Thursday, December 26, 2019
Voltaire Exposes the Fallacy of Optimism in Candide Essay
Voltaire was the French author of the novella Candide, also known as Optimism (Durant and Durant 724). Famous as a playwright and essayist, Voltaire’s Candide is the book where he tries to point out the fallacy of Gottfried William von Leibnizs theory of Optimism. He uses satire, and techniques of exaggeration to contrast highlight the evil and brutality of war and the world in general when men are meekly accepting of their fate. Leibniz, a German philosopher and mathematician of Voltaires time, developed the idea that the world they were living in at that time was the best of all possible worlds. This systematic optimism shown by Leibniz is the philosophical system that believed everything already was for the best, no matter how†¦show more content†¦Candide is the son of the Baron of Thunder-ten-tronckhs sister. Candide grows up in the Castle of Westphalia and is taught by Dr. Pangloss, a man that Candide often looked to for insight and understanding. One of Panglos many great beleifs is that all is for the best and that good can be found in everything. Candide fell in love with a girl by the name of Lady Cunegonde who is described as having extravagant beauty. Candide is abruptly exiled from the castle when found kissing the Barons daughter, Cunegonde. Devastated by the separation from Cunegonde, his true love, Candide sets out to different places in the hope of finding her and achieving total happiness. On his journey, he faces a number of misfortunes, among them being tortured during army training, yet he continues to believe that there is a cause and effect for everything. Candide is reunited with Cunegonde, and regains a life of prosperity, but soon all is taken away, including his beloved Cunegonde. He travels on, and years later he finds her again, but she is now fat and ugly. His wealth is all gone and so is his love for the Barons daughter. Throughout Candide, we see how accepting situations and not trying to change or overcome obstacles can be damaging. Life is full of struggles, but it would be nonproductive if people passively accepted whatever fate had in store for them, shrugging off their personal responsibility. Voltaire believes
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Communication Skills, Organization Skills, and Time...
Introduction Organization, time management, and proper communication skills is very important in pursuing a degree online. Organization and time management can go hand-in-hand. They both require planning and prioritizing. They allow the everything to flow easy and make things less stressful. Communication Skills The definition of communication is the exchange of thoughts, opinions, and information through speech, writing, or signs. Effective communication occurs when two or more people can share their thoughts and opinions and get the same understanding. Communication skills are very important to people, but they still have problems expressing themselves. They do not have the ability to†¦show more content†¦This time can add up and keep you on track. If an emergency arise, get back on track as soon as possible (Ashworth College,). Time Management In an online class, you are responsible for managing your own time. The extra duties and responsibilities as a mother and full-time employee places limits on my time. Other responsibilities such as household chores and errands can lead to being overworked. Some couples report a renegotiation of the household chores and childcare to accommodate the changes in schedules and workloads. (Forbus, P,Newbold, J, Mehta, S, 2011). My husband and I both have full-time jobs and attend school online. Are children are ages 18 and 11 years old. We have given them additional chores to do around the house to take the burden off of the both of us. I have a set schedule on what day I do laundry and chores that require extra time. This keeps me on schedule and prevent me from An online degree program can be challenging at times so it is important to develop a strict time management plan and stick to it. Some students delay doing assignments that are difficult. Waiting until the last minute may not allow you enough time to get the necessary information to complete the assignment. It may also decrease your chances of getting a good grade. Plan extra time to work on assignments that may need more time to complete. It is good to complete the mostShow MoreRelatedThe Workforce Of Today Is Made Up Of Individuals From Diverse Backgrounds1668 Words  | 7 Pagesmarket. The increased competitiveness of the job market means that there are certain attributes and skills other than education that employers are looking for in the process of recruiting potential candidates (Whetten Cameron, 2002). Most of the students do not recognize the significance of possessing the transferable skills such as teamwork. The reason has been the assumption that the mastery of t he skills in the specific discipline can enable them to secure their dream position after graduation. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Jugaad Innovation Technique and Managerial Practice †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Jugaad Innovation Technique and Practice. Answer: Introduction The following paper discusses about the application of the Indian term jugaad in the managerial practice and the matter of innovation in the workplaces. This term signifies the importance of implying the innovation process in the workplaces. This helps the organizations to be innovative in their working zones and inspires them to bring in the changes that will be elemental for their success. The managerial practice of innovation will be very much important in the Indian managerial context and it will be very significant if these approaches to innovation are applied to the managerial practice of Australia. It is obvious that the organizational culture is entirely different between that of India and Australia. The chosen organization for the paper is the Adani Group that is located in India and is a huge organization in the global context. The concept of jugaad or innovation approach has to be integrated into the business practice of Australia so that