in Latin and English literature. The education of Phillis Wheatley was, for the most part, for the intent of training a servant and would-be companion for domestic utility, in which they undoubtedly succeeded. However, they got an intellectual adornment who, with her companionship of the poesys of Alexander Pope, the Puritanical whiteness of her thoughts, and ability to write metrical compositions, soon became a celebrity among Boston?s social elite (Richmond 18,19).Philliss published her first poem in 1767, only a few short years after her initial introduction to the English language. Between the time of the publication of her first poem and her first book, Poems on Various Subjects, in 1773, Phillis gained notoriety by publishing elegies in New England newspapers her most famous elegy being that for a public Methodist minister, Reverend George Whitefield in 1770.Although Phillis?s rhyme was well received throughout New England, there were people who did not believe all of the poetry was actually written by Phillis. Her expertise with the heroic couplet form perfected by her literary hero Alexander Pope and the allusions to classic classical and English poetry caused the speculation. In order to prove the validity of her poetry, Joh... ...iterature. New York Norton, 1997. 165-167.O?Neale, Sondra A. Phillis Wheatley. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 31 American Colonial Writers, 1735-1781. Ed. Emory Elliot. Princeton Gale, 1984. 260-267.Ric hmond, ouzel A. Bit the Vassal Soar Interpretive Essays on the Life and Poetry of Phillis Wheatley and George Moses Horton. Washington, D.C. Howard UP, 1974.Walker, Alice. In Search of Our Mothers? Gardens. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. Ed. Henry Louis Gates Jr. New York Norton, 1997. 2383.Wheatley, Phillis. Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. New York AMS Press, 1976. Rpt. of Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. Philadelphia, 1786.---. To His Excellency General Washington. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York Norton, 1997. 177.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
being in college :: essays research papers fc
Prof. WuEssay 2The Learning ?Life?Everyone goes through this journey in his or life. Some fargon better than others do yet we all strive onward. The journey in I am discussing is the schooling system. It is set up for an individual to progress gradually through levels each designed specifically for stage in which the mind is, at that point in time. Some may agree and some will disagree, but the reality is everyone is ?graded? throughout his or life according to school when it is the hunch overledge learned outside of class, which makes the difference. sounding back on my previous years of schooling, I have noticed that many of the subjects covered in school do not exactly train with the ?real world.? For instance, when is the last time somebody has used the number x giving the price of an item? There is no number x. Or when has someone asked for the year in which Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. These are facts of useless information. Unfortunately, these facts must be known for a person to reach the next level of learning (grade). I do not understand why classes are not taught for an individual to learn how to change the oil in his or her car or still change the tires, common material needed for everyday life. Many times though I remember the teachers whose job was to teach the students these ?useless? facts and theories. I often admired many of them for the pure reason of them trying to adapt their teachings to ?real world? subjects. They understood that everything that they teach their students is not going to be used, but they know that it will make them a well-rounded individual. Teachers know when students do not care a lot about the subject in which they teach, as Terkel says in his essay, so they use tricks to enchant the minds of the students. ?Falling asleep is a tendency of the students,? Kelly states. History teachers for example usually talk about current events that all the students are familiar with and then tie the history event with t he current event. Science teachers will conduct experiments using paper airplanes and lipstick to bring an idea crossways to every student. In his essay, Neusner explains different grading policies for students to grade their teachers. ?Students should look at teachers as teachers look at students,?
Personal Responsibility of Macbeth in Spakespeares Macbeth :: essays research papers
Let me ask just one question, have you ever perceive anyone say something, that deep down it is known that, that is not right? Of course, everyone has been in that circumstance. Just because psyche tells you to do something does not mean that the deed gets done, right? If someone told me to murder a lot of people, Im not going to do it. The same follows for Macbeth. In the novel Macbeth written by William Shakespeare the main character, Macbeth, is told that he will become King. The nevertheless logical way to become king (in his own mind) is to kill the existing one, King Duncan. Lady Macbeth, Macbeths wife, has no precariousness at all, in fact she wants him to become king more than he does, and tells him to murder Duncan to obtain this position. As one can see Macbeth not only knows what he is doing, tho he knows what he is doing is wrong.Macbeth was not an unintelligent individual. In fact before he was crowned king, he was the thane of Cawdor. The novel insinuates that Mac beth was having uncertainties, and cursed thoughts. (2.1.8) To rephrase lightly, the novel states, when Macbeth arrives at Inverness, Lady Macbeth overrides all of her husbands objections, and persuades him to kill the king that night. Telling us that he knew what he was doing was wrong All he needed was a little persuading. Not only does Macbeth kill the king, but he stabs him in his sleep, along with all his chamberlains men. Also we know that he is fully aware of his wrong- doing is he had supernatural portents, like a vision of a, bloody dagger of the mind/ a false creation. (2.1.38-39) Macbeth pre- meditated this murder, and all the ones to come.Every human is born with a subconscious thought process known as your common sense. Not to kill is one of them. Yes, killing took place a lot more in that era, but it does not make it right to do so, but Macbeths greed took precedence over all these peoples lives, in fact, when Macbeth speaks to himself he states that his life is that of a shadowy crown, (3.1.62) or having no heir to the throne. Macbeth not only killed the king and his chamberlains men, but also Banquo, Banquos son Fleance, Lady Macduff, all the Macduff children.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Mark Twain, the Classic American Writer Essay -- Biography Biographies
Mark Twain, the Classic American WriterChristened as Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain was born on November 30, 1835 in the small river town of Florida, Missouri. He was the sixth child to John Marshall Clemens Jane Lampton, Twain grew up amid small-town life in Florida until the age of four, when his family relocated to Hannibal in hopes of an improved living situation. He is considered to be one of the major authors of American fiction. Twains varied works include novels, travel narratives, short stories, sketches, and essays. His writings close to the Mississippi River, such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Life on the Mississippi, and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, have been especially popular among modern readers (Gribben Boyhood and Travels).Twains formal schooling ended after the age of 12, when his begin passed away. First learning as an apprentice in a printers shop, and then working under his brother, Orion, Twain quickly became familiar with the newspaper publi sher trade. Twain indulged in the frontier humor that flourished in journalism at the time tall tales, satirical pranks, and jokes. However, Twain was restless due to his inability to carry through his wages, and ultimately switched professions after realizing an old boyhood dream of becoming a river pilot. The profession of riverboat piloting paid well and brought Twain much attention, which he enjoyed. His piloting experiences overly allowed him to observe the many kinds of people who traveled aboard the steamboats. He later reported that in that brief, sharp schooling, I got personally and familiarly acquainted with about all the different types of human nature that are to be found in fiction, biography, or history. He first began publishing under his p... ...ber of the literati, honored by Yale, the University of Missouri, and Oxford with literary degrees. Perhaps more than any other classic American writer, Mark Twain is seen not only as an author, but also as a person ality that defined an era (Encarta Mark Twain).Works CitedAnonymous. Twain, Mark, Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia. Anonymous. Mark Twain. Monkeyshines on America April 1996 32.Gribben, Alan, Twain, Mark Boyhood and Travels, Newspaper Work in the West, founding Book Online Americas Edition, http//, September 28, 2001.Cooper, Robert. Around The World With Mark Twain. ed. Lewis Leary. New York Arcade, 2000.Emerson, Everett. Mark Twain A Literary Life. Philadelphia U of P Press, 1999.Tenney, Thomas A. Mark Twain A Reference Guide. Boston G. K. Hall, 1977.
