Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on Domestic Violence
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE For hundreds of years, women have suffered from domestic violence. It wasn’t until recently, that I was able to finally free myself from my ex-husband’s abusive behaviors. I grew up in Peru where being abused by one’s husband was common and it was accepted by society in general. My sisters, my female relatives, friends and neighbors in some way on a daily, weekly or even sporadically were abused by their husband. For it has take me years to realize; that domestic violence is not only being beaten by someone else, but also that it has various forms. For instance, I only considered being when I witnessed people around me being physically beaten, but not when they were being yelled at or insulted. It was after the police were called after one incident that I was brave enough to call the number being offered for help and assistance to victims. It was then, that I started to attend a counseling center that specializes in moral and psychological support for victims of domestic violence. At this center Called Women in Distress in Fort Lauderdale, I learned the types of domestic violence, its causes and consequences not only for the victims, but also on the children and society in general. Domestic violence is a burden, an illness, a disease in society that can be physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual with its own effect and consequences. What is domestic violence, anyway? It has been called by many names; wife beating, battering, family violence, domestic abuse. All refer to abuse by one person of another in an intimate relationship. The book, â€Å"When Men Batter Women†, only discusses violence between adults in a current or former husband – wife relationship, living together, or dating relationship. The equally complex and tragic problems of child abuse, elderly people abuse, and sibling abuse involves different issues and dynamics that are beyond the scope of this book. While a... Free Essays on Domestic Violence Free Essays on Domestic Violence Domestic Violence is defined as â€Å"violent behavior committed by one intimate partner against another. It can be physical, sexual, or psychological with the primary purpose to control, dominate, or hurt the other partner in the relationship†(Fitzgerald, et all, 1998). Domestic abuse does not only occur with women, however women are the most apparent cases, therefore this paper will discuss this matter only in terms of abuse against women. It has been shown in statistics that domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States, with some cases resulting in the death of women. In the past domestic violence in the workplace was considered taboo, no one wanted to get involved in the private matter. However, there are many negative effects that abuse puts on the workplace, such as loss of productivity from the victim. It might not be everyone’s business to say something to the victim, however it is important to show support and address an issue if you see the employee slipping at work. There are many options available to companies when it arises when a partner is possibly abusing employee. This paper will discuss the options made available to corporations concerning the prevention of domestic violence and the protection of its victims. A woman who is being abused by her partner can walk away from them; they can move out of the house. However, it is not as easy for a woman to leave her job because she needs the money. This means that the woman is spending at least eight hours a day at her workplace; this also means that the abuser knows for eight hours a day where he can locate her. This man can serve as a potential threat to the work environment because he could possibly act out at the workplace. If someone suspects that a co-worker is being abused and chooses to ignore the issue then the results could be more damaging that letting it remain a private matter. The victim could lose their life and this results... Free Essays on Domestic Violence Domestic violence is known by many names including spouse abuse, domestic abuse, domestic assault, battering, partner abuse, marital strife, marital dispute, wife beating, marital discord, woman abuse, dysfunctional relationship, intimate fighting, male beating and so on. McCue (1995) maintains that it is commonly accepted by legal professionals as "the emotional, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse perpetrated against a person by that person's spouse, former spouse, partner, former partner or by the other parent of a minor child" (although several other forms of domestic violence have become increasingly apparent in today's society). Whatever name is used to refer to it, however, domestic violence is a very grave and difficult problem faced by American society. Although domestic violence can include the abuse of parents, children, siblings and other relatives, it mainly involves violence against sexual partners with women being the most common victims and men being the 'aggressors' (Family Violence Professional Education Taskforce 1991). It is inadequate to view domestic violence as an aspect of the normal conflicts that take place in most families. According to McCue (1995), many families experience conflict, but not all male members of families inevitably resort to violence. It is not the fact of family disputes or marital conflict that generate or characterize violence in the home. Violence occurs when one person assumes the right to dominate over the other and decides to use violence or abuse as a means of ensuring that domination (Family Violence Professional Education Taskforce 1991). The FACS (Family and Community Services) booklet (1995), defines domestic violence as follows: †when a woman suffers persistent physical, verbal, economic or social abuse from her partner with the result that she suffers a sustained emotional and, or psychological effect.†Domestic violence is the most common for... Free Essays on Domestic Violence Domestic Violence â€Å"Each year an estimated 2 million to 4 million woman in the Untied States are abused by their male partners. Many of them are severely physically assaulted, and thousands are killed†( Statistics such as these are phenomenal. Domestic abuse appears not only with violence, but it is very prevalent in psychological abuse. Domestic violence is widespread through the United States, mostly due to fear caused by the abuser. The problem is recognized in the United States and much is being done to correct this problem. The statistics of woman and domestic violence are very high . â€Å"Domestic violence is the victimization of a person with whom the abuser has or has had an intimate, romantic or spousal relationship†(Barkley, Lynn, vol. 2, No. 7). Many types of domestic violence are used such as hitting, pushing and shoving. In extreme cases, guns and knives are used as well as sexual assaults. Another form of domestic violence is psychological abuse. An abuser will use humiliation and degradation as a weapon. Men will make their victims feel as if they are worthless. They also leave their victims in a state of helplessness, such as leaving them without money, transportation or any type of communication, such as a telephone. Women are battered by those in which they thought that they could place their trust in. It is a very frightening fact that domestic abusers are always intimate with their victims, at one time or another. . . Currently, domestic violence is widespread, and not all cases are reported. Some woman adjust to life with domestic violence. Shame seems to play a large part in why most cases are not reported. Woman have been convinced by the abuser that the violence in all their fault. Also, many woman have lost their self esteem and believe all of the humiliating words that have they heard from the abuser. Another reason that woman stay in an abusive