the organizations can innovate new things and progress in their relevant industries. The concept of jugaad The concept of jugaad is a very important one in the Indian managerial practices. This certainly means the approaches to innovation (Radjou, Prabhu Ahuja, 2012). This is a Hindi word and this reflects how the innovation practices could lead to the success of the organizations. In India, the workplaces are totally constrained with the diverse workforces (Radjou et al., 2012). The harsh problematic situations should be overcome by the innovative approaches within the organization and effective solutions should be addressed despite having very limited resources. There have been all kinds of lacks in India regarding the resources, proper workforce, training of the employees and many other things. However, the services cannot be stopped in spite of these problems. The interconnectivity among the customers and the service providers is a very important issue to be sorted out in this manner (Radjou, Prabhu Ahuja, 2012). Implementation of the Jugaad technique The resources are limited but the growth has to be achieved. In these circumstances, jugaad innovators will be looking to apply such methods by which the organizations can optimize their profits and lead the organizations towards their growth (Radjou et al., 2012). The organizations must be having a proper sustainability in India because the business conditions are not proper and helpful for the organizations to grow. The corporate organizations should prepare products that will be appropriate according to the needs of the market. The adversities in the organizations should be looked into with a deeper sense and the solutions should be addressed within a cheaper rate as per the economy of India. The jugaad innovators do not rely on the costly RD processes, pre-planned techniques that are time consuming as well (Schiederig, Tietze Herstatt, 2012). They depend on approaching the customers with the probable solutions of the matters and ask feedbacks from them. They focus on the relativ e features of the products and the innovators must approach the customers in real time. Frugality in jugaad innovation technique The jugaad innovators are very much frugal in nature. They do not use the RD technologies in their working fields but they innovate new technologies that will build on the already existing infrastructures (Radjou et al., 2012). The infrastructures and the assets of the organization are used extensively to that will save their operation costs as well as making them successful in their quests as well. The jugaad innovators always innovate faster and cheaper in many ways that helps the organizations to grow and stretch forward with a lot of profits. It is a burning fact the jugaad innovators have found that the customers of the emerging firms do not earn huge money but they are high yearners. The jugaad innovators try to satisfy the desires of the customers by providing them with the best solutions that will cater to their earning levels. The low earning customers will be satisfied by the innovative patterns of the jugaad innovators (Bhatti, 2013). Organizational culture of the Adani Group The Adani Group is a globally established integrated organization whose headquarter is situated at Ahmadabad in India ("Adani Group | Global Integrated Infrastructure Company", 2017). The Chairman of the organization is Gautam Adani. They conduct many types of businesses that include resources, dealings in the energy sector, logistics and others as well. They are the makers of the Fortune Oil that is Indias largest used edible oil. The organization began its journey in the year 1988 ("Adani Group | Global Integrated Infrastructure Company", 2017). The organizational culture of the organization is a very well organized and the employees share a very good relationship with each other (Alvesson, 2012). In their vision they have stated to be the global leaders in their respective industry ("Adani Group | Global Integrated Infrastructure Company", 2017). As their business industry is regarded to the integrated business infrastructure, they aim to be the leaders in the process of nation making. The ambition levels of the organization are very high and they have executed their plans in a great manner and they will be looking to address the situations in a positive way (Alvesson, 2012). Their operation quality is much superior to their rivals as well. This is why they have succeeded in the global business operations in a shorter time span. They have some certain values that they have incorporated within their business operations. They like to innovate new ideas within the organizational operations that help them to stay a step ahead a lways. They have a great amount of trust and faith in their employees and the stakeholders. The employees return the favor with the same kind of trust as well (Anitha, 2014). The promises they have made to their stakeholders and they will keep those promises. They are engaged to maintain a high grade of business operations ("Adani Group | Global Integrated Infrastructure Company", 2017). They are much dedicated to their working efficacies and bringing the success to the organizations. This dedication has always yielded good results for the. They have been very efficient in carrying out their operations and achieving the desired objectives of the organization. They have been working across various functions that would help them to create synergies in their working arenas. These various types of businesses would help them to stay connected with their employees and innovate new ideas to be successful. They are relentlessly working hard to achieve their goals. They are always looking to create new opportunities for development through various cost-effective ways. The Indian firms like Adani have forced its way to employ the jugaad method in the working fields and apply them to push the innovation process to a greater limit (Amit Zott, 2012). It is very important to understand the problems of the customers and only then those problems could be solved by the organizations in a better way. These problems should be solved by a way that the cost of the solution should be at the minimum and the satisfaction of