Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Christianity's success and Atheism's failure in explaining the origin Research Paper
Christianity's success and Atheism's failure in explaining the origin of life - Research Paper Example For example, primeval people believed they were originated from a particular animal or a plant (depending on a tribe). These â€Å"origins†were associated with an under human power. Ancient polytheistic religions also had their explanations formulated in myth, tales etc. The belief in single God (monotheism) came later when the polytheistic worldview could no longer satisfy human curiosity and religious needs. Monotheistic religions (such as Christianity) had come to propose a new answer on a subject. The main word here is â€Å"belief†. To be a religious person means to have a particular system of believes which are determined by the religion. Christians believe in a specific number of theses which make their world picture. Those theses can be argued or accepted. It’s different with the atheistic world view. Firstly, it should be mentioned, that atheists do not deny the whole idea of believing. On the other side, one of the biggest myths about atheism is to consider it a religious system. â€Å"Atheism is not a belief system nor is it a religion†(American Atheists, n.d.). It’s a common delusion that atheists believe in â€Å"no God†. They really don’t. Atheists do not practice belief in Gods; they are disbelievers (Cline n.d.). Atheists say theists usually are responsible for these disillusions. â€Å"Where these preconceived ideas come from varies, but they tend to evolve from theistic influences or other sources†(American Atheists, n.d.). Indeed, theists tend to contrapose atheism and theism as these things are equal. But atheists are skeptical about all supernatural things’ existence (like ghosts and spirits), and the God who has created humankind from nothing (as Christianity puts it) is just one of those things. For their way of thinking atheists in West civilization are commonly considered to be Christians’ antagonists. Meanwhile, â€Å"the only common thread that ties all atheists together is a lack of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Puritan society Essay Example for Free
Puritan society Essay So far the audience is aware that Hale can be a pragmatic character because it is clear that he does not believe some of the accusations can be true, which is why he is on his rounds. The puritan theology that he relies on has brought him to be a stern character, believing that theology is a fortress, that the audiences have to decide is congenial or disagreeable. The arrival of Cheever causes a mass silence in the room. This is done to give the audience a chance to put events into perspective and allows the tension floating tirelessly around in the room to build up. Cheever approaches the household with bad news. The audience must be feeling sorry for him, as the men seem to be friends. Giles says to Cheever, its a pity that such an honest tailor might have gone to Heaven must burn in Hell. Cheever is sympathetic but he says that he is doing what he is told. This shows differences between some of Giles friends. Proctor is willing to darken his name in order to revert the charges to Giless wife but Cheever is two faced, willing to throw away his friendship with Giles for money that he earns on his rounds. The suspense is built up even more as the audience is now eager to know what Cheever is doing in the house and what business of the court he is addressing. The audience is then stunned on the note that Cheevers arrival is because he holds the warrant for the arrest of Elizabeth. Proctor, whom has had an overt hate for Hale since his entry, is enraged as he said that Elizabeth was not charged just, somewhat mentioned. Hale, however, is just as shocked and proceeds by asking, when were she charged. The audience is really interested by this point; Miller has timed and written this section linking almost everything to a previous scene. We learn from Cheever that sixteen people had been charged that evening and all to be arrested. Cheever then begins to look around the room for any poppets. Miller has timed this to perfection as the audience is queued to remember the one that Mary Warren had given Elizabeth earlier that evening. Of course Elizabeth will not remember this after all the commotion. The audience are shown this when Elizabeth claims she has kept poppets since she was a girl. Cheever persists in his search, as her word is not reliable in court. Cheever finds the one that Mary gave to Elizabeth earlier and refuses to believe that it is Marys. This adds to the tension and also is a ploy for an even more terrible consequence. Elizabeth then goes to get Mary Warren in an attempt to prove her innocence, whilst she is away a most unimaginable discovery is made. There is a needle stuck in the belly of the poppet. Miller makes Proctor struggle to find out the significance of the needle. Whereas the audience is well aware of the significance that the needle has as this will be misinterpreted for a link to Abigail Williams being stabbed and are eager as to what Proctor will say or do. Proctor claims that she done it herself. But Cheever does not believe this statement because Abigail had accused Elizabeths familiar spirit of doing the deed. In such a puritan, god-fearing biblically run society accusing somebodys familiar spirit will mean they are telling the truth and the accused was a witch. The audience does not know this it what it means but they are able to catch on. At this point tension is at a titillating peak and the plot is steady. Hale is struck by the proof and is incapable of believing Proctors suggestion. Mary is brought down and is questioned consecutively. Her bewildered attitude as well as disagreeing opposition questioning her allows the questioners to manipulate her words and stutters to their own liking. After gathering the basic outline in all the conflicting opinions she clearly says, I made it. Her admittance to the ownership and the placing of the needle in the poppet but this does not dissuade Cheever. He is convinced Tis hard proof! Miller has an excellent perception of the thoughts and moments that the audience are not anticipating, his pauses and hesitation in Marys dialogue give the audience an idea of how she is feeling and why she is stuttering so much. When Elizabeth finds out that Abigail is the one who has accused her, she loses her temper and says something that guaranteed her a one way ticket to jail. She must be ripped out of the world. Elizabeth, by saying this, has virtually condemned herself, and the chances of her leaving innocent get slimmer. Proctor then gets a chance to protect his wife; this appeals to the audience, as they know he is sincere and trying to forget Abigail. Proctor in a fit of rage tears Cheevers warrant and attempts to get rid of the uninvited company. Miller has opted for Hale to stay quiet throughout this confrontation to show his cowardly characteristics to the audience, as he has not said anything that he had said to the Proctors to Cheever. Proctor also knows this and his hate for Hale is again shown when he himself calls him a coward. This also shows how everyone who is a sceptic of the goings on in Salem does not want to publicise their queries in case the girls, for being too close to the truth, accuse them. Proctor keeps backing up his wife, whom knows there is no point because she will have to go whatever he does. Elizabeth is scared and the audience has now adopted a serious hate for Hale whose words are ineffective and does nothing to stop Giles, Franciss and Proctors three wives from being arrested, he is frowned upon by everyone as a fake. Before she leaves Elizabeth tells Proctor to continue as normal. The audience may be sympathetic towards Hale because they know his religious status restricts his opinion. There are a few main points when hale enters that form the rest of the play; when Proctor claims that the goings on in Salem had naught to do with witchcraft and the arrest of Mrs. Proctor. This scene is flooded with instruments that create drama, suspense and emotion provoking feeling. The character description is appropriate and lets the audience differentiate good from evil. Miller employs splendid literary skills that keep the tempo and tension levels at unbearable highs. The language is elementary and a lot of it is biblically surrounded reflecting the puritan society. His repressed feelings about the freedom of thought and speech in 1956 are all expressed without regret in the story and gives the Crucible a tailor made, captivating essence for the reader and audience.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bright Star Essay -- Literary Analysis, Eliza Heywood