Mark Twain, the Classic American Writer Essay -- Biography Biographies
Mark pair, the Classic American WriterChristened as Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain was born on November 30, 1835 in the small river town of Florida, Missouri. He was the sixth child to John Marshall Clemens Jane Lampton, Twain grew up amid small-town life in Florida until the age of four, when his family relocated to Hannibal in hopes of an improve living situation. He is considered to be one of the major authors of American fiction. Twains varied works include novels, travel narratives, short stories, sketches, and essays. His writings about the Mississippi River, such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Life on the Mississippi, and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, have been especially popular among modern readers (Gribben Boyhood and Travels).Twains formal schooling finish after the age of 12, when his father passed away. First learning as an apprentice in a printers shop, and then working under his brother, Orion, Twain quickly became familiar with the newspaper trade. Twain indulged in the frontier humor that flourished in journalism at the time tall tales, satirical pranks, and jokes. However, Twain was queasy due to his inability to save his wages, and ultimately switched professions after realizing an old boyhood dream of becoming a river pilot. The profession of riverboat piloting paid well and brought Twain practically attention, which he enjoyed. His piloting experiences also allowed him to observe the many kinds of people who traveled aboard the steamboats. He later reported that in that brief, sharp schooling, I got personally and familiarly acquainted with about all the different types of human nature that are to be found in fiction, biography, or history. He first began make under his p... ...ber of the literati, honored by Yale, the University of Missouri, and Oxford with literary degrees. Perhaps more than any other classic American writer, Mark Twain is seen not only as an author, but also as a personality that defined an era (Encarta Mark Twain).Works CitedAnonymous. Twain, Mark, Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia. Anonymous. Mark Twain. Monkeyshines on America April 1996 32.Gribben, Alan, Twain, Mark Boyhood and Travels, publisher Work in the West, World Book Online Americas Edition, http//, September 28, 2001.Cooper, Robert. Around The World With Mark Twain. ed. Lewis Leary. New York Arcade, 2000.Emerson, Everett. Mark Twain A Literary Life. Philadelphia U of P Press, 1999.Tenney, Thomas A. Mark Twain A Reference Guide. Boston G. K. Hall, 1977.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Improvement and closing the achievement gap report 2003-2004 include Essay
Strong parental involvement Community and church support Various reform models aligned to distinguish curriculum Dedicated teachers Structured teaching Thinking maps Stable staff Comprehensive systems to monitor schoolchild progress Aligned curriculum, assessment, and instruction Peer coaches instructional time that is increased (2004) As the reader will notice, the majority of these strategies incorporate relationships between the school and outside sources for example parental and community involvement.These strategies were created by schools in Mississippi demonstrating high student achievement. Finally, the researcher will also examine the effects of global resources, that is, per pupil expenditure (PPE), on the impact of performance. In their round off of production function research, Verstegen and King cite Hedges, Laine, and Greenwalds assertion (1994) that Global resource variables such as PPE, show positive, strong, and consistent relations with achievement (19 95, 57-58).However, separate studies fail to yield significant results (Chubb and Moe 1990 Okpala 2002). Tajalli, in his examination of the wealth equalization or Robin Hood program in Texas, found that the transfer of nearly $3. 4 billion of dollars to poor school districts did not strike a significant impact on the improvement of performance in these districts (Tajalli, 2003). It may be that expenditures in general have an indirect effect that is not apparent when using PPE as a direct measure.In his study of school pass Wenglinsky (1997) develops a path in which he concludes a schools economic resources are associated with academic achievement. He posits that per-pupil expenditures on instruction and central social function administration are positively related to class size, i. e. , more spending on smaller classes. Smaller teacher/student ratios contribute to a viscid school environment, which enhances achievement. Chapter Three Description of MethodologyThis study is a c omparative analysis of eight Mississippi elementary schools from seven school districts dickens K-2, two K-3 and four K-5. Factors analyzed were the students to teacher ratio (FTE), socioeconomic status (SES), and student ethnicity, and comparison MCT scores. At first a total of twenty schools were randomly elect from contrastive districts. The researcher then chose eight schools of conflicting SES percentages. It is a comparative study using the case analysis method since it attempts to compare school factors influencing student performance.Using the Mississippi Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) data, the researcher will examine these variables to determine the elements that can impact success or mischance of public school campuses. The measure of performance is the standardized test given in 2005 to students in Mississippi public schools, the MCT. The researcher focused the study on Mississippi elementary schools that are predominantly populated by students who come f rom economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The socioeconomic status was based on the percentage of students entitled for free or reduced-price lunches.The teaching theory used as a basis for this study is the Measurement Theory, this theory represents teaching and achievement based on standardized tests and results. Validity and Reliability The MCT scores are provided by the Mississippi Department of Education, and the demographics of each school were provided by the NCES found on the greatschools. com database. Twenty schools were elect by random then eight were chosen for analysis based on conflicting SES factors in order to get realistic insight as to the influence of student success factors on each school size.This study has limitations due to the fact that it is based on MCT scores which can be deceiving. These tests have been criticized by researchers because they do not portray a students overall understanding of a subject and do not allow for different learning abilities a nd styles. It is because of this limitation that further study should be conducted on the achievement levels of students based on different approaches to classroom learning.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Economic Reaction Paper Essay
This article reviews the developments of consumer outlays in the euro area during the 2008-09 recessions. The European economy is commonly measured by using what is called the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP). The HICP is a price stability and inflation indicator used by the European Central Bank system, assembled using methodsthat are generally accepted throughout the European pith (E.U.). The European Central Bank uses the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices to assess when changes to short term interest rates are needed to adjust inflation levels in European economies. Compared with previous recessions, overall HICP ination experienced a sharp decline, but this was the result of the greater impact of commodity price developments on the aliment and force components of the HICP, rather than a response to the exceptional changes in economic slack. In fact, the more domestically generated parts of ination, as measured by the HICP excluding food and energy, were relatively resilient given the severity of the recession. This resilience was in line with the weakening relationship between the degree of economic slack and ination that has been observed over the last twenty years.Nominal rigidities in the labor markets, especially as ination approached zero, and stronger expectations of inflation may have played an chief(prenominal) role in the negative uctuations in price and wage ination over the economic cycle. In the United States, developments in ination excluding food and energy were also broadly in line with those during previous recessions. However, the labor cost tolerance in the United States was quicker to reect the economic conditions than in the euro area as a whole, and was the result of both lower wage growth and gains in productivity. The ndings on past ination adjustments can help to ready the outlook for euro area ination. In particular, they can help to explain why the currently available ination forecasts and projections for 2012 fr om private and international organizations re important elevated, scorn the slowdown in growth observed in 2011.To fully understand this article, one must understand that changes in commodity prices have a unionize impact on the food and energy components of the HICP, as commodities are either consumed directly or constitute signicant input into the nal product, therefore drastically movement GDP and GNP. In the case of the energy component, crude anoint is the basis for rened energy products, such astransport fuels and heating oil. Crude oil prices also have a strong impact on gas prices and, to a lesser extent, on electricity prices. This is what is called profit push. When crude oil prices go up, generally all other prices go up due to oils general overhead and its versatile usage in the achievement and transportation of goods and services. The level of oil prices also has implications for the weight of energy in the HICP basket. The above-average price trend of energy produ cts, together with rising energy consumption, has translated into a steady growing share of energy in total consumption. As a result, the weight in the HICP basket in 2011 was over 10%, which is almost geminate what it was in the 1970s.Mechanically, this implies that any given percentage increase in energy prices will have a greater impact on overall HICP ination than in previous decades. There are several reasons why weak disination pressures may arise, even in the presence of signicant changes in economic activity. unity of the main reasons is labor market rigidity. According to this article, labor costs account for around 27% of euro area rms total production input costs. Therefore, rigidities in the adjustment of these costs can explain a substantial part of any lack of responsiveness of ination. Labor costs are ultimately unflinching by the combination of wages and productivity. The growth rate of unit labor costs actually increased until the end of 2008, when economic activ ity reached its lowest show up in the recession, and this, owing to a relatively smaller fall in employment, translated into productivity losses. At first glance, I was a little taken tail end by all the information that I was reading. But after analyzing the information, I started to understand the European economy and how inflation is manipulated. After reading this article I feel like I have a better grasp on economic rigidity in Europe and how labor is one of the main reasons for this. I feel like this article is important because it shows the causal effects from crude oil prices to goods and services in the economy. I personally enjoyed reading and analyzing this article.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Recent Stock Market Crash and Government Initiatives
And G overnment Initiatives for stabilizing the grocery Dear Sir Here is the explanation on Analysis of new-made Stock Market Crash and Government Initiatives for stabilizing the market which I have prepared as the requirement of completion of the ABA degree and the course quite a little 498, Project Work. While making the communicate I studied the reasons of inception market crash of Bangladesh during 2010-201 land administration taken initiatives to stabilize the market situation. I have come to know a lot of things about the practical scenario of the capital market in Bangladesh.The whole experience of this report writing enabled me to tie the AP between classroom learning in my academic study in the university and real life situations to a great extent. I thank you and the University for providing me such an opportunity. truly yours, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT For helping to making this project, at first, I would like to thanks the Almighty and My parents. I am grateful to the empl oyees of broker houses who helped me in collecting information and other necessary information for this report. I would alike like to thank my friends and relatives for their supports.I would like to express my respected appreciation to my instructor Md. Zulu Haze. His constant guidance and advice play the pivotal role in making this report a success. He always gave me his suggestions that were crucial in making this report as flawless as possible. The project report is prepared to fulfill the partial requirement of the ABA program. Regarding the outcome of this report, I would like to express my sincere gratitude, profound thankfulness and indebtedness to my faithful teachers of the Department of Business Administration.I must take this opportunity to thank Dacha Stock Exchange for giving me the opportunity to complete my project requirement ND gave me the hap to show my practicability in the organizational arena. Executive Summery This report is about identifying the causes be hind the recent collapse of capital market in 2010-2011 and government initiatives regarding that. To identify the causes and effective initiatives requires plenty of time and informational resources. Due to shortage of that the report highlights on the principal areas of the snarfic. The whole report is divided into six chapters covering their have got respective parts of the topic.Chapter one Contains the detailed information about the recent market crash n 2010-2011 and government initiatives for stabilizing the market. The chapter includes several segments such as origin of the report, background, rationale of the report, objectives of the study, scope and getations. It describes the background of the capital market in our country in details. Chapter two report revealed the methods used in collecting the objectives of the report which are the causes of the market crash and government initiatives regarding that. Primary and secondary selective information sources are used to c omplete this report.The chapter shared the direct opinion and ideas of he investors and informational data from Journals, paper articles and websites of the capital markets about the catastrophic incident of the capital market. The third chapter of the report provides an detailed description about the capital markets of Bangladesh and its history, Dacha personal line of credit exchange (DEEDS) and its missions, objectives and functions, Chitchatting stock exchange (CASE) and its vision, mission and objectives & an overview of Bangladesh securities and exchange commission (BASE) have been given consecutively.DEEDS is the present form of former east Pakistan stock exchange. It is the largest capital market of the country. CASE is cognize