the customers can be achieved as well. It has to be understood that the relationship between innovation and creativity is a deep one but the basic difference is creativity is about giving a new idea for betterment and innovation is about execution of that idea (Webber, 2016). The resource allocations have to be chosen well along with building the right team for execution of the plan. The new products have to be launched into the market by executing the best plans available in the market. The target people have to be reached in order to understand what kind of products they want within what sort of price range. The firms in the emerging markets should plan to reach the target markets particularly to satisfy the needs of the customers (Best, 2012). Jugaad in Australian managerial practice Themanagement pundits have viewed the matter of jugaad from many angles and they have been singing the praise of this innovation technique to be imported into the managerial practice of the Australian firms. The jugaad innovation technique has been very successful in the Indian organizations. This can be incorporated in the Australian organizations as well. If the Western companies can adopt this jugaad innovation in their organizational operations they will be very much benefitted from various angles (Krasnikov Jayachandran, 2013). As this is a very competitive business world and so many variables available in the market, the customers want the products that can fit into their usage profile perfectly within their desired price range. This will be a boon for them and the companies, who can arrange for this, would see the profits in their organizations. There is a term in the Australian managerial practice as bodge that means same as that of jugaad (Radjou, 2012). Still, there is a h uge chance for the Australian organizations to introduce the jugaad innovation into their works by which they would be able to make much profit by serving more number of customers and reducing the operation costs. Benefits of using jugaad innovation in Australia India has improved its economy by focusing on the cost-cutting and corner-cutting processes. This has been very interesting thing in the modern business contexts. The Australian organizations should look to improvise all the business matter and understand the demands of their customers positively. This will drive them to address the situations in a better way than the present. In this scenario, the organizations will be looking to implement the changes within the business context of Australia. The information technology services of Australia should be improved if they imply the technological innovations within the business firms of Australia (Holtshouse, 2013). The strategic jugaad innovation techniques have helped the business organizations in India to gain the market dominance and made them famous within a short span of time. This will be the most important fact for the Australian organizations as well. The organizations like Woolworths, Coles, Commonwealth Bank and other IT firms should try to incorporate the jugaad innovation process within their working zones and meet the demands of their customers effectively. This will reduce their operation costs as well (Agnihotri, 2015). Conclusion This paper can be concluded by saying that the jugaad innovation technique in india has been very successful and the implementation of this innovation technique has been very fruitful as well. This matter gives more focus on the fact that they should be wandering on how to meet the customers problems within a given time period and doing it by cutting down the costs. The innovation system should be such unique that the customers can be attracted towards it. The firms like Adani group in India have implemented this innovation technique in an effective manner so that it can develop the interests of their target audience. Through this process, the organizations will be keen to get more profits and this process can be implemented in the Western organizations as well. The Australian organizations can benefit from this if they want to understand the customers problems and solve their problems in an effective manner. References Adani Group | Global Integrated Infrastructure Company. (2017) Retrieved 24 October 2017, from Agnihotri, A. (2015). Low-cost innovation in emerging markets.Journal of Strategic Marketing,23(5), 399-411. Alvesson, M. (2012).Understanding organizational culture. Sage. Amit, R., Zott, C. (2012). Creating value through business model innovation.MIT SloanManagement Review,53(3), 41. Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International journal of productivity and performance management. Best, R. (2012).Market-based management. Pearson Higher Ed. Bhatti, Y. (2013). Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal, Be Flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth.South Asian Journal of Global Business Research. Holtshouse, D. K. (2013).Information technology for knowledge management. Springer Science Business Media. Krasnikov, A., Jayachandran, S. (2013, May). The relative impact of marketing, research-and-development, and operations capabilities on firm performance. American Marketing Association. Radjou, N. (2012).Jugaad Innovation: A frugal and flexible approach to innovation for the 21st century. Random House India. Radjou, N., Prabhu, J., Ahuja, S. (2012).Jugaad innovation: Think frugal, be flexible, generate breakthrough growth. John Wiley Sons. Radjou, N., Prabhu, J., Ahuja, S., Roberts, K. (2012). Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal.Be Flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth, San Francisco. Schiederig, T., Tietze, F., Herstatt, C. (2012). Green innovation in technology and innovation managementan exploratory literature review.Rd Management,42(2), 180-192. Weber, M. B. (2016). Creativity and Innovation.Library Resources Technical Services,60(3), 138-139.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Reflection on Cognitive Development Essay Essay Example