Eliza Haywood is a visionary. In her set of love letters, Love Letters on All Occasions, Haywood distinctly uses select words, such as metaphors, to subconsciously drive home the message to the reader. Whether it be re-enforcing the relationship between the two writers, or rather undercutting it, the reader understands their relationship more fully thanks to Haywood’s choice words. In Haywood’s collection Love Letters on All Occasions from her novel Fantomina and Other Works, two letters in particular, â€Å"Letter XXV†and â€Å"Letter XXVII†, Haywood’s use of metaphors and select word choices help to reinforce the sentiment between the writers to the reader. In â€Å"Letter XXV,†Haywood writes a letter from Theano to Elismonda. Reading the letter, the reader can clearly tell that Theano is madly in love with Elismonda. The fact that Haywood ends the letter with Theano writing, â€Å"My most loved, most Ador’d Elisamonda’s Constantly Zealous Votary, Theano†(Haywood 196) might as well be the final decal in the room Theano has built for Elismonda in his heart. Haywood’s use of the phrase â€Å"zealous votary†is one of the occasions where she re-enforces Theano’s love for Elismonda. Apart, the words â€Å"zealous†and â€Å"votary†don’t mean much. The Oxford English Dictionary defines zealous as â€Å"having or showing zeal,†(Oxford 1) which is â€Å"great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective†(1). Votary is defined as â€Å"a person, such as a monk or nun, who has made vows of dedication to religious service†(1). Haywoodâ €™s combination of the two terms is a metaphor for Theano’s devotion to Elismonda. He is constantly showing great enthusiasm in pursuit of Elismonda, who he views almost as a religion. He is a â€Å"votary,†but not as a monk or nun making ... ... her and knows he would never cross her. Haywood’s response letter written from Elismonda to Theano uses select language and references to his letters to re-enforce the readers apprehension of the complete and utter love these two writers feel for each other. Haywood uses metaphors and select word choices to help reinforce the sentiment between the writers to the reader in two letters, â€Å"Letter XXV†and â€Å"Letter XXVII†in her collection Love Stories on All Occasions from her novel Fantomina and Other Works. Unlike many works from this time frame, both Theano and Elismonda are madly in love with each other and desire each other greatly. This is a rare case of a happy couple in the age of Seduction Fiction, where most tales often ended in tragedy. Haywood’s account of Theano and Elismonda could be considered one of the bright stars in an otherwise cloudy night sky.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
American Islam Female Converts Essay
Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion by number of conversions each year. Despite’s Islam beginnings in Arabia, today more than 80% of all Muslim believers life outside the Arab world (Records, 2009). Surprisingly, many of this new converts are women who despite Islam’s numerous female restrictions, many have affirmed a new found joy and harmony in their lives. Islam laws for women are seen by many as coercive because they regulate important aspects of women’s life such as clothing, social relationships, marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. I would be examining the different reasons why this western women converts decided to make such a radical change to their lives. To achieve my goal successfully I would like to use various qualitative and quantitative methods to identify eligible individuals to interrogate further and to measure multiple variables that might be interconnected. I will be examining different factors such as age, education, time living in the US, time they have been a Muslim, marital status, religion of their significant other, religion of their parents, and degree of religiosity while growing up. Many of these new converts are fellow Americans who have found multiple benefits practicing their new religion. I therefore think my research is important because it portrays what Islam teacher and has to offer to its believers from people that we can easily relate to. Literature review Many people claim that Muslim women are restricted by their religion because of the immense amount of rules that it is imposed to them. One particular research conducted by Zaidi and Shuraydi (2002: 507) interviewed 20 Pakistani women in the United States in an attempt to study the different perceptions of arranged marriage among women living in western society. The study concluded that â€Å"Muslim feminist have to cope with a prevalent double standard governing the behavior of males and females†. This means that while the Koran claims that men and women are the same, in reality they are treated with fewer privileges than men. To support their claim they presented that while women are prohibited from courting potential mates, men are given tacit approval. Despite the many claims against Islam, new women converts often argue that the Islamic religion and the Arab culture are sometimes confused. Researchers Maslim and Bjorck (2009: 98) claim that many times â€Å"the culture rules try to oppress women while the religion in turn promotes positive cultural views of gender roles and ethnic diversity†. Their research mainly focused on the reasons why so many women were switching to Islam. To study this topic, the authors to contact the editors of a North American Magazine to get the sample group and then posted an online surveys that the participants could answer. The results showed that while there are a variety of reasons why women switch their religion to Islam, the most common ones included dissatisfaction with their previous faith, marriage requirement, and because of Islam’s significance and meaning. To understand further their point of view we have to compare Islam to other religion practices at the time Islam was instituted. One study performed by J Sechze (2004, 263-274) tried to evaluate different religious practices against women at the time Islam was created. The research found that many practices such as female infanticide, traditionally common in Christian communities, was ruled out when Islam was implemented. Additionally, it is suggested that polygamy was instituted in Islam to protect Muslim widows, whose husbands were killed during wars. This historical comparison makes us understand that Islam does support some feminist principals that lacked in other religions at the time. Methodology My study will use a quantitative and a qualitative method to gather the data necessary to answer the research question presented on the introduction part. I have organized a short ten question essay that will allow me to collect quantitative information. The survey will ask for variables age, education level, time living in the US, time they have been a Muslim, marital status, religion of their significant other, religion of their parents, and degree of religiosity while growing up. All of these questions will try to find different correlations among the different variables that might be important to consider when creating interview questions. The interview will be based of the survey taken by the individuals here. The idea is to contact people that took the survey that might be interested on meeting with the researcher and let us learn more about them. Interview will hopefully provide insight information about the survey answers that will further help us identify patterns that might answer why they switch to Islam. The interview place will be up to the participant, they will sign release paperwork and the interview will be recorded for further analysis. I would like to base my research question entirely on the survey correlations and therefore I do not have the interview questions pre- prepared. However, I will provide a list of possible interview questions that will be pose to change with the survey answers. Conclusion This paper is a proposed research study of the different reasons why western non –Muslim born women change their religion to Islam in their adulthood years. This is a fairly controversial topic since many people see Islam as oppressive to women because of its countless provisions regarding women’s clothing, marriage and other social affairs. While many previous researches support this notion and further give evidence of Islam women having to live in a double standard, other numerous studies suggest that Islam religion does not support such a thing and instead argue that it actually protects women that have help many women find faith and peace in their lives. To be able to conduct my study I will be using surveys and interviews that will provide me with quantitative and qualitative data to analyses and further interpret.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Orwell’s Rules for Good Language Essay
Good written and verbal language is essential for effective communication. Writing in 1946, George Orwell points to several problems with the contemporary use of English. In his estimation, these problems lead to meaningless utterances that are unclear and imprecise. Orwell provides several suggestions for improving the use of English: avoid metaphors and over-used figures of speech, use short words in the place of long words, cut out unnecessary words, use the active voice, avoid the use of jargon by using words from everyday English, and break the rules if following them will create a statement lacking in sophistication. These suggestions can be used as a measuring stick to gauge different author’s use of the English language. The writings of three authors were analyzed using Orwell’s suggestions as a guideline, and it was found that Cuthbertson and Bush violate the principles of good English while Lutz actively campaigns for the use of clear, precise English. In â€Å"From the Right,†Mike Cuthbertson violates many of Orwell’s rules; and as a result, the writing lacks clarity, and the imagery is not vivid. Take for instance the following sentence: â€Å"To accomplish this, I full well knew that some concessions to my gardener wife would be necessary. †In this sentence, the author has some unnecessary words (â€Å"full well†) and uses a passive construction at the end of the sentence. This sentence could be more precise with the implementation of Orwell’s rules: â€Å"To accomplish this, I knew that I must make concessions to my gardener wife. †Another example of Cuthbertson’s use of the passive voice appears in the following sentence: â€Å"So rural was the area that I actually attended a one-room school house for grades one and two (no kindergarten, then) before a