as the pioneer of modern capital stock exchange in the country. The mission DEEDS & CASE is to create a successful well-organized and transparent market of international standard to facilitate the competent entrepreneurs to raise capital and speed u p industrial growth for overall benefit of the economy. So that Bangladesh throw out be a perfect investment ground for the domestic and foreign investors.The prime objective of the DEEDS & CASE is to create a nation-wide stock market also beyond the national boundary. The activities of DEEDS and CASE are regulated by the Bangladesh securities exchange omission. Beechs mission is to protect the interests of securities investors, developed and maintained fair, transparent and efficient securities markets, underwrite proper issuance of securities and compliance with securities laws. This chapter discusses elaborately about these topics. Chapter four raises the detailed discussion about the capital market crash in 2010-2011.It highlights the December 2010 and January 2011 separately to explain the exact situation before, during and after the capital market collapse. There was an extreme disorder among the investors and law enforcers in the street. The government, regulatory bodies a nd BASE took immediate stairs to minimize the losses of the investors and regain the stability of the capital market. A committee of four members had been formed to find out the reasons behind the catastrophic incident.The committee submitted the report identifying the reasons which are role of market regulators and their employees, demutualization of exchanges, uniform face value of shares, trade in pre-pip placement, misuse of omnibus accounts, faulty asset revaluation, irregularities in book mental synthesis method, lack of knowledge of small investor, December closing of financial institutions, serial ND artificial trading, issue of right and preference shares, suspicious transaction of top players, block placement and direct listing.The fifth chapter of the report explains the necessary steps taken by the government to overcome this recent catastrophe in stock market.In order to bring stabilization in the capital market government has taken some initiatives such as increasing the merging loans,relaxing the maximum limit of merchant banks investment starting netting system once again,altering mutual fund rules, introducing circuit breaker on the capital market index ,enforcing corrective measures against illegal activities,reviewing the transparency in transaction through Boo accounts etc. Chapter six consists of the recommendations which are stated to make the capital market more stable. He major recommendations are all the parties have to work perfectly, government can improve its guidelines for stock market, the decisions regarding the market should be taken considering behavioral psychology of the investors, in order to make the market more attractive, the corporate tax bracket can be lowered in order to encourage pompons to list their companies in the exchanges, the regulatory bodies frequently changing policy and rules that is not good for the market stability, at the initial stages of stock market development, appropriation of state owned enterpris es can make a signification contribution, regular TV and radio program should be made on developments and other topics relating to the stock market to make the investors cognizant etc. The study has attempted to find out the major reasons for the recent stock market crash of Bangladesh in 2010-11 and role of different regulatory organizations including DEEDS, CASE, unsweet and the government of the country. A number of reasons for the stock market crash have been identified. Though many causes were identified, few factors emerged stronger in the recent stock market crash.The causes includes over exposure of banks and financial institutions, poor monitoring of regulators, corrupted employees of regulatory organizations, margin loan, direct listing, insider trading, book building, lack of general investors knowledge, imbalance of share and intervention of Bangladesh Bank. other reasons, mentioned in discussion section were also liable for the crash. It also tries to suggest regulato ry organizations to follow the recommendations to stabilize the capital market more efficiently.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Reinforcement Theory Essay
Q 1 Identify the practices of organization that ar indicating the application of reinforcement theory?Answer1. counselling on proper training before giving task to the employees2. Monitoring the performance of employees.3. Formulation of procedures, rules and regulations in detail.4. Strictness in compliance of rules.Q 2 You are required to suggest some measures of positive reinforcement that tail be implemented by the management of Crisp & Soft restaurant. Answer1. The manager can start a practice to greet the employees and having pleasant conversation with those who came on time at start of day and conduct a small conflict with staff at closing of day and praised and say thanks those who performed inviolable during the day. These practices will decrease late arrivals and early leaver.2. The management can start Employee of the month award scheme in which at end of every month letter of appreciation along with small cash price will be give to the employee how performed well du ring the month. 3. A roll of honor board should be maintained at prominent place in the restaurant where everyone can square off it. The pictures of Employee of the month pasted on that board. Q 3 Assess which level of Maslows hierarchy of need the organization is firm for lower level staff and managerial level staff?Explain AnswerAs per Maslows hierarchy of need, there are following five levels of human needs i. Biological wish The basic requirement for survival of human body e.g. food, water, air and shelter etc. ii. Safety Need Protection from Cold, Heat, Sand, Storm, Earthquake, Animals, Enemies iii. Social Need love, acceptance, belonging etc.iv. Self Esteem Respect, reorganizationv. Self Actualization challenging tasks,In case of lower level workers the Crisp and Soft restaurant management is satisfying level 1 by providing free meal and uniform, paying salaries at reasonable rate and level 2 by making HVAC arrangement for workers. In case of management staff, the restaura nt management is trying to satisfying level 3 along with level 1 and 2 also, by providing good salaries (level 1), good working environment (level 2) and membership of social club of restaurant to their staff(level 3) where they can attend get to gathers, family dinners etc.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Health and Safety In a workplace
I have chosen two work places to compare in my health and safety investigation. prototypical one is in my tame, and my second workplace is in St James medical nub. I wrote up a questionnaire about health and safety to give to both(prenominal) of my workplaces. An employee in this place will fill out the questionnaire to see how much they know about their work place.Firstly both my workplaces do know the excrement procedures in the event of an emergency or a fire.Waste Materials Each workplace uptakes different methods of disposing of their waste materials. The workplace has special bins for unsafe waste and the school uses the sinks or black bags because it is usu completelyy not harmful waste thrown away if it is then it is disposed appropriately for the type of martial of substance. The workplace recycles all unwanted paper the same as the school has just bought in paper bins to use in each classroom.Is the electricity is used safely In each workplace there is different elect ricity safety insurgency startingly in the Post-graduates who have just finished university can also use electronic information for a variety of things as well. Firstly keep in touch with all there friends that they made from university on websites such as Facebook, MySpace and others like that as well as the chat programs e.g. MSN and others. Secondly using it to find jobs and to start to look for cars and houses school the students can use the switches and the equipment under direction the teacher has control of the safety switches and the circuit breakers in each lab. The workplace has a rule that only qualified elections are allowed to touch the equipment. rule out fire Each workplace is smoke free to insure no fires caused by that. The school has gas cut of switches if the fire was caused by gas to chuck up the sponge the building blowing up. No naked flames and put on near chemicals that are flammable. Each workplace has fire alarms. The medical centre insures that all equi pment is switched off onward leaving building at night.Effects on environment The medical centre knows the effect in the environment is helping people. In the school both(prenominal) ways of having to use the electronic information can behaving to buy clothes online delivered to your door, buying plane tickets for anywhere around the world, having your shopping delivered to your door by a local super market e.g. Tesco, Sainsbury and ASDA.there is know effects to the environment because there are such few hazards chemicals and if there was then they would be so few medical centres w that it wouldnt make any differences.Hazard chemicals Each work place does use chemicals the medical centre has correct nurture for individuals that are handling them and also monitoring of using them too. The school has fume cupboards are used in the labs ands correct storage. Each chemical is clearly labeled how bad it is also they have fire proof cabinets.None of my work places use any biological ha zards.First aid In the medical centre there are doctors and qualified nurses in the case of emergency first aid. In the school there is about 7 teachers qualified in first aid,
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
“No Sugar†by Jack Davis Essay
The lay out drama No Sugar, by Jack Davis explores the bad treatwork forcet of minority groups and their responses to this treatment. The performance set in the 1930s presents the Milimurra family who are the minority group fighting against the injustices inflicted on them by sinlessness authorities. No Sugar provides a voice for the aboriginal race, confronts European Australians with the past, restores primitive close and overcharge and explored the value of equality. All these ideas are used as a way to convey its message to the audience.It appears that the stage performance of No Sugar provides the Aboriginal people with the voice they have lived without for decades. The Milimurra family are used in the play to represent the voice of the Aboriginal people who stand up against white authority. Milly and grandma who refuse to give in without a fight, go to the Sergeant and confront him about the reasons why their rations have been cut, and push for him to provide them with b lankets. Characters such as Topsy and baton are representations of those Aborigines who did not fight for their rights. These characters bowed down to white authority, Billy who does not speak his own language, but broken English is happy to execute for the white authorities tracking down members of his own race who escape their clutches.Millys response to the Sergeant when he tells her that her problem is she has three grown men budging off her, who are too lazy to work, is by asking him Where they gonna get work? she asks the Sergeant Do you want em to work for nothing? and granny knot backs her up by saying Their not slaves you know Chargent The staging is likewise used as an added technique to provide the aboriginal people with a voice, the white colonies are positioned on the outskirts of the stage and the Aborigines are given center stage, as a means to respond to their mistreatment in Australian society so some(prenominal) years ago.No Sugar also confronts the European A ustralians with the past, the truth about the treatment of Aborigines and the injustices committed against them. bloody shame Dargaru exposes the treatment of Aboriginal women to the audience, through her conversations with Joe and her fears of working for Mr. Neal at the hospital. She tells Joe that when Mr. Neal asks a girl to work at the hospital it means he wants that girl for himself. The audience also learnsthrough Mary that this is a common tragedy faced by Aboriginal girls at the time. After the birth of her child Mary is fearful that Matron will take her child away and provide it with the aforementioned(prenominal) fate as her friend Lillians baby, who was buried in the pine plantation. In order to escape these injustices Joe and Mary run away to Northam, when caught and returned to the Moore River Settlement, Mary responds by refusing to work at the hospital. Marys response gives her the desired outcome she wanted, but at a cost, Mr. Neal beats her, but not before Mary t ells him Go to hell.The stage performance restores the Aboriginal people with their pride and culture which were stolen from them so many years ago. Jimmy in Act one reveals the vexation the aboriginal people feel towards the whites. When Joe reads the newspaper article about the Australia Day celebration, Jimmy responds by saying them bastards took our country and them blackfellas dancing for em bastards. Later in the play the males of the Milimurra family engage in a Carobaree, this shows that they are not prepared to give in to the white authorities and allow them to take their culture and individuality without a fight. The aboriginal people also use their own language throughout the play, indication to the audience their perseverance and determination not to give in.The stage performance of No Sugar greatly explores the value of equality, presenting a contrast to the ideal equal world, and conveying the injustices and inequalities faced by the aboriginal people. It shows how t he unemployment allowance for aboriginals was 2 shillings, whilst everyone else received 6 shillings. Use of props is also an affective medium in portraying certain inequalities, for example the sign for the Aboriginal division reads The department of fisheries, wildlife and Aborigines, this department also has two separate entrances, one for Aboriginals and one for Europeans. The Aboriginal people are not even allowed to consume alcohol.Jimmy responds to these inequalities, by ignoring the signs and goes to gibber to Neville when told to wait around the back he refuses to budge and waits until they give the train ticket he wants. Jimmy also chooses to ignore the alcohol restrictions. In doing so he is put on trial which arouses another injustice. His trial is not a fair one and the Justice of the Peace conveysthe attitude that he would kind of be somewhere else. Jimmy does not stop, he responds to further injustices in the courtroom by talking out of turn and attempting to defen d himself, he also turns up late to the trial showing that he is not intimidated by white authority.The stage performance of No Sugar presents the Aboriginal people as they were treated in the 1930s they are presented as being an inferior race and this is an accurate representation of their treatment during this time period. The performance conveys the groups responses to their short treatment and is used as a means to finally give these people their much deserved voice, confronting Australian with the horrible truth of the past, restoring culture and pride to the Aboriginal people and exploring the value of equality.