relationship is... Free Essays on Domestic Violence Discretion and Domestic Violence In the following text a story is told about a husband and wife and an instance of intervention by a law enforcement officer. Children are also present in this example, however it is unclear if they were involved in the abuse. Three questions have been asked regarding the story. How much discretion should an officer have when deciding how to handle domestic violence? How can police discretion be controlled? How would I, as a police officer, handle this incident? Over the pages following this recount of domestic violence, we will look at the topic of police discretion and domestic violence, and discuss the relationship between the two. A police officer responds to a call of domestic violence. The home is located in a poor, working class part of Big City where most residents are immigrants and in the country illegally. Upon arrival, the officer contacts the victim who tells him that she and her husband had an argument, but she no longer needs the police. The officer sees that the woman has a red and slightly swollen face and has been crying. He asks the woman for permission to enter the residence. When she tells him that she would rather he just leave, he enters the home to ensure that everyone inside is safe. Once inside, he sees three small children who have also been crying. The oldest child says, "Daddy hit mommy," but offers no more information. The officer then sees the husband standing in the kitchen. The husband has several deep scratch marks on his face and arms. When asked what happened, he states "My wife and I had an argument and things got a little out of hand." The husband and wife both decline to give any further details. Both thank the officer for checking on the situation, but again ask him to leave. The officer is aware that he has the authority to make an arrest for domestic violence and he does not need a warrant to do so. He believes that the husband is probably the one wh... Free Essays on Domestic Violence DOMESTIC VIOLENCE For hundreds of years, women have suffered from domestic violence. It wasn’t until recently, that I was able to finally free myself from my ex-husband’s abusive behaviors. I grew up in Peru where being abused by one’s husband was common and it was accepted by society in general. My sisters, my female relatives, friends and neighbors in some way on a daily, weekly or even sporadically were abused by their husband. For it has take me years to realize; that domestic violence is not only being beaten by someone else, but also that it has various forms. For instance, I only considered being when I witnessed people around me being physically beaten, but not when they were being yelled at or insulted. It was after the police were called after one incident that I was brave enough to call the number being offered for help and assistance to victims. It was then, that I started to attend a counseling center that specializes in moral and psychological support for victims of domestic violence. At this center Called Women in Distress in Fort Lauderdale, I learned the types of domestic violence, its causes and consequences not only for the victims, but also on the children and society in general. Domestic violence is a burden, an illness, a disease in society that can be physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual with its own effect and consequences. What is domestic violence, anyway? It has been called by many names; wife beating, battering, family violence, domestic abuse. All refer to abuse by one person of another in an intimate relationship. The book, â€Å"When Men Batter Women†, only discusses violence between adults in a current or former husband – wife relationship, living together, or dating relationship. The equally complex and tragic problems of child abuse, elderly people abuse, and sibling abuse involves different issues and dynamics that are beyond the scope of this book. While a... Free Essays on Domestic Violence Introduction Domestic Violence Against Women is a global issue reaching across national boundaries as well as socio-economic, cultural, racial and class distinctions. It is a problem without frontiers. Not only is the problem widely dispersed geographically, but its incidence is also extensive, making it a typical and accepted behavior. Only recently, within the past twenty-five years, has the issue been "brought into the open as a field of concern and study" (Violence Against Women in the Family, page 38). Domestic violence is not an isolated, individual event but rather a pattern of repeated behaviors that the abuser uses to gain power and control over the victim. Unlike stranger-to-stranger violence, in domestic violence situations the same perpetrator repeatedly assaults the same victim. These assaults are often in the form of physical injury, but may also be in the form of sexual assault. However the abuse is not only physical and sexual, but also psychological. Psychological abuse means intense and repetitive humiliation, creating isolation, and controlling the actions of the victim through intimidation or manipulation. Domestic violence tends to become more frequent and severe over time. Oftentimes the abuser is physically violent sporadically, but uses other controlling tactics on a daily basis. All tactics have profound effects on the victim. Perpetrators of domestic violence can be found in all age, racial, ethnic, cultural, socio-economic, linguistic, educational, occupational and religious groups. Domestic violence is found in all types of intimate relationships whether the individuals are of the same or opposite sex, are married or dating, or are in a current or past intimate relationship. There are two essential elements in every domestic violence situation: the victim and abuser have been intimately involved at some point in time, and the abuser consciously chooses to use violence ... Free Essays on Domestic Violence Domestic Violence Domestic Violence can be described as when one adult in a relationship misuses power to control another. It is the establishment of control and fear in a relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. The violence may involve physical abuse, sexual assault and threats. Sometimes it’ subtle, like making someone feel worthless, not letting them have any money, or not allowing them to leave the home. Social isolation and emotional abuse can have long-lasting effects as well as physical violence. Domestic Violence isn't just hitting, or fighting, or an occasional argument. It's an abuse of power. The abuser tortures and controls the victim by calculated threats, intimidation, and physical violence. . Although both men and women can be abused, in most cases, the victims are women. Children in homes where there is domestic violence are also abused or neglected. Although the woman is usually the primary target, violence is sometimes directed toward children, and sometimes toward family members and friends. India boasts of a culture dating back to thousands of years where women were treated with respect. It is ironical that men worship goddesses and yet go back home and physically abuse their wives. Violence against women ranges from severe oppression to abuse, aggression and exploitation. It is known as female infanticide, neglect and undernourishment of the girl child, denial of education to girls, rape, pre-puberty marriage, wife- beating and harassment of a bride leading to her suicide or murder. Many women in India are the victims of domestic abuse. Domestic violence is a crime that has existed for centuries in many. Over the years, women have waged a determined struggle against such violence and succeeded in bringing about the changes in law and its implementation by sensitizing the judiciary, the police and the society to a certain extent. To combat violence one must first understand its concep...
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