brand new amalgamated school was built in the village and all the area kids were bused to it. †Later in the passage, Cuthbertson uses a long, relatively uncommon word when a shorter, more frequently used word would convey his meaning just as well: â€Å"magnanimously proposed†could be replaced with â€Å"selflessly proposed. †Throughout the passage, Cuthbertson uses figures of speech that have been so over-used they have lost their punch: â€Å"under the watchful eye,†â€Å"to earn our keep,†â€Å"at that tender age,†â€Å"the fairer sex,†â€Å"my better half,†â€Å"to keep my ego firmly in check,†â€Å"to lose myself in a good novel,†and â€Å"been put in my place. †To be fair to Cuthbertson, it should be noted that he appears to have used this style of writing to serve a literary purpose, namely the evocation of his childhood years spent in a farming community and the lessons that continue to be felt in his married life. However, the author’s passive voice and over-used figures of speech detract from the imagery he seems to want to create in the reader’s mind. His communication would have been much more effective if he had created new ways of describing his situation. Alastair McKie’s compilation some of George W. Bush’s statements contains some glaring examples of poor English. Not only does Bush violate Orwell’s suggestions for good English, he appears to be incapable of constructing proper sentences and using words correctly. For example, Bush repeats a made-up word, â€Å"misunderestimated,†three times in one paragraph. In another paragraph, Bush remarks that â€Å"ticket counters and airplanes will fly. †Flying ticket counters would certainly be a remarkable occurrence! While the flying ticket counters remark is humorous, other of Bush’s statements are just confusing. Take for example, â€Å"We are fully committed to working with both sides to bring the level of terror down to an acceptable level for both. †If the United States and its allies are one side of the war on terror and the other side are the terrorists, is Bush saying that he is willing to work with the country of which he is president? Shouldn’t that go without saying? Bush, or at the very least his speechwriters, would have greatly benefited from reading Orwell’s essay, the following sentence in particular: â€Å"Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one’s meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations. †If Bush had a clear idea of what he wanted to say, maybe he would be better at saying it. Orwell has a further suggestion that could help Bush on his way to becoming a clear thinker who uses rhetoric more effectively. For Orwell, improvements in these areas will lead towards political improvements: â€Å"If one gets rid of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration. †In contrast, George Orwell would have greatly admired William Lutz. Lutz spent sixteen years collecting examples of double-speak which he then compiled into a book. Some of these examples are euphemisms for the most horrid things: â€Å"dehired†and â€Å"non-retained†(i. e. fired) and â€Å"negative patient care outcome†(i. e. death following a medical procedure). These euphemisms are similar in function to those, mentioned by Orwell, intended to mask indescribable horrors of war or to rationalize abhorrent behavior. Others of Lutz’s examples are needlessly complicated phrasings of simple concepts: â€Å"Exit access is that part of a means of egress that leads to an entrance or an exit. †All those words simply indicate a way of accessing a door or window. Still other examples are merely funny: â€Å"occasional protein spill†(i. e. vomit) and â€Å"television with non-multicolor capability†(i. e. a black and white television). These examples are similar to those cited by Orwell when he speaks of the relationship between euphemisms and insincerity. He finds that when writers are insincere, they cloak their real feelings in lofty, verbose language. One hopes that with Lutz’s drawing attention to the sheer amount of doublespeak that exists in our world, people will become more aware of how empty it is and stop using it. In conclusion, Cuthbertson and Bush violate the principles of good English while Lutz actively campaigns for the use of clear, precise English. These three examples come from different genres: autobiography, speech, and non-fiction. As such, they provide evidence for the importance of good English as a communication tool in all areas of life. Orwell’s principles are effective guidelines to follow in any means of communication. After all, it is important to be clear, concise, and precise when communicating with others.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Disappointed + Preposition
Disappointed + Preposition Disappointed + Preposition Disappointed + Preposition By Maeve Maddox A reader asks: Could you write about which preposition should be used after disappointed (e.g., in, at, with, by)? Please explain the instances to use them correctly. I don’t think it’s possible to lay down a hard and fast rule about which preposition should follow disappointed, but I’ve gathered some headlines and quotations from the Web that illustrate what seems to me to be the most common usage. His military dad was disappointed in him. My parents are disappointed in me. Disappointment is an emotion. The preposition that follows disappointed hints at the intensity of the emotion involved. â€Å"Disappointed in†suggests that a betrayal has taken place. The source of the disappointment is usually a loved and trusted person whose actions are seen by another as a betrayal. The trusted person’s very character is in question. This kind of disappointment shakes a relationship. In is also used when trust has been placed in an entity or institution from which something else was expected: New Hope parents, students disappointed in courts decision Drivers in Liberia are expressing frustration and disappointment in the Federation of Road Transport Union (FRTUL) for its alleged failure to meet their needs. â€Å"Disappointed by†lacks the sense of betrayal conveyed by â€Å"disappointed in†; with by the emotion seems to be more one of surprise: Kim Simplis Barrow says she’s disappointed by church’s position â€Å"Disappointed with†seems to have the broadest application. We’re disappointed with products or with how things are done: †I am deeply disappointed with how WorkSafe conducted this investigation,†Clark told reporters. iPhone users are disappointed with the iOS 7.1 software update thats draining their batteries Julien Disappointed With Bruins’ Effort In Winnipeg Chase disappointed with outcome of 2014 Legislative sessions Preposition use is changing rapidly. For example, nonstandard â€Å"excited for†is challenging standard â€Å"excited about†in the speech of younger speakers. If the established uses of â€Å"disappointed in†and â€Å"disappointed by†are displaced, it will be by â€Å"disappointed with,†as in this comment by Drake Bennett: Being disappointed with a person feels different from being disappointed with an outcome, and demands a different response. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Handy Expressions About Hands10 Colloquial Terms and Their Meanings45 Idioms About the Number One
Monday, October 21, 2019
Student Paraphrase and Ideas Essay
Student Paraphrase and Ideas Essay Student: Paraphrase and Ideas Essay Part 5: A tutorial on Paraphrasing This final part of the tutorial consists of 4 parts: Part 5a. How to paraphrase: A method. (A tutorial that helps you to develop the skills necessary to paraphrase successfully.) Part 5b. How to paraphrase: Using the method. (An interactive tutorial that allows you to practice and develop your paraphrasing skills.) Part 5c. How to use paraphrase in your assignments: A method. (A tutorial that shows you how to integrate paraphrase into your essays and reports.) Part 5d. How to Use paraphrase in your assignments: Using the method. (An interactive tutorial that allows you to practice and develop your skills in integrating paraphrase into your assignments.) PART 5a. How to paraphrase: A method How do you write effective paraphrases that avoid plagiarism? This section of the tutorial will provide you with a method of paraphrasing that will help you to avoid the kinds of writing practices that can lead to unintentional (or accidental) plagiarism. [pic] Take note! You will not be able to write successful paraphrases if you are too dependent on the original source, or if you try to paraphrase â€Å"word by word†from the source. There are 4 important steps or stages that can help you to produce a successful and appropriate paraphrase which avoids plagiarism: The section below will take you through these steps by providing an example source which talks about the causes of stress (stressors) in the workplace. Step 1. Read the original text carefully 1. Carefully read the original passage for understanding before you start to paraphrase the ideas in it. A very clear understanding of the original is essential. As you are about to paraphrase this passage you will need to read it several times to properly understand the ideas before trying to rewrite them in your own words. [pic] Take note! It is very important for successful paraphrasing that you think and read critically. Real mental engagement with any source under review involves a willingness to question and compare ideas in order to form a strong understanding and informed opinion. This kind of thoughtful interrogation of sources protects you from the simple repetition of ideas which not only leads to plagiarism but to poor paraphrases. Step 2: Explain it to yourself 2. Cover the passage or close the book (that contains the original passage) and explain to yourself what it is