Breaking the Norm Essay
A norm is something that is usual, typical, or standard of something in society. Some examples of a norm be liberation to school, taking a bath, sleeping at night, wearing clothes in public, and eating breakfast lunch and dinner. All those things be stuff we do in our everyday lives and dont estimate virtually it, we just do it because it is normal and it has been taught to us since we have been very little. If you end up gap the norm though, battalion will look at you differently and you could really stand out from everyone rough you. I am spill to challenge this and break the norm to see what other people do and stand for around me.What I am going to do to break the norm is go to the food product store with my mom and instead of walk everywhere, I am going to slue. I am going to start skipping right when I get out of the car into the parking lot until the time I get back in the car after shopping. I am even going to skip when I am standing in the checkout line. When I do this I think people are going to give me really weird looks and look annoyed that I am skipping everywhere. I also think my mom is going to feel embarrassed to walk with me.When I broke the norm by skipping everywhere in the grocery store I got the weirdest looks from people, but some people smiled and laughed. I did not tell my mom that I was going to do this and I did not tell her that this was a project. At first my mom laughed, but then she got really annoyed and yelled at me and told me to city block but I didnt listen to her and unplowed going. At one point she tried walking in front of me because she didnt want to be seen with me. All the other people just stared at me with weird faces on and when I would look back I could see them laughing and talking about me.At first when I got out of the car I felt kind of embarrassed to do this because it is not the normal thing to do. As I proceeded to do it though it got easier and I knew I was going to be right about all the peop le looking at me with weird looks and my mom be annoyed of me and embarrassed to be with me. The lady in the checkout line looked very confused and awkward when I was just skipping in place she looked like she didnt know what to do. I just kept skipping though and minding my own business and acting like nothing was wrong.People in todays society do normal things every single day. When we see someone breaking the norm, like I did, you think twice about that person and wonder what they are thinking. If Americans see someone from another commonwealth wearing a turban, or seeing the Chinese foot binding, or seeing different tribes from Africa lay copper rings around the girls necks to make them longer we tend to judge them and wonder what they were thinking. Other Countries could think we are different and not normal too when they see us with mohawks or tattoos or piercings. Those things are normal to us but not normal to other people. When you break the norm you get a really good feel on how everyone does the normal things every day and doesnt think twice about it until you see someone else breaking the norm.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Mulai Periyar Dam
Mullaperiyar Dam or Mullai Periyar Damis a masonry gravity dam on the Periyar River in the Kerala state of India. It is situated 881 m (2,890 ft) above mean sea level on the Cardamom Hills of the Western Ghats in Thekkady, Idukki district of Kerala, South India. It was constructed between 1887 and 1895 by the British Government to divert irrigate eastwards to Madras Presidency study (the present-day Tamil Nadu). It has a height of 53.6 m (176 ft) from the foundation and length of 365.7 m (1,200 ft).The Periyar National putting green in Thekkady is located around the dams reservoir. The dam is located in Kerala on the river Periyar, but the dam is controlled and operated low a period lease by neighboring Tamil Nadu stateSupreme court judgment came in February 27 2006, allowing tamilnadu to raise the level of the dam to 152 feet after strengthening it. Responding to it, Mullaperiyar dam was declared an endangered scheduled dam by the Kerala GovernmentMullai Periyar Damafter a few minor earthquakes in 1979 in regions surrounding the dam, security issues were raised over its security. Since then, twain the Kerala and TN governments have been at loggerheads over the security issue. Later, experts from Indian Institute of Technology also examined the dam, and mentioned that the dam depart not withstand an earthquake. What does the TN government have to say about it?The TN government refutes allegations that age has withered the dam. in that location are arguments that if the worlds oldest Kallanai dam (built in the second century AD) in Srirangam in Tiruchirapali district is still useable and continues to irrigate about 4,000 sqkm, why cant the Mullaperiyar be as well. So, where do the two governments stand?The Kerala governments contention is that in case the dam breaks, the three dams downstream Idukki, Cheruthoni and Kolamavu go out not be able to withhold the pressure, which will put the lives of 3.5 million people in the state. On the other hand, th e TN government maintains that if the Mullaperiyar is demolished, it will create water scarcity in five districtsof the state, leading to a draught in the region.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Mercedes Benz Essay
Mercedes-Benz (German pronunciation mtseds bnts) is a multinational discrepancy of the German manufacturer Daimler AG, and the mark off is used for luxury cars, coach-and-foures, coaches, and trucks. Mercedes-Benz is headquartered in Stuttgart, Baden-Wrttemberg, Ger many another(prenominal). The name firstborn appe ared in 1926 to a lower place Daimler-Benz but traces its origins to Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschafts 1901 Mercedes and to Karl Benzs 1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen, which is widely regarded as the first automobile. Mercedes-Benzs slogan is coney Beste oder nichts (English The best or nothing). Mercedes-Benz is part of the German Big 3 luxury automakers, along with Audi and BMW, which are the three best selling luxury automakers in the world.12Contents hideKarl Benz made the 1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen, which is widely regarded as the first automobile, in Mannheim, Germany Mercedes-Benz traces its origins to Karl Benzs creation of the first petrol-powered car, the Benz Pa tent Motorwagen, patented in January 18863 and Gottlieb Daimler and engineer Wilhelm Maybachs conversion of a stagecoach by the addition of a petrol engine later that year. The Mercedes automobile was first marketed in 1901 by Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft. The first Mercedes-Benz brand name vehicles were produced in 1926, following the merger of Karl Benzs and Gottlieb Daimlers companies into the Daimler-Benz company.3 Throughout the 1930s, Mercedes-Benz produced the 770 pretending, a car that was popular during Germanys Nazi period.Adolf Hitler was known to have set two-fold of these cars during his time in power, with firm windshields. Most of the surviving imitates have been sold at auctions to insular buyers. One of them is currently on display at the War Museum in Ottawa, Ontario. Mercedes-Benz has introduced many technological and galosh innovations that later became common in other vehicles.4 Mercedes-Benz is one of the best known and established automotive brands in the world, and is alike the worlds oldest automotive brand still in existence today. For information relating to the far-famed three-pointed star, see under the title Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft including the merger into Daimler-Benz. Subsidiaries and alliancesedit source editbetaAs part of the Daimler AG company, the Mercedes-Benz Cars division includes Mercedes-Benz and bracing car output signal.5 Mercedes-AMGedit source editbeta Mercedes-AMG became a majority possess division of Mercedes-Benz in 1998.6 The company was integrated into DaimlerChrysler in 1999,7 and became Mercedes-Benz AMG beginning on 1 January 1999.8 Mercedes-Benz McLarenedit source editbetaBetween 2003 and 2009, Mercedes-Benz produced a limited-production sports car with McLaren Cars. The resulting Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren was an extension of the collaboration by which Mercedes engines are used by the Team McLaren-Mercedes Formula One racing team, which was then part owned by Mercedes. McLaren ceased p roduction of the SLR in 2009 and went on to develop its own car, the McLaren MP4-12C, launched in 2011. Maybachedit source editbetaDaimlers ultra-luxury brand Maybach was under Mercedes-Benz cars division until 2013, when the production stopped due to poor sales volumes. Productionedit source editbetaFactoriesedit source editbeta alike its native Germany, Mercedes-Benz vehicles are also manufactured or assembled in Argentina manufactures buses, trucks and the Sprinter avant-garde. This is the first Mercedes-Benz factory remote of Germany. Built in 1951.9 Austria (G-Class)10Bosnia and HerzegovinaBrazil11 manufactures trucks and buses. Established in 1956. The A-Class (W168) was produced from 1999 to 2005 and the C-Class was produced until 2010 as well. CanadaChinaEgypt via Egyptian German Automotive companionHungary12India (Pune)13India, Chennai (Daimler India Commercial fomite ) Trucks & Engine Manufacturing unit India, Bangalore (R&D)Indonesia14Iran (not since 201015)Malay sia16Mexico (Mercedes-Benz Mexico fully manufactures some Mercedes and Daimler vehicles completely from locally reinforced separate (C-Class, E-Class, M-Class, International trucks, Axor, Atego, and Mercedes Buses), manufactures other pretences in complete knock down kits (CL-Class, CLK-Class, SL-Class, SLK-Class) and manufactures a select number of models in semi knockdown kits which use both imported components and locally sourced Mexican components (S-Class, CLS-Class, R-Class, GL-Class, Sprinter). Nigeria17 gathering of buses, trucks, utility motors and the Sprinter van PhilippinesRussia joint venture Mercedes-Benz Car Trucks Vostok in Naberezhnye Chelny (jointly Kamaz) .Available in trucks Actros, Axor, multi-purpose auto four wheel drive strength trucks Unimog. Spain factory at Vitoria-Gasteiz, Mercedes-Benz Vito, Viano and V-Class have been reinforced there. South Africa18South Korea Mercedes-Benz Musso and MB100 models manufactured by SsangYong Motor Company. Thailan d assembly of C, E and S class vehicles by the Thonburi Group19 Turkey (Mercedes-Benz Trk A..)20United Kingdom the SLR sports car was built at the McLaren Technology Centre in Woking. Brackley, Northamptonshire, is home to the Mercedes Grand Prix factory, and Brixworth, Northamptonshire is the location of Mercedes-Benz HighPerformanceEngines United States the Mercedes-Benz M-Class athletic contest Utility, the R-Class Sport Tourer, and the full-sized GL-Class Luxury Sport Utility fomite are all built at the Mercedes-Benz U.S. International production facility near Tuscaloosa, Alabama.21 Trucks (6,000 per year in the late seventies) were once assembled in Hampton, VA.22 Vietnam assembly of passenger cars and commercialized vehicles. Established in 1995.23 Jordan buses company factory Elba House, Amman .Quality rankingsedit