Reflection on Cognitive Development Essay Essay This brooding essay speaks about Educational Psychology. a good instructor. general rules of development. the encephalon and cognitive development. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural position. Educational Psychology plays a really of import function in our day-to-day lives as it helps us to understand and develop schemes to better the acquisition procedure. An effectual instructor is one who is organized. non biased. patient. and flexible and knows how to learn medium and decelerate paced scholars. The essay besides speaks about Development ; individuals develop physically. socially and besides personally. It besides speaks about the different ways in which development takes topographic point. The encephalon begins to lateralize shortly after birth and hence have specific maps to transport out. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development speaks about the four phases while Lev Vygotsky educates us on his sociocultural position. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Cognitive Development Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Cognitive Development Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Cognitive Development Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Educational Psychology is of import to me as a instructor in preparation as it helps me to understand my students’ behavior and the schemes that I can utilize to assist them. Life is a procedure and therefore we go through alterations from construct to decease. This procedure is called development. We develop physically. socially. and besides cognitively. The alterations that occur early in our lives. are by and large assumed to be for the better and to ensue in behavior that is more adaptative. more organized. more effectual and more complex ( Mussen. Kogner. Kagan. 1984 ) . I besides learnt that development takes topographic point at different rates and that is individuals may be more co-ordinated than others and besides be more mature in their thought. Second. development takes place orderly as we learn to babble before we talk and the concluding 1 is that development takes topographic point bit by bit. that is you know the letters of the alphabet before you can spell words . Finally. the 1 that stands out to me most is ripening. Maturation trades with the natural alterations that take topographic point in our organic structures. The alterations in the clime don’t affect the natural alterations that will take topographic point in our organic structure merely terrible illness or malnutrition. The encephalon is besides of import in cognitive development as each portion is given a specific map to transport out. However. the different parts of the encephalon combine in order to execute human activities and concept apprehension. There are some footings that are associated with the encephalon and the first is synapses. as the word suggests they are bantam infinites between nerve cells and that chemical messages are sent across the spreads. Hippocampus truly took me by surprise as the first syllable â€Å"hippo†is the name of an animate being. However it means remembering new information and recent experiences. Myelination is besides really new to me and it means act uponing believing and hearing. The basic inclinations in believing aid us to form our ideas and behaviors into consistent systems. Our believing procedure and cognition is now developed through version and this is seting ourselves to the environment. Assimilation. adjustment besides takes topographic point. Sometimes it seems as if I am seeking for some balance in my thought and this is known as equilibration. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is non foreign to me as I did in Introduction to Psychology. I know that there are four phases and each phase has a different age group. The fist phase is the sensorimotor phase and kids at this phase are normally zero to two old ages of age. The most important things that occur at this phase are: the kids develop object permanency. execute end directed activities. usage there senses and besides uses imitation. The pre-operational phase is age two to seven old ages. Children are able to utilize symbolic map for illustration taking a broom and siting it stating that it is a donkey. There motor accomplishments are being developed and therefore they would desire to feed themselves. In the concrete operational phase kids are able to believe logically. can prosecute in a conversation and reversibility. categorization and seriation takes topographic point. The concluding phase is the formal operational phase and they are able to ground good and they besides develop big egoism and that is the heightened ego consciousness that is reflected in striplings and the belief that others are interested in their ideas as they do. It besides speaks about them holding a sense of singularity and wants to be noticed by others. However some pupils will develop foolhardy behavior including self-destructive ideas and drug maltreatment. In my sentiment Vygotsky’s theory is much better than Piaget’s. He placed more accent on the development of linguistic communication than Piaget. He besides states that linguistic communication is the most of import symbol in the development of linguistic communication. As a kid I use to speak to myself and now I know that it is private address. I truly believe that private address ushers an single into doing the right determinations and besides into job resolution. The most of import portion of his theory is the zone of proximal development. My apprehension of it is that at a peculiar phase in one’s life given counsel and support will assist me as an person to get the hang something. Children foremost learn pronounciation and they shy off from those words that are difficult to articulate. For illustration my three twelvemonth old boy says ‘begetable’ alternatively of vegetable. I besides believe that grownups should utilize linguistic communication in the child’s larning experience and don’t usage high flown words because the kid should be able to associate to what is being said. Vocabulary. grammar and sentence structure are developed at around age five. However parents can purchase books. read to their kids. take them on a nature walks and besides answer their inquiries so as to develop their linguistic communication.
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