about. After reading the text you want to paraphrase, you should be able to explain to yourself the ideas or arguments in the text without referring back to it. If you cannot explain the ideas in the passage without constantly consulting the original passage then you are not ready to paraphrase it. Read the following explanation of the passage which shows the student’s understanding of the source and her capacity to explain it without continually referring back to the original text. [pic] [pic] Take note! Any attempt to paraphrase after only a quick reading of the text will lead to a dependence on the original source, which will result in a word by word and phrase by phrase paraphrase (usually by repeatedly moving back and forward between the original passage and the paraphrase). This practice leads to poorly constructed paraphrases and accidental plagiarism. Once you can clearly explain the passage to yourself in your own words, then you can begin the process of paraphrasing. Step 3: Paraphrase it 3. Write a paraphrase of the ideas, as you have understood them (without constantly referring back to the original passage). [pic] Take note! Use your explanation to write the paraphrase. Only refer back to the original text to check what you have written. If your paraphrase changes the meaning of the original text then adjust your paraphrase so that it reflects the meaning (not the wording) of the original source more accurately. The following paragraph is the
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Flight Feathers - The Flight Feathers of Birds
Flight Feathers - The Flight Feathers of Birds Feathers are a unique characteristic of birds and are a key requirement for flight. Feathers are arranged in a precise pattern over the wing. When the bird takes to the air, its wing feathers spread to create an aerodynamic surface. When the bird lands, feathers are flexible enough in their arrangement to enable the wing to fold neatly against the birds body without bending or damaging the flight feathers. Flight Feathers The following feathers make up the typical birds wing: Primaries: Elongated flight feathers that grow out from the end of the wings (the hand area of the wing). Birds typically have 9-10 primaries.Secondaries: Long flight feathers positioned just behind the primaries and grow out from the forearm area of the wing. Many birds have six secondary feathers.Tertials: Three flight feathers that are closest to the birds body along the wing, located next to the secondaries.Remiges: A term used to refer to primaries, secondaries, and tertials together.Greater primary coverts: Feathers that overlap the base of the primaries.Greater secondary coverts: Feathers that overlap the base of the secondaries.Median secondary coverts: Feathers that overlap the base of the greater secondary coverts.Lesser secondary coverts: Feathers that overlap the base of the median secondary coverts.Alula: The feathers that grow from the thumb area of the wing on the leading edge of the wing.Primary projection: The section of the primaries that, when the wing is folded, p roject beyond the tips of the tertials and sit at an angle towards the tail. Underwing coverts: Located on the underside of the wing, underwing coverts create a lining at the base of the flight feathers.Auxiliaries: Also located on the underside of the wing, the auxiliaries cover the armpit area of the birds wing, smoothing the area where the wing meets the body. Reference Sibley, D.A. 2002. Sibleys Birding Basics. New York: Alfred A. Knopf
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Future of Retail Sector in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Future of Retail Sector in UK - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that retailing includes all the activities involved in selling products or services directly to the final consumers for their personal, non-business use. Many institutions are the retailer but in recent years non-store retailing has been growing faster than the store retailing. That means non-store retailing includes selling to final consumers through direct mail, catalogs, telephone, internet, TV home shopping shows, home & office parties, door-to-door contact, vending machines & other direct selling approaches. Retailing is one of the major economic sectors of UK as retail sales of about 22l billion, about 3 million people are employed here and about 300,000 shops are on an operation. At both the business and the store level the scale of polarization is noticed. There are huge retailers & the existence of multinational businesses those are dominating the sector in the country. Retail stores come in all shapes & sizes, & new retail types kee p emerging. Thus they can be classified in terms of the amount of offered service, the breadth & depth of the product lines, the relative prices that are charged, & the organization module. Retailers operate in a harsh & fast changing environment which offers threats as well as opportunities, to become successful, retailers will have to choose target segments carefully & position themselves strongly. In this view, the airlines business of UK is one of the best examples of the retail sector. It is more competitive today than ever before, it serves consumers more choice as well as cheaper fares than before. There is no surprise that the number of passengers of UK airports is continuously increasing, from 70 million in 2000, 86 million have been flown in 2004. Retailers are always searching for new market strategies to attract & hold customers. Service differentiation has also eroded. Retailers first decide their target markets & then decide how they will position themselves in this ma rket. The product assortment should differentiate the retailer while matching target shoppers expectation. Then the price policy must fit its target market & positioning, service assortment & competition. After, to use one or all-promotional tools - advertising, selling, sales promotion, & direct marketing are required to reach to the customers. Place decision points to three critical factors in retailing success: location, location & location. The environmental analysis should be a continuous flow of planning aspect.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Research Paper
Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization - Research Paper Example David, et al, (1999) identified the simplest sense of globalization encompasses speeding, widening and deepening up of global interconnectedness of national aspects. McMicheal (2000), suggest that the term globalization refers to the integration of a project pursuing market rule on a global scale. Anthony Giddens in his philosophy ‘The Consequences of Modernity’ defined globalization as the intensification of international social relations which shorten distant localities in such a way that events occurring locally are shaped by events occurring miles away. Other scholars such as Roland Robertson, a professor of sociology, defined globalization as â€Å"the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole†(Bartmess & Cerny, 2007). In this perspective, there is no universally accepted definition of globalization, but the acceptability depends on the context at which the term is used. However, globalization can be well be understood by determining factors and aspects that make up the term. In 2000, International Monetary Fund (IMF) developed four basic aspects of globalization; transaction and trade, investment and capital movement, movement of people and migration and dissemination of knowledge (International Monetary Fund, 2000). In terms of transaction and trade, low-income countries increased their share of world trade from 18.6% in 1971 to 28% in 1999. Private capital flows to low-income and middle-income countries replaced by ‘development assistance’ and ‘aid. Foreign direct investment became the investment of concern by larger companies in developing countries, which led the introduction of multinational companies (Asmussen, 2011). David, et al, (2005) identified that globalization developed international trade and companies. Due to increased interaction among nationalities, countries traded with one another with goods and services they have a comparative advantage (David, et
Friday, October 18, 2019