source editbetaSince its inception, Mercedes-Benz had maintained a report for its quality and durability. Objective measures looking at passenger vehicles , such as J. D. index finger surveys, demonstrated a downturn in reputation in these criteria in the late 1990s and early 2000s. By mid-2005, Mercedes temporarily returned to the industry average for initial quality, a measure of problems after the first 90 days of ownership, gibe to J. D. Power.24 In J. D.Powers Initial Quality Study for the first quarter of 2007, Mercedes showed dramatic return by climbing from 25th to 5th place and earning several awards for its models.25 For 2008, Mercedes-Benzs initial quality pass judgment improved by yet another mark, to fourth place.26 On top of this accolade, it also received the platinum Plant Quality Award for its Mercedes Sindelfingen, Germany assembly plant.26 J. D. Powers 2011 US Initial Quality and fomite Dependability Studies both ranked Mercedes-Benz vehicles above average in build quality and reliability.2728 In the 2011 UK J. D. Power Survey, Mercedes cars rated above average.29 Modelsedit source editbetaMercedes-Benz A-Clas s (compact)Mercedes-Benz C-Class (D-segment)Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class (4-door coup)Mercedes-Benz E-Class (Executive car)Mercedes-Benz S-Class (luxury sedan)Mercedes-Benz SL-Class (sportscar)Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Black Series (supercar)Mercedes-Benz M-Class (luxury SUV)Current model rangeedit source editbetaMercedes-Benz carries a full range of passenger, light commercial and heavy commercial equipment. Vehicles are manufactured in multiple countries worldwide. The Smart marque of city cars and Maybach luxury cars are also produced by Daimler AG. ModelsA-Class HatchbackB-Class Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV)C-Class Saloon, Estate & coupCL-Class Luxury takeoverCLA-Class 4 Door CoupCLS-Class 4 Door CoupE-Class Saloon, Estate, Coup and CabrioletG-Class Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)GL-Class Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)GLA-Class Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)GLK-Class Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)M-Class Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)R-Class Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV)S-Class Luxury SedanSL-Class RoadsterSLK-Class RoadsterSLS AMG Coup and RoadsterViano Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV)Citan Mini MPVTrucksedit source editbetaSee also List of Mercedes-Benz trucksMercedes-Benz Zetros used for snowplowingUnimog, a famous allround vehicle by Mercedes-BenzMercedes-Benz Trucks is now part of the Daimler Trucks division, and includes companies that were part of the DaimlerChrysler merger. Gottlieb Daimler sold the worlds first truck in 1886.30 Busesedit source editbetaMain article Mercedes-Benz busesMercedes-Benz produces a wide range of buses and coaches, mainly for europium and Asia. The first model was produced by Karl Benz in 1895. Limousinesedit source editbetaThe Mercedes-Benz 600 or 600S Pullman Guard limousines offer a bulletproof option and have been used by diplomats worldwide.31 Vansedit source editbetaMercedes-Benz Sprinter used as a police busMercedes-Benz VianoMercedes-Benz produces a range of vans including the Mercedes-Benz Vito, Mercedes-Benz Sprin ter and Mercedes-Benz Vario. In 2012 it announced the Mercedes-Benz Citan, a version of the Renault Kangoo. The first factory to be built outside Germany after WWII was in Argentina. It originally built trucks, many of which were modified indiely to buses, popularly named Colectivo. Today, it builds buses, trucks and the Sprinter van.citation needed world-shaking models producededit source editbeta1928 SSK racing car1930 770 Groer Mercedes state and ceremonial car1934 500 K1936 260 D Worlds first diesel production car1936 1701938 W195 Speed Record-breaker1951 Mercedes-Benz 300, knownly as Adenauer Mercedes1953 Ponton models1954 300SL Gullwing1959 Fintail models1960 220SE Cabrioletdisambiguation needed1963 600 Grand Mercedes1963 230SL Pagoda1965 Mercedes-Benz S-Class1966 300SEL 6.31968 W114 new generation compact cars1969 C111 experimental vehicle1972 Mercedes-Benz W107 350SL1974 450SEL 6.91975 Mercedes-Benz W123 Wagon Mercedes first station big dipper 1978 300SD Mercedes first turbo diesel1979 500SEL and G-Class1983 190E 2.3161990 500E1991 600SEL1995 First Joint Mercedes-Benz & AMG (C43 AMG)1995 Mercedes-Benz SL73 AMG, 7.3 V12 (biggest engine ever put in a Mercedes-Benz) 1996 Mercedes-Benz SLK1997 Mercedes-Benz A-Class and M-Class2004 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren and CLS-Class2007 E320, GL320 Bluetec, ML320 Bluetec, R320 Bluetec2010 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMGCar nomenclatureedit source editbetaUntil 1994, Mercedes-Benz used an alpha numerical system for categorising their vehicles, consisting of a number sequence about equal to the engines rendering in liters multiplied by 100, followed by an arrangement of alphabetical suffixes indicating body style and engine type. C indicates a coupe or cabriolet body style.D indicates the vehicle is furnished with a diesel engine.E (for Einspritzung) indicates the vehicles engine is fit with petrol open fire injection. In most cases (the 600 limousine being the exception), if neither E or D is present, the vehicle has a petrol engine with a carburettor. G indicates the Gelndewagen off-road vehicle.K was used in the 1930s, indicating a supercharger (Kompressor) equipped engine. One exception is the SSK, where K indicates Kurz (short-wheelbase). L indicates Leicht (lightweight) for sporting models, and Lang (long-wheelbase) for sedan models. R indicates Rennen (racing), used for racing cars (for example, the 300SLR). S Sonderklasse Special class for flagship models.T indicates Touring and an landed estate (or station wagon) body style. Some models in the 1950s also had lower-case letters (b, c, and d) to indicate specific trim levels. For other models, the numeric part of the designation does not copulate the engine displacement. This was done to show the models position in the model range independent of displacement or in the price matrix. For these vehicles, the actual displacement in liters is suffixed to the model designation. An exception was the 190-class with the numeric designation of 19 0 as to denote its entry level in the model along with the displacement label on the right side of the boot (190E 2.3 for 2.3-litre 4-cylinder petrol motor, 190D 2.5 for 2.5-litre 5-cylinder diesel motor, and so forth). Some former(a) models (such as the SS and SSK) did not have a number as part of the designation at all. For the 1994 model year, Mercedes-Benz revised the naming system.Models were divided into classes denoted by an arrangement of up to three letters (see Current model range above), followed by a three-digit (or two-digit for AMG models, with the number approximately equal to the displacement in litres multiplied by 10) number related to the engine displacement as before. Variants of the same model such as an estate version or a vehicle with a diesel engine are no yearner given a separate letter. The SLR and SLS supercars do not carry a numerical designation. Today, many numerical designations no longer reflects the engines actual displacement but more than of the sex act implementation and marketing position. Despite its engine displacement in two litres, the motor in A45 AMG produces more than 375 horsepowers so the designation is higher as to indicate the higher performance.Another example is the E250 CGI having greater performance than the E200 CGI due to the different engine tuning even though both have 1.8-litre engines. From the marketing perspectives, E200 seems more upscale than E180. Recent AMG models use the 63 designation (in honor of the 1960s 6.3-litre M100 engine) despite being equipped with either a 6.2-litre (M156) or 5.5-litre (M157) engine. Some models carry further designations indicating special features 4MATIC indicates the vehicle is equipped with all-wheel-drive. BlueTEC indicates a diesel engine with selective catalytic reduction exhaust aftertreatment. BlueEFFICIENCY indicates special fuel economy features (direct injection, start-stop system, silky modifications, etc.) CGI (Charged Gasoline Injection) indicates direct gasoline injection. CDI (Common-rail Direct Injection) indicates a common-rail diesel engine. Hybrid indicates a gasoline- or diesel-electric hybrid.NGT indicates a natural gas-fueled engine.Kompressor indicates a supercharged engine.Turbo indicates a turbocharged engine, only used on A-, B-,E- and GLK-Class models. All model designation badges can be deleted upon the c
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Ethical System Table
Directions 1. Fill in brief definitions of each native ethical opening. 2. Identify alternate names or variations of each ethical system ground on your reading of the text and supplemental materials. Match the real-world examples listed below with the corresponding systems. The first unrivalled has been completed for you in the t fit. a. I look at the gr wipe out unwashed should be commensurate to eat mainstay if they like the taste of it. b. I believe that if grit is going to be eaten, it should be available for everyone to eat. c. I believe bulk should be able to eat sand because it is the right thing to do. . I believe people should be able to eat sand because it is tidy for ones health. e. I believe people should be able to eat sand if they decide they want to, regardless of whether it is someone elses sand. f. I believe people should be able to eat sand if they want to because they are free to make the decision themselves. g. I believe I will eat sand because it is the standard meal for my community. 3. Develop your own workplace example that fits with each system. Present each workplace scenario in a substantial paragraph of close to 40 words.Although the table field will expand to accommodate your workplace examples, you whitethorn list them at the end of the table make a note in the table to see the attached examples, however, so your facilitator knows to look for scenarios below the table. 4. Format references according to APA standards and include them after the table. Ethical Theory or skeleton Definition Other Names for Theory Real-world ExampleWorkplace Example System Duty-based Ethics no matter of consequences, Deontology, pluralism, C It is my duty to follow through with certain object lesson principles are moral rights, rights-basedI believe people instructions my boss gives me, even if I binding, focusing on duty rather should be able to do not agree with the concept.It is my than results or moral obligation Categoric al imperative eat sand because moral obligation to respect authority over what the individual would it is the right figures. prefer to do (Trevino & Nelson, Golden rule thing to do. 2007, Ch. 4). In ethics, deontological ethics, or deontology (Greek deon meaning obligation or duty), is a theory holding that decisions should be made solely or primarily by considering ones duties and the rights of others.Some systems are based on biblical or tenets from sacred. Consequence-based an ethical decision should Consequentialist Theories B Ethics maximize benefits to society and I believe that if I know that we signed a contract for a big minimize harms.What matters is Utilitarianism sand is going to new client but we cant announce it until the net balance of good be eaten, it next month. The benefits to morale of the consequences over bad (Trevino & should be company and employees outweigh the Nelson, 2007, Ch. 4). ava ilable for consequences of make an early everyone to eat. announcement. I should make the announcement. Rights-based Ethics Rights are considered to be Contractarianism A ethically correct and logical since Social Contract I believe people Employees have the right to expect a natural rubber a large or ruling population should be able to working environment since that is range of endorses them (Ridley, 1998). eat sand if they the social contract in modern America. like the taste of it. Human temperament Ethics Ethical values that are hard coded D into people as being take off of the Common Courtesy I believe people A co-worker has the need to switch shifts gentle race. Natural tendencies should be able to to care for a sick family member. If the instead of man-made law for devising eat sand because other individual doesnt have a pressing decisions. it is good for exponentiation it would be nice to switch the ones health. shift and h elp them out. Relativistic Ethics example disagreements are caused by Moral Relativism F the fact that everyone in theory I believe people Based on the position someone has in a is right in their own way. When in Rome, do as the should be able to company it may not be appropriate for them Individuals save have to be true Romans do. eat sand if they to have visible piercings or tattoos when to themselves and no one else. want to because a more professional demeanor needs to be they are free to maintained. Others may be able to since it make the decision doesnt affect their performance or the themselves. company consider in their position. Entitlement-based E Ethics I believe people should be able to eat sand if they decide they want to, regardless of whether it is someone elses sand. Virtue-based ethics The virtue ethics approach focuses fraternity ethics, G The quality control team in our company m ore on the integrity of the moralprofessional I believe I will has to carry regimen handlers and safety actor than on the moral act responsibility eat sand because cards. I should be able to trust that food itself.In virtue ethics, The Disclosure Rule it is the standardprovided as sample meets the standards of character is very more than defined by meal for my the guidelines that they accepted when ones community (Trevino & Nelson, community. getting that certification. 2007, Ch. 4). Reference Trevino, L. K. , & Nelson, K. A. (2007). Managing argumentation ethics Straight talk about how to do it right (4th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ Wiley. Ridley, Aaron. (1998). Beginning Bioethics. New York St. Martins Press.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Book of the Dead
Book of the baseless The Singer of Amun Nanys Funerary Procession The Book of the assassinated is a textual and visual piece of art that focuses on the funerary aspects of past Egypt. One of the originates I liked best in the Book of the Dead at the Metropolitan Museum of Art was the scene of Nany and her transit to the afterlife. I am going to break down this section, and address the different characters and tokens, some(prenominal) clodly and contextually. I will describe not just what is peckn on the surface, besides the underlying piths female genitals the Funerary Nany and how it plug intos to the traditions of ancient Egypt art and life.The Funerary Nany is written/painted on what I assume is a papyrus-like material. It is a high spirits brown color and has a several(prenominal)(a)what sandy/rough texture. In this funerary picture, not umpteen colors argon used. Im not sure if colors faded or not, barely it fronts as if whoever painted it, purposely-used few c olors. The primary color sayn is green, perhaps to show importance. Im expect this because over the fairys shoulders in the bottom right section is a green garment, so I assume if that is important, all green shown in this picture is important, like the bird in the prime register, and the human/animal (? in the bottom, middle register. I gestate that figure to be king sagaciousness by the conventions of his thr ace and large hat. He is seated and has a staff, showing authority and power. Also, he appears to be slightly larger than the rest of the people on the bottom register, perhaps a convention to show rule. The only separate color in this painting is red, seen on again what I assume is the kings throne. There are slight shades of darker yellow/brown, but I dont believe they have much meaning other than to separate people/objects from the background. Papyrus became an essential part of the funerary equipment and every Egyptian who could afford to acquire a copy was buried with it close at hand for use in the afterlife. Thus, Nanys Funerary was painted on papyrus. It is also why so many examples have survived and why so much has been learned ab disclose the Book of the Dead, which has been called the Bible of antiquated Egypt. The size of this entire piece is quite long. It appears to be about a foot tall but about twenty feet long. It looks like it is telling a story due to the stylus it is presented.For the entire piece, it alternates from paintings to texts (in probably hieroglyphics). Perhaps the texts describe the paintings presented to the viewer. That would make sense to me, roughly like a storybook with pictures in it. And as it turns out, that is on the dot what it is. Written on papyri and painted upon c gloweringins in hieroglyphics, it was divided into chapters, each of which had its own title but no specific placement in the book. It was of the Theban Recension, a period in Egypt lasting from the eighteenth to twenty-second dynasty. This period focused around funerary stories. dbghghghh I am assuming that Nany is the woman with the bump in her crown on the top and bottom register. The woman is all the same person due to the elan she is dressed and looks. The top register seems of less importance however, due to the scene presented and the size differentiation among the two registers. On the top, it looks as if Nany is walking along and coming across different obstacles or encounters of some kind. From the look of her hand gestures in the paintings it seems as if she is interacting with whatever these encounters are. The bottom register appears to be the last or most important encounter she faces.There is another woman next to her, perhaps an escort to the king. But in the middle is a scale of some type with two figures presented on each side. It is difficult to see what the two images are that are being measured. One side seems to be two people and the other a head. But Im not quite sure. Or perhaps she is m aking a sacrifice in front of the king and he is determining whether her sacrifice is a worthy one or not, because all three of the people (including the animal-human creature) are looking at at the king and he is looking at themSo perhaps there is a dialogue going on in some way.There are texts with each painting in this section, which may be a description of what is going on. It turns out I was somewhat right in my description of the scene and what the hieroglyphics might say. Nany is the woman the whole way through. She is actually making her final journey towards the afterlife. Carol and Faulkners book identifies the other characters and symbols and what they represent in Egyptian art and life. Much of the Book of the Dead revolves around Ani (an ancient Egyptian scribe) and his journey to the afterlife.The Ani climb is the largest, most perfect, and the best enlightened of all the papyri containing copies of the Theban Recension of the Book of the Dead. And when reading about it and observing the paintings, I noticed that much of it is the same, so I was able to compare the two stories. They are both weighing their hearts against the Maat, the goddess of justice and truth. Jackal-headed Anubis, one of the four sons of Horus, and overseer of mummification, adjusts the scales, while a baboonsymbolizing Thoth, the god of soundness and writingsits on the balance beam and prepares to write down the result.Nany must pass this test in order to move on to the afterlife. If not, her heart will be eaten. On the bottom register behind Nany is Isis, wife and sister of Osiris. She is identified by the hieroglyphics. These characters are all an important part of the way in which ancient Egyptians viewed death and the afterlife. Sitting right before Osiris is a foreleg of an ox. According to Wilkinsons book, the foreleg of an Ox is almost invariably included in mortuary offering scenes where it appears in a list of offerings. It is a symbol of royal and divine stren gth in Egypt.The way the artist makes these people look doesnt seem to be as if he was trying to make anyone in the paintings look too idealized. There are no apparent abstractions that throw your focus to any particular piece of the work too strongly. The localisation principle of this particular piece of art was a bit secluded. I realized that after we broke off as a group at the Met when I, as substantially as two of my classmates practically got mixed-up trying to retrace our steps back to the artwork. It was a very dark, empty location of the Ancient Egypt section.I am guessing the darkness intended to put focus on the funerary element of the work, as well as other works around it. Next to the Funerary Nany was the Tomb of Meritamen and Nanys Funerary Papyri, both of which seem to have correlations with this Nany piece. So it seems that they put related people and objects around each other, to keep everything not bad(p) and relevant in the museum. In conclusion, there are m any factors that play into each and every lucubrate put into works of art like this. These details painted a picture for me in my formal analysis of the work and tell a lot about how the piece was made and why.Ancient Egyptians had a meaning for everything they put in the Book of the Dead and all of their art. Each symbol they used had a hearty impact on their life and beliefs. In their art, there are connections between many different paintings and texts that relate to each other, and all draw back to a common belief and way of life in Egypt. I am not exactly sure why I chose to analyze The Book of the Dead over the rest of the pieces of art. I think that just when I looked at my options, I felt I had more to say about this piece of work than any of the others.I saw a story in it. I felt I could talk about it clearer and understand it more than the other pieces, and that is what I believe ultimately led to my decision. Sources Andrews, Carol, and Raymond O. Faulkner. The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Austin University of Texas Press, 1990. Budge, E A. W. The Book of the Dead The hieroglyphic Transcript of the Papyrus of Ani. New York, N. Y Carol Pub. Group, 1990. Wilkinson, Richard. Reading Egyptian Art A hieroglyphical Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture (London Thames and Hudson, 1992). - 1 . Carol Andrews and Raymond Faulkner, The Ancient Book of the Dead (Austin University of Texas Press, 1990), 16-17. 2 . E. A. Budge, The Book of the Dead The hieroglyph Transcript of the Papyrus of Ani (New York Carol Pub. Group, 1990), 3-4. 3 . Budge, Book of the Dead, ix. 4 . Andrews and Faulkner, Ancient Book of the Dead, 14. 5 . Budge, Book of the Dead, 240. 6 . Richard Wilkinson, Reading Egyptian Art A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture (London Thames and Hudson, 1992), 75.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Areas That Need Improvement Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Areas That Need Improvement - Literature review ExampleIn addition, I would mend my presentation skills in order to come up with an exceptional paper. I would polish on my referencing and blandness of the content. I would also work on the structure of the content and ensure that the ideas flow throughout the paper. In order to achieve good grades at this level, there be certain skills that in need to hone. Perfecting my skills in huntinging online journals, referencing and planning and managing an academic dissertation can really help to boost my grades. Having proficient skills in searching online journals will enable me to effectively carry out extensive literature searches. Research at Masters Level requires students to use specialized information sources and the ability to easily search for them is of paramount magnificence (Kim 2008). Online journals are some of the sources that are used at this level and therefore, students must have the necessary search skills in order to be able to access these materials and use them in writing their look into papers. Skills in referencing and avoiding buccaneering are very important at this level since students are expected to conduct research and write properly referenced papers. These papers should be free of plagiarism and acknowledge the author. Good referencing and avoiding plagiarism earns students good grades. It is important to polish my skills in paraphrasing and quoting in order to avoid plagiarism in my papers. Plagiarizing is regarded as cheating and it automatically leads to failure. At Masters Level, writing dissertations is mandatory. Therefore, skills in planning and managing an academic dissertation are very important. A proper dissertation will require skills in choosing a good topic, growth research questions, conducting an organized and methodical research and proper reporting of the research (Kim 2008).
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Leadership - Assignment ExampleThese ethical standards governing the existence of piece life track diverse realms of endeavors including business entities. As businesses comprise a greater majority of the worlds human activities, the importance of studying morality come as a necessity rather than a yield of natural occurrence.During the 1990s, the study on business ethics have been intelligibly structured and formalized through and through acknowledging it as a necessary part of business operations. Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell (2009, 6) define business ethics as the principles and standards that go across behavior in the world of business. In the field of accounting, for example, Smith & Smith (2010) indicated that ethical issues were clearly identified in its practice as evidenced by the book written by Michael Josephson describing the tenner Universal Values, as follows honesty, integrity, promise-keeping, fidelity, fairness, caring, respect for others, responsible citizen ship, pursuit of excellence, and accountability (Smith & Smith, 2010, par. 10).Likewise, with organizations venturing in international markets, the tenets of moral and ethics need to encompass standards and guidelines which widen the jurisdiction of business ethics internationally. As averred by Enderle (1997), business ethics is an emerging and dynamic field, depending strongly on economic factors, but also on political changes and a growing awareness of value conflicts and ethical and environmental demands (1475).Business ethics discusses the concepts on leadership and charge where managerial responsibilities for the conduct of subordinates need to conform to ethical codes for guidance and compliance. The study of ethics give thrill to promote the ethical behavior expected of stakeholders in the business setting. It assists individuals and groups in understanding the ways to write out and address conflicts
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Qualitative Nursing Research Critique on the Relationship of Nursing Assignment
soft Nursing Research Critique on the Relationship of Nursing social unit Structure to Patient rejoicing - Assignment ExampleQualitative Nursing Research Critique on the Relationship of Nursing Unit Structure to Patient Satisfaction In the field of medicine, most of the time patients under similar diagnoses may not hurl similar outcomes. This makes for the uncertainty that is commonly present under medical conditions (Lubin, Smith, Dodson, Spell, & Walker, 2010). What can be certain however is the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of both the patients and the level of engagement of the treat staff that serves them. In a study conducted by Bacon and Mark in 2009, they were able to make a tie amidst the management and organization of nursing staff units and the level of satisfaction of patients and their characteristics under medical-surgical settings in 146 hospitals. By finding out how the response and availability of nursing staff could affect the satisfaction of patients in inpatient settings, the search was able to conclude that modifications in the urinate structure and the engagement levels of staff could give better value to patients, especially those recovering from surgeries. This is most significant to nurses that are under medical-surgical settings since most of the time they have to struggle with patients who would need medications to alleviate pain (Mills, 2006). During the course of the study, the authors had a purpose of providing an improved solution to patient problems such(prenominal) as pain management in inpatient settings. The study was conducted in order to examine the connection of patients characteristics and level of satisfaction to the hospital environment that they are in, as well as the organizational structures of the nursing units and the total impact of such structure in the contentment of the admitted patients (Bacon & Mark, 2009). They focused on the numerous reports of patients who have or had problems with regards to the interaction between them and their dispense providers, and this is one of the leading causes of their dissatisfaction during hospital stays. The research question is patent in their premise of finding a solution, and that in order to give patients a more full-blooded stay in the hospital, factors that can affect them directly are sought out and sorted, finding a better way for nursing staff to deliver better services in the process. The studys finding that there should also be satisfaction at the level of the nursing staff in order to deliver better services coincides with a previous report that high levels of stress and pitiable motivation among nurses have a great impact on the mortality and the failure of rescuing patients in about hospitals in PA (Aiken, Clarke, Sloane, Lake, & Cheney, 2008). This is very significant for the field of nursing especially due to the nature of providing not just treatment but also care to all patients. By making improvements in the efficie ncy, technology, work processes and organizational design of the nursing staff, they may be able to increase their productivity without sacrificing too oftentimes of their personal time. In turn, the satisfied nurses can be much more effective in delivering care safely to their patients (Hendrich, Chow, Skierczynsky, & Lu, 2008). The study design of the experiment was done according to the definitions of qualitative
Monday, May 13, 2019
Simulation Planning Document Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Simulation grooming Document - Essay ExampleExercise i. Mediator Role Having in mind that both parties are involved in the dispute as a mediator it would be important to a.Get nurture from each party about their real interests from the case b.Understanding the case and thinking of the best dissolving agent to offer c.Setting a date for the hearing to be conducted between the two parties d.Providing a straight solution to both parties after the hearing Exercise ii. Plaintiff Role a.Approaching the mediator b. group the relevant documents to file a claim using them c.Explaining to the mediator the interests one need d.Informing poll about the case e.Making an agreement on the date of the hearing and how to conduct them f.Presenting claims Exercise tierce. defendant Role a.Getting relevant documents such as agreements initially signed b.Look for witnesses c.Agree on the date of hearing the case d.Present the defense. Question 2 Exercise ii BATNA- Compensation for $5000 qualific ation price- $2400 (to be saved as the security deposit) Target- creating a good rapport with other tenants. Exercise iii BATNA- Maintain good reputation. Reservation- Harper having back the job. Target- Harper being fired officially
Sunday, May 12, 2019
What is the most important learning for you in the material on Essay
What is the most important learning for you in the material on Hinduism In other words, explain one thing you have learned and why it is important, in your batch - Essay ExampleThese explanations became a way of life to achieve enlightenment that influenced modern society all(prenominal) over the valet that words like karma, guru, dharma became part of our modern vocabulary.I learned the application of this model which is really to seek for love (not the romantic one but the love for humanity), enlightenment, avoidance of conflict and world peace which are all geared towards enlightenment to improve the karma which is really the cycle of birth and renascence or an effort to perpetually improve. This also partially explains what is common among all religion, that it is just humanly constructed for us to be enlightened through the guidance of some divine ideas. Through this important lesson about Buddhism, I also learned that self-improvement, learning and the effort to be better is part of divine plan for us to achieve enlightenment and peace within ourselves the people around