Organization Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Organization Architecture - Essay Example Part of this is by making sure that Google feels like a small-business, no matter how large and successful the organization may be (â€Å"Jobs,†2011). Google makes its employees number one by being open to anything that they may have to say. As employees can be a large part of any company’s success, it is important to take their views onboard tailor the workplace to suit their needs. Unlike other organizations, Google is a forward-thinking organization in that diversity is at the forefront of its employee recruitment policies. Google doesn’t just accept differenceâ€â€they celebrate, support, and thrive on it so that their employees, products, and community can feel the feel effects of it (â€Å"Jobs,†2011). Diversity in the workplace is becoming increasingly important in today’s modern business environment. Because Google is a well-recognized international organization that has business operations in a wide variety of companies, Google has to take a stand and be at the forefront of diversity in the workplace. Google is not just an equal opportunity workplace, but is rather an affirmative action employer (â€Å"Jobs†2011). Google is one of the most open and transparent companies out there. Because of this, there is very little control in everyday business operations. Douglas Merrill, senior director of information technology at Google, commented: â€Å"We release a lot of products in beta because that’s the way we understand to interact with our clients†(Farber, 2005). This means that many Google products, when released, do not function as they should. One benefit of this is that Google users themselves can inform the company of any defects in any of their products. This way, Google does not have to employ anyone to check products before they are released to the market. One control that Google does use is their Project Database. This is not really a project tracking system, but rather a reporting sy stem that allows Google employees to check what work they themselves and other employees are currently doing (Farber, 2005). This system is run via an email posting that displays a list of bullet points (Farber, 2005). The good thing about this system is that other workers can check an employee’s output and detect any flaws that may be involved. However, this system is not fully perfect because much of the data that the system displays can be completely meaningless. According to the chief culture officer, Google’s culture focuses upon innovation and teamwork to produce the quality products. Stacy Savides Sullivan is one of the very few people who work at an organization with her position (Mills, 2007). Her main role is to make sure that the company’s distinctive culture is maintained while every employee feels satisfied. Google’s culture is based upon being a flat organization, very little hierarchy, and a collaborative environment (Mills, 2007). Google p romotes individuality among its employees and expects them to think quickly on their feet. Back in 2006, Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin decided that Google’s culture was slipping away from its traditional values. This was when they came up with the idea of a chief culture officer to manage all of the conflicts that occur in the workplace. Culture is a very important part of the success of Google, so it is vital that this
Paraphrase essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Paraphrase essays - Essay Example ng desire of Cyrus for greatness makes him able to withstand all the temptations and assume a disciplined life, which earns him respect among all people, as well as his army. Nevertheless, Cyrus has had people who are always envious about is character and role as a wise and charismatic leader, but these individuals have fallen from their desired paths. For example, Cyaxares is highly obsessed in achieving the same status of leadership as that of Cyrus in leading his army. However, he failed to achieve this because his envy for Cyrus did not let him focus on activities, which would grant him an opportunity to achieve his goals. Another individual who has fallen because of the envy for Cyrus is the Araspas who has a strong obsession for Panthea. In the entire readings, it is clear that Cyrus was an inspirational leader who gained political success because of his inherent characteristic of observing discipline (Xenophon and Ambler, 2001). The readings also provide emphasis on the Persians status during the Xenophon time. Xenophon illustrated the positive characteristics from the Persians discipline during the Cyrus life. He also indicated that the lack of such characteristics would result in harming the society in different perspectives and aspects of life. Further, Xenophon has illustrated the need for Persians desire to achieve excellence in different endeavors of their life. This trait is seen in different fields, especially in the choice of health, clothing, training for discipline and assuming the best conduct in society. Such has enabled Persians to become an organized society while the presence of Cyrus as the model leader makes them to remain in that status at all times. Nevertheless, the Persians lost the way after the death of Cyrus. Their impressive and erstwhile organization has dissolved while the disarray has made it complex to ensure that an effective successor rises to replace the works of Cyrus. For example, transactions had all forms of dishonesty
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Grades Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Grades - Research Paper Example According to the authors grading students on a single dimension does not adequately assess learning. For them, a grading plan should include elements such as class attendance and effort. When such a grading system is used, it is unfair to the students based on a number of factors. First, when behavior is used to grade students, it does not connect with students’ understanding of the course or subject. In every learning institution, there are different approaches used to monitor and punish unwanted behavior (Close, 380). For this reason, bad behavior should be punished by the relevant bodies as opposed to being included as part of the grade. If behavior is included as part of the grade, it generally becomes difficult to understand and interpret that grade in a meaningful way (Allen, 222). A grade should be a fair reflection of the student’s understanding and knowledge about a given subject, and this should not be combined with elements such as discipline as this will be misleading. Secondly, the use of these additional elements in determining a grade is based on the teacher’s â€Å"merged judgment†of these elements. This means that the teacher evaluates the student’s performances in these elements – behavior, efforts, interest etc- and assigns a collective score. For example, a student may be given grade B in a certain subject as opposed to grade A due to his low scores in other elements such as behavior and effort. Unfortunately, these factors are based on the merged judgment of the teacher and are not evident or explained in the final grade. A person looking at the student’s grade will not know which of these factors contributed to the final grade and the method used by the teacher in assigning scores to these elements. This gives a false impression of the student’s knowledge in that subject. Finally, including these
Answer the Questions 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Answer the Questions 2 - Essay Example For instance, a structure also helps in creating internal divisions and functions, in formalisation, in departmenalisation, for team-building, in clarifying authority and position power. It is worthwhile to mention that an organisation’s managerial structure is visually represented by organisation chart that identifies all aforementioned characteristics. A Vertical Functional structure is one in which information flows from top-to-bottom and bottom-to- top and where all decision making powers are enjoyed by a firm’s Owner, President or CEO. The organisational chart portrays total number of departments and their directors, divisional heads and managers that work under top management and that are handed over key responsibilities for conducting business operations. The Divisional structure is also known as Product or Program structure because here the departments are grouped on basis of organisational output that could either be a good or service. Indeed, in such type of structure, each product division has all necessary, though small, departments such as Marketing, Production, Finance, IT etc. The matrix structure is actually a combination of various aspects of vertical and divisional chain of command simultaneously in a business organisation. In fact, this type of structure is quite helpful because it facilitates interaction and internal communication among employed personnel in corporate setting. In addition, the structure has dual chain of authority. The next structure is known as Team Approach where managers group employees into teams to ensure greater employee participation in business affairs, organisational flexibility, delegation and authority of tasks to lower managerial levels and greater coordination. In other words, this team structure promotes mutual accountability and responsibility about company goals and objects, which
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Grades Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Grades - Research Paper Example According to the authors grading students on a single dimension does not adequately assess learning. For them, a grading plan should include elements such as class attendance and effort. When such a grading system is used, it is unfair to the students based on a number of factors. First, when behavior is used to grade students, it does not connect with students’ understanding of the course or subject. In every learning institution, there are different approaches used to monitor and punish unwanted behavior (Close, 380). For this reason, bad behavior should be punished by the relevant bodies as opposed to being included as part of the grade. If behavior is included as part of the grade, it generally becomes difficult to understand and interpret that grade in a meaningful way (Allen, 222). A grade should be a fair reflection of the student’s understanding and knowledge about a given subject, and this should not be combined with elements such as discipline as this will be misleading. Secondly, the use of these additional elements in determining a grade is based on the teacher’s â€Å"merged judgment†of these elements. This means that the teacher evaluates the student’s performances in these elements – behavior, efforts, interest etc- and assigns a collective score. For example, a student may be given grade B in a certain subject as opposed to grade A due to his low scores in other elements such as behavior and effort. Unfortunately, these factors are based on the merged judgment of the teacher and are not evident or explained in the final grade. A person looking at the student’s grade will not know which of these factors contributed to the final grade and the method used by the teacher in assigning scores to these elements. This gives a false impression of the student’s knowledge in that subject. Finally, including these