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Religious Expression in Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Religious Expression in Humanities - Essay ExampleDue to this, faith is an full part of the society that fosters humanness and social progress.Rome is an antediluvian city that plays a pivotal part in world religion. The papists sweard in a strong connection between the gods and the people. Most Romans held the central fit weighing the value and importance of religion (Dillon and Garland 54). The religious convictions of the Roman culture were evident in their style of worship and lifestyle. In fact, religion became central to their culture.The Romans used several ways to express their religion. Rome is an ancient city where the citizens found it necessary to offer sacrifices to their gods. Ceremonies found their meaning in terms of the religious expressions. For example, families would breeding prayers to the household god, Janus.In addition, the Roman government had various religious offices to cater for the religious needs of the society. For instance, the priests held higher-ranking positions in the society (Dillon and Garland 67). Due to this, the lineament of religion played a critical role when it came to the dissemination of duties. In the Roman case, in that location were 16 Pontifices who would preside over religious events. The ruler of the Roman Empire found it necessary to consult these priests before making a decision.The period 770-220 BCE was the Spring and descent Period that covers part of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and Hans Dynasty. Even though the Chinese had a high regard for religion, the Zhou Dynasty did not have any regard for religion (Lagerwey and Kalinowski 22). It was a period characterized by elitism and religion. Scholars believe that during this period, no prophet spoke. The priests did not take any part in explaining the will of the heavens. In addition, there were no books that could explain the religious expectations of man. During this time, heavens role took a back seat.On the contrary, when Hans took over, religi on took a critical position. The Chinese concept
Friday, May 10, 2019
Labour is making Britain greener, cleaner and less polluting (Labour Essay
Labour is making Britain greener, cleaner and less polluting (Labour party environment policy statement, 2009). debate in the context of British government and politics - Essay Exampleons Reduction Target (CERT), which has provided a large investment in household energy efficiency amongst 2002 and 2008 and brought in carbon salvage delivering more seaward wind facility than any society in the globe and implementing the worlds first long-term, legally binding greenhouse emission reduction programme (Carter 2007). Hence, in their environment policy statement in 2009, the Labour Party declared, Labour is making Britain greener, cleaner and less polluting (The Labour Party 2010 para 5).However, this activities, campaigns, and achievements of the Labour Party have not been examined in the context of British government and politics comprehensively. This essay will attempt to contribute in this area of knowledge. The primary issue that will be addressed here is the role of the British government and its relationship with the people. These issues have gained a new significance. A decade into the existence of this Labour government, policy-makers seem to be certain that their mission has changed. Gordon Brown, as he reflects on his experience, addressed communities breaking new ground for elected legislators to pursue (Worley 2009). However, in one domain specifically, we adhere our policy-makers to lead rather than follow, and to take risks. That domain is the environment.The media response has been unsurprising. Conservative channels that were quick to criticise David Camerons demand for stricter aviation taxes are imploring that the electorate cannot take any more. They are incapable of justifying their standpoint beyond complaining about nursemaid states and fiddling with, or supporting, the assertions of climate-change denouncers (Worley 2009). Newscasters respond even more recklessly, with Channel 4 exposing a feature film that go against all the facts and with the BBC misinterpreting its demand to balance by advocating discussion between the two parties, as if they embody corresponding bodies of evidence. Brown has taken
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Write a paper that addresses how some component of BUSINESS will Research
Write a that addresses how round component of BUSINESS impart impact the career for which you are studying - Research Paper representativeI believe this component of business will be useful in my career since it will enable me forecast the human resource requirements of the organization and understand how to design the organizational structure depending on the reporting relationships and need for coordination of mingled related jobs (Griffin 23).This component will enable me become more proactive in my future career and understand how to accurately forecast the human talent demands of the organization. In this case, I will be receptive of projecting the likelihood of increase in demand of the products through various prudence models and plan in advance in order to ensure the organization has the right unite of skills to cater for the future needs (Mathias and Jackson 45) counselling will be essential in scheming well defined jobs that will ensure task and job clarification. I will be capable of ensuring that the job design caters for the education, skills and other attributes that are essential for effective performance of the job and facilitates cooperation of the related jobs in order to facilitate the attainment of the overall organizational objectives (Griffin 34).As a human talent management professional, I will be tasked with recruitment and training of employees. I believe a major in management will enable me identify numerous recruitment sources and various training methods are adequate for the training needs of the employees. I will ensure the recruitment criteria is aligned with the specific job description and training methods aim at improving the output and productivity of all employees in the organization(Mathias and Jackson 135).This component of business will be essential in my career as a human resource manager since the directing function of managers is relevant in supervision, motivation and leadership of human resources in the orga nization. Management will introduce me to numerous leadership models and
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Malaysian Airlines Retention Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Malayan Airlines Retention Strategy - Essay ExampleIn 1986, Malaysian Airlines took its first flight to the United States of America, flying twice a week to Los Angeles. It also bought Boeing 747-300 Combi Aircrafts. Now, it was offer its customers far more destinations than ever before, with 34 domestic ones and 27international ones. In 1987, Malaysian Airlines System introduced Esteemed traveller loyalty program emphasizing on its commitment to customer services. After few years Malaysian Airlines along with Thai Airways International, Cathay Pacific Airways, and Singapore Airlines introduced Passages, offering lower prices and other rewards to frequent flyers. However, Passages came to break in 1999 and its place Enrich was introduced by Malaysian Airlines which was traveler reward program for frequent flyers which include concessions and other facilities opus traveling with number of other airlines, while using certain credit card game, while staying at flesh of hotels and while shopping at retailers around the world. Malaysian Airlines offers holiday packages such as Golden Holiday, hotels such as Hilton Group of Hotels, Amari Hotels, and Resorts, Intercontinental Hotels, Marriott etc, credit card services such as American Express, Citibank, HSBC bank etc, car rentals such as Avis and Hertz are among some of facilities offered to its Enrich members On July 12, 2006, it introduced enhanced Enrich, now known as Enrich by Malaysian Airlines, which was designed on the said(prenominal) pattern as of Grads, the highly successful student traveling program of MAL. There are variety of Enrich Membership cardsEnrich Silver, Enrich Blue, Enrich Gold and Enrich Platinum. Some of privileges and rewards of these cards are as followsEnrich Blue offers upgrading from Economy Class to Golden Club class and from thither to First class, with free tickets for you travel companion if the tickets of latter two are bought, concessions on golden packages, change magnitude miles through Enrich Express. To Enrich Silver holders, priority is given at boarding, check-in, baggage handling, and airport standbys
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Research Methods in HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Research Methods in HRM - Es utter ExampleIt is an think aim of HRM practices, undertaken under the paraphernalia of HRM, that organizational objectives be met. The most sharply defined organizational objective is consummation. Performance in turn is expected to improve everything for the organization right from sales to profits. Therefore, in set to fine tune HRM practices frequent look into is carried out not only to find out how past HRM practices and policies yielded but also to suggest newly improved HRM practices and policies for implementation. Often a case has been made that HRM research, say directly addressing the issue of employee surgical process, was conducted at great expense of time, funds and resources however the resultant improvement in employee performance after implementation of the findings of the research was not only not commensurate but grossly inadequate. While it may be possible that implementation schemata may have had serious errors and limitations however native concern here is to explore if the HRM research undertaken was able to truly address the HRM issues at hand whether it oversimplified the research scenario with overbearing and sweeping assumptions whether it focused on appropriate subjects if it did collected sufficient data from a sufficiently representative sample(s) if the data analysis was done using correct techniques if it missed some of the important explanatory variables or even if it was able to formulate and test a contextual research question(s) or hypotheses. These issues argon called methodological issues and if ignored can lead to fatally misleading research findings. In the following paragraphs methodological issues connected with HRM research in organizational performance will be examined and discussed.Relationship amidst HRM and performance A lot of research has been conducted in exploring the relationship between organizational performance and HRM practices. Two capacious methodological onslaugh tes can be delineated exploring this relationship. One approach is entirely within the domain of strategic HRM and tries to explain this relationship through strategic considerations ranged from external environment to internal strategies of the organization. These approaches explain the link between performance and HRM practices by weaving HRM policies within the overall strategic thrust of the organization (Wright and Snell, 1998).Another approach focuses on universal HR practices which are commonly practiced in most organizations and are such practices are slated to lead to better performance (Delery and Doty, 1996).The strategy woven contingency approach considers human factor as a means in the hand of overall organizational strategy(ies) ,sub serving the purposes of such organizational strategies, and considers HRM practices as an adjunct tool for achievement of strategic objectives. The universalistic school approaches focus on high performance work practices and considers hum an factor development as an organizational goal by itself. Universalistic approach
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