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
FP (Iran) V. Secretary of State for the Home Department Case Study
FP (Iran) V. Secretary of State for the Home Department - Case Study Example The brief facts of the case, FP (Iran) V. Secretary of State for the Home Department (2007), is that the Appellant, an asylum seeker, had initially filed an appeal,through counsel, against the Home Office's rejection of her claim for asylumWith the advent of civilisation and the law making process, it has been the endeavour of man to ensure that Rule of Law prevails in all decisions made in disputes. Judges have accepted time and again that just as everybody has certain rights that are subject to prevailing laws, so also all officials upholding the law have a responsibility to ensure that they shall not commit any act without proper justification. Administrative Law is a set of governing principles that form a part of public law that ensures the fair and reasonable implementation of the laws enacted by the Parliament The main principle of Administrative Law is that all actions on the part of the Government must be legal and if it is not then the public must have a remedy against such illegal action (Kuttner, 2007).Prior to discussing the importance of the present case in the development of Administrative Law, it is important to understand the facts of the case. The brief facts of the case, FP (Iran) V. Secretary of State for the Home Department (2007), is that the Appellant, an asylum seeker, had initially filed an appeal, through counsel, against the Home Office's rejection of her claim for asylum, before the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (henceforth referred to as AIT). The AIT held that the said appeal was not valid giving error of law as the reason for its decision. A rehearing was fixed and notice of the same was sent to the last known address of the Appellant. However, the Appellant having shifted residence did not get the notice and was not present during the hearing. From the perusal of the judgement, it is apparent that the Appellant had had informed her solicitors of this change and they had in turn informed the Home Office. However, neither the app ellant nor her solicitors had informed the AIT. The Judge on finding the Appellant absent went on to hear the appeal on the premise that the notice had indeed been properly served as per the rules. The appeal was dismissed on the grounds that there was discrepancy in the evidence presented by the Appellant, which has not been clarified. The Judge further held that the absence of the Appellant for the rehearing showed a lack of interest in the case and hence could not be upheld. The main question that the Judges in this present case faced was whether the Appellant can be held responsible for the actions or inactions of his or her lawyers. In this case, the Appellant had to pay the price for her lawyer's failure to inform the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal about the change of address, which resulted in the Appellant not being informed about the hearing leading to her absence and ultimately dismissal of appeal. Given this factual background, it is very clear that certain basic principles of law have been violated by the AIT while deciding this case. Rule of law implies that all decisions made by any Court should be fair, efficient and speedy. This concept has been taken in its literal meaning by the AIT even in the arena of rule making without any thought towards the conflict that could arise while implementing the rules. The judgement in the present case deals with the different aspects of administrative law as reflected in this case and how each aspect has been affected and the resulting judgement or opinion of the judges. Analysis and Assessment of Judgement 1.Fairness The first point that the judgement discusses is whether the provisions embodied in the Statute and rules there under are fair or not. According to the judgement, various changes are proposed in the law governing such cases based on the fact that the existing rules and principles are inadequate to fairly deal with such cases. Prior to understanding the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Impact of Gst on Fmcg Sector Essay Example for Free
Impact of Gst on Fmcg Sector Essay Initially envisaged to be in place by April 1, 2010 the GST would result in a major rationalization and simplification of the consumption tax structure at both the centre and state levels by replacing all central and state level indirect taxes such as value added tax (VAT), excise duty, service tax, entertainment tax among others bring relief to the common man. GST: An Executive Summary GST is the most ambitious indirect tax reform in India ever attempted and aims to create one â€Å"borderless domestic market†. It will tax consumption as against â€Å"production†which is the current norm. A uniform rate will be imposed on a product only once, at the point of its supply, thus reducing the cost for consumers. Key benefits: If GST is implemented without many exemptions and with a single rate, the following benefits will accrue: * Macro: Successful pan-India implementation will add 1-1. 7 % to the GDP and boost the tax/GDP ratio. * Micro: Incidence of tax will come down in case of manufactured goods. However, in case of services the incidence and coverage of tax may rise resulting in higher prices. Industry: Volume growth will accrue as incidence of taxation is minimized. Also, supply chain efficiencies will accrue as there will be no need for multiple depots and warehouses. Driven by growing consumption in rural and semi-urban areas, the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) market is expected to double from $14. 7 billion in 2008-09 to $30 billion in 2012, according to a study titled â€Å"Prospects in the FMCG sector†, released by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham). The Indian FMCG sector is the fourth largest sector in the economy with a market size in excess of $14. 7 billion. A well-established distribution network, intense competition between the organized and unorganized segments characterize the sector. GST is a tax on consumption, and since FMCGs form the core of the consumption basket, the sector would be watch closely on the heels of its implementation. The sector is bound to witness many gainers and closers, depending crucially on the base and rates of the GST. Currently both centre and state tax rates vary- central value added tax (CENVAT) duty varies from 0-14 % (reduced to 8% under the fiscal stimulus package) and the state VAT varies between 0% and 12. 5%. Indications are that the combined centre and state GST on FMCGs could range between 12% and 14%, if applied at a single rate. At this rate, the total burden on FMCG’s should remain approximately the same as under the current structure. However, it would lead to simplication in the tax structure and would mitigate the disputes relating to classification of goods into various tax rate categories and determination of factory price for application of CENVAT. However, if food and other basic necessities were to be exempted or made taxable at a lower rate, then the standard rate for other goods and services could be pushed up to 18% or more. This could lead to disputes on classification of goods to the two rate categories. Leaving aside the issue of rates, many benefits are to be realized with respect to simplification of the supply chain which are summarized thus: Impact of GST on the FMCG Supply Chain: The introduction of GST is expected to build best-in-class capability in supply chain as well as people capability and enhance India’s cost leadership position by eliminating inefficiencies in supply chain and taxation: * Multiple Route-to-market models: Upto 35% reduction possible in time-to-market. Simplification of Supply Chain: With the elimination of central sales tax, manufacturers could implement a centralized warehousing and distribution centre and need not set up distribution depots in individual states and make inter-state sales via consignment agents. * Elimination of Tax Cascading: Currently, FMCG dealers cannot claim a credit for the service tax paid on their inputs. Restrictions also apply on claimin g credits for VAT on inputs other than goods for resale. Reduction in Inventory Costs: Currently, the CENVAT is included in inventory costs, because of which the dealers costs increase. Under the new structure, the GST paid on inventory would be fully recoverable as input tax credit, reducing the inventory financing costs. * Cash Flow benefit from tax: The dealers would be collecting GST from their customers as they make sales, but would be required to remit it to the government only at the end of the month or the quarter, when they file their returns. This extra cash float would be like a recurring interest-free loan from the government each quarter. These benefits would be then passed on to the customer in the form of Potential Price Reduction which are depicted below: ( Under two scenarios of 14% and 16% Excise Duty) Direct Impact on Logistics with trickle down benefits for FMCG: The cost of logistics in India is about 13% of the GDP, among the highest in the world. This higher logistics spend in India is attributed to the inefficiencies in the system which are expected to be done away with the new taxation regime. The previous regime has resulted in an unorganized and fragmented warehousing industry necessitating streamline of the logistics industry processes. The GST would impact the Logistics sector as under: * Consolidation outsourcing in warehousing: Achievable due to inherent advantages of low fixed costs, low employment of manpower and administrative effort. * Reduction in number of Distribution Centres (DC’s): Post GST, state specific distribution centres are expected to change to regional DCs. The outcome of this would be fewer DCs of larger size, more value inventory and a higher number of trasactions. Improvement in Quality of Services: Costs savings can be used to improve the quality of services and the usage of larger line haul vehicles, larger loads and cross docking. * Alleviation of complexities in documentation and inter State barriers: Through a uniform and seamless application of CGST SGST irrecoverable taxes such as Central Sales Tax (CST), complex documentation of inter State movement of goods, entry barriers at state borders resulting in long transportation times and imposition of local levies such as entry taxes and octroi upon physical entry of goods into designated areas can be done away with. Analysis: In order to satisfy the set of customer needs through its products and services, the firms operating in the FMCG space need to achieve a consistency between their Business Strategy, Product Development Strategy, Marketing Sales Strategy and Supply Chain Strategy. As identified earlier, the supply chain strategy which revolves around Operations, Distribution and Service is geared towards cost leadership by the implementation of GST, all while improving quality of service. In the FMCG sector, there is a need for an efficient supply chain as consumer goods typically depict predictable demand, explaining their low margins. GST helps us achieve thus by alleviating complexities inherent in the existing tax system. Facility Network Design Considerations: Increase in the number of facilities increase costs associated with inventory, setting up of additional facilities and transportation. As discussed earlier, the elimination of the Central Sales Tax can help the industry work towards consolidation of warehouses and distribution centres, reducing the number of facilities and thereby the overall logistics costs. Same has a direct impact on response time, and the savings realized by facility reduction along with the multiple route-to-market models that have opened up, could lead to a 35% reduction in time-to-market. Recommendations: Based on the secondary data collected, and the subsequent analysis of the FMCG sector the following recommendations have been tabulated for the benefit of the policy makers: * Extended date of implementation: Setting of the deadline as October, 2010 as opposed to April 1, 2010 would help the Centre solve any and all disputes related to its implementation with the States leading to a flawless roll-out. Removal of classification between goods and services: To ensure there are no classification disputes, leading to more complications and delays. * Removal of existing area based exemptions: the existing area based exemptions in respect of CENVAT should be discontinued and if need be a direct investment linked cash subsidy may be provided to support the industry, for b alanced regional development. The idea is to not break the GST chain with regard to both CGST SGST. Some of the options around re-engineering the supply chain would relate to decisions on indigenous supplies vis-a-vis imports; Intra-State vis-a-vis Inter-State procurement manufacturing service/warehousing stocking locations, in-house v/s contract manufacturing, direct sales v/s stock transfers etc.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Purpose of Copyright Essay -- Property Laws
In today’s ever-accelerating world, we constantly find ourselves in a whirlwind of vague and complicated legal issues. Several of these relate specifically to something we encounter every time we listen to a song, look at a photograph, or read a book⎠¯copyrights. It appears that all these new controversies over copyrights and copyright infringement may be exaggerated or irrelevant. However, these issues pertaining copyright are neither irrelevant nor exaggerated, although this excessive attention constantly being drawn to it is certainly worth noting. The fact that copyrights are creating such an upheaval should not be attributed to over exaggeration. Instead, we must see this as a sign that copyrights as they are currently being maintained are in need of inspection and perhaps revision. Our excessive emphasis on claiming something as our property has caused copyright to act counter to its initial purpose. In order to best understand what the initial intention of copyrights was, it is necessary to look to where it is first expressed in our society. As it turns out, copyrights have been in place in our society since the crafting of the Constitution. Although there were several views as go how to best implement it, ultimately it was Thomas Jefferson’s notion of copyright that was most clearly incorporated into the Constitution. In it, it â€Å"†¦gives Congress the authority to ‘promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries’†(Lethem 63). This inclusion of a copyright for authors and inventors had a clear purpose⎠¯to create an incentive for the mass of typically ordinary people to create and innovate. By securing a pa... Carolan, Michael S. â€Å"Constructing the ‘pure’ inventor: individual, collective, and corporate authorship within patent law.†New Genetics and Society. 27.4: (301-310). Helprin, Mark â€Å"Digital Barbarism: A Writer’s Manifesto.†Harper: HarperCollins Publishers. Litman, Jessica â€Å"Creative Reading.†Khan, B. Zorina. â€Å"The Democratization of Invention: Patents and Copyrights in American Economic Development, 1790-1920.†Nber: Cambridge University Press. Lethem, Jonathan. â€Å"The Ecstasy of Influence: A plagiarism.†Harper’s Magazine. The Founders' Constitution, Volume 3, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8, Document 12 The University of Chicago PressThe Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Edited by Andrew A. Lipscomb and Albert Ellery Bergh. 20 vols. Washington: Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1905.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
courteous :: essays research papers
Being courteous is an act of being respectful and by using good manners towards people. Treating people with courtesy can show many different feelings towards the person being acted upon. In the play Othello by William Shakespeare there are many characters in the play that use and don’t use acts of courtesy. The focus of this issue is the question of, do the men in the play show courtesy towards the women in the play? Othello is the main character, and Iago is a solider in his army. Iago was passed a position of lieutenant to another solider named Cassio. This action made Iago very angry and jealous, so he would seek a sort of revenge throughout the play. In the play Othello Iago, a respected individual, shows very little respect towards women in the play. In lines 103 through 125 in Act 2 scene one Iago is very disrespectful towards the women in the play. In Iago’s speeches, especially in lines 109 through 119, Iago acts in a very heavily manner towards Desdemona, and Emilia in these scenes throughout the play. In the opening acts we learn that Othello is a respected man, and a leader of an army. He lives out a long history of heroic stories and epics that make women woo over him. He marries Desdemona, while carrying a relationship with Emilia, the wife of Iago. Iago finds out about a past relationship with Othello and Emilia and becomes jealous and seeks revenge again. Iago then thin ks of a way to make Othello jealous. Iago shows no remorse towards anyone in these situations and uses not only his wife but also Desdemona to seek revenge on Othello out of jealousy. Throughout act 2 Iago talks to and about women in a very rude DuBois 2 manner. In line 115 Iago states, " â€Å"You rise to play, and go to bed to work.†This statement was primarily directed towards Desdemona and Emilia but, also includes all women at this time period. This means that a woman’s main purpose is to please a man and that’s it. Iago also shows little respect for the leaders of his army, like Cassio his former lieutenant. He uses Cassio to make Othello jealous and then this makes Othello angry at Cassio. Cassio also shows little some disrespect towards women as well. In act 3 tension arises between the crowd and at the end a former prostitute of Cassio approaches him and he deliberately eases her by telling her that he hasn’t seen her in awhile because he is under a lot of stress lately.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Bitstream Human Resource Management Essay
This case study is related with the selection process- the process of selection is about choosing the right people for the right job. In this case we assume that we have already chosen interview as an appropriate instrument to measure candidate’s performance in selection criteria. Our task will be to prepare right questions for the candidates that let us predict the most adequate candidate for the job. Bitstream is a software company that has identified an opportunity to develop and market a new product. The company develops digitalized type fonts for display type font for display screens and technology. Their revenues come from retail sales and OEM sales. Jim Sole, the brand new president was hired in 1992 to substitute the former president, the founder of the company. Jim was a very successful professional and had much great experience in this area. Jim found the organization needing some changes, like a reorganization of the structure, a clear clarification of the short/term goals and a need to enhance the teamwork within the company. These problems would be solved with reorganization of the bonus plan they have, and to delegate decisions to the employees, to make them have the need to have responsibilities and decision making power. This company had grown at a rate of 25% and had a forecast of future growth at 15%. The regular growth, plus a 15% nominal turnover in the company shows that almost 40% of people from one year to another are new. They come up with the idea of developing a network print manager, related to the work they do in the printing environment. This new product would handle printing times, printing queues or even different specifications of the work to be printed. It requires already market-existing technology but also innovation made by the company. There is a new project in the hand of the company and is a great eager to the appearance of this product in this market, and is known that there is a market segment to this product easily identifiable. To complete this task correctly, Jim Sole started looking for the right person to fill the gap of the new project manager. He talked with his friend Peter Dromeshauser, an executive recruiter (â€Å"Head Hunter) and gave him some indications concerning the job. Peter then come up with 4 names that we are going to analyze in the following. CRITERIA FOR FILLING THE POSITION: There are some aspects of selection criteria like checking the individual’s personality cross match with the requirement so for this Jim Sole can do following things. Conduct a test for job with required specifications Job requirement can be objectively evaluated in matrix/tabulated formed and personalities of each individual could be assessed based on test interview and questionnaires. Primary task would then confine to select the test for candidate. This test should be planned with industrial psychologist and may contain test interview or test questionnaire. Requirement for job has been 1. Candidate should be able to imbibe the culture of organization and in BITSTREAM there was problem that due to talented employee it became a political place and sometime became difficult to align them to organization goals. 2. Since it is mentioned in case that for sales and marketing jobs it had been a hard task to verify their qualities to handle the organization with new plans and achieve set target for sales. 3. Before going to further selection procedure Jim can reject individuals by having evaluated some preliminary criteria. E.g. Salary expected after negotiation, would they like to work with emerging companies. 4. Jim can formulate a questionnaire specifically evaluating the requirement of job; he wanted to be in employee. This includes better decision maker, better understanding of existing network, aggressive in strategies etc. 5. Content of questionnaire and test interview should be to evaluate how individual will react to particular situation, analytical questions related to human relationship management, related to target achievement in sales, new product launch. This would help to assess their individual qualification and experience with respect to their requirement much better. To ensure that the interview will be valid we first review job specification and develop â€Å"checklist†with relevant criteria for the job. According to the CVs we have received we can then register our assessment relative to each of the important job dimensions. Trough the reading of this case, we are given a series of indications that show the key criteria to fill the position. Therefore, we found pertinent main points to characterize the four candidates, and gave a scale in terms of importance to them, to have a general overview of their qualities and fitting to the job. * Relation with Novel *Entrepreneurial skill (flexibility, intellectual curiosity, risk taking) * Experience in new Launch * VAR Experience * Networking Experience *Salary *Team work * Relation with Novel Criteria: SALARY- Encompasses a simple yes or no answer. It is acknowledged that Bitstream offers up to $120,000 in wages. This includes $80,000 in salary, $40,000 for bonus potential plus stock options from the company. This is perceived as the highest bid to offer to candidates since it was seen adequate to the market reality. Additionally, a higher offer could disrupt the salary structure of the firm. ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILL- Within this terminology we consolidated 3 major characteristics that the company looks for: Intellectual curiosity, flexibility and risk taking. This means that we look for a person who is open minded and willing to learn, who responds well to any given environmental change while regarding risk as a challenge. TEAMWORK- Is the ability to work with other people in order to achieve a common goal. This means that it is necessary to partially sacrifice personal ambition and goals. DECISION MAKING- Regarded to be one of the most important attributes in business management, especially in small organizations. It is the ability to â€Å"make the call†and it requires a lot of self confidence, knowledge and courage. EXPERIENCE IN NEW LAUNCH- This job will require someone who has experience in the distribution channel. The product needs to be in the right time at the right place. A good Communication channel is also necessary since we will be introducing a new product with a new set of characteristics where advertising and promotion play an important role, therefore making marketing knowledge a valuable tool. VAR AND NETWORK CHANNELS- VAR (value added retail) and Network channels are important since it is the working tool. VAR will be the active channel that the company is going to use, while network channel is the background of the companies activity Those grades presented in front of the topics are the top punctuation the candidates can have and give a rate of importance we have given to them. Mr. Mitchell was discarded by us because of the need of a higher salary, which could be a problematic issue with other employees and create a bad environment. Although he has a very impressive CV and many good managerial, social and entrepreneurial characteristics the salary issue is related with the well-being of the company, and therefore it is of our opinion he must be discarded. Adding, he might be the older of the four candidates (according to the year of finishing degree), and as he is working in a big company, he might not have the experience of small company relations and procedures, a point Jim referred would be important.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Essay on Climate Change
Climate is the average condition of temperature, amount of water vapor in air that is humidity and rainfall that has persisted over years and centuries and millenniums. Does climate ever change? Yes! It had changed! Earth, when newly made, was hot and red! Eventually it cooled and biological life started. Then Ice age eclipsed whole of the Earth, with chilled winds blowing all over the place. Gradually, the climate again changed to normal. Then the question arises, â€Å"What is actually normal temperature? †It might be the range of level of mercury in which life can persist.The climate, therefore, has changed, starting from hot to normal to cold and then it began reversing to normal and then what? What is going to be the next? Are we moving to the starting? The Earth may get that hot again. As we are seeing, these days, the issue of Global warming, green house effect is becoming the primary talk. But which force is changing the climate? The earlier stages of climate change w ere supposed to be caused by natural phenomena such as meteor strike, volcanoes, air currents and many others.But presently, what is causing climate change? None of the natural effects is taking place. But still, the temperature is rising, the Ice at the poles is melting, carbon dioxide levels are increasing and the ozone layer is being damaged. These all disasters are taking place due only one parasite, the HUMAN RACE. Humans are setting up industries, power plants, using excess of air conditioners, burning fossil fuels and flourishing cities just for the sake of the rise of temperature and increase of toxins in the air.A person driving a car, relaxing in the cool air of ACs and listening to the radio does not realize that he is emitting thirty seven grams of highly toxic carbon monoxide every four kilometers and amounts of sulfur dioxide. A youngster spending time on social networking on a computer doesn’t realize that he is emitting two hundred fifty kilograms of Carbon di oxide every year. These all will invite doom. Sulfur dioxide will combine with clouds and sulfuric acid would rain. The reaction of sulfuric acid with life would turn the latter into pillars of carbon. Due to rise in temperature, our lakes and seas would evaporate.Our monuments would fall. To prevent ourselves from doom, we should use everything sustainably. Now, what is sustainability? It means the use of resources judiciously so that they sustain for the generations to come. Let’s map a dream city that is sustainable and comfortable. The main issue that is swallowing most of the natural resources and emitting a huge amount of heat and harmful gases is the production of electricity from power plants. These days, most of the electricity for domestic and industrial use is being created from the combustion of coal. Coal is a fossil fuel and may end up soon if used in excess.Besides when burnt, it gives out many poisonous fumes including oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon mon oxide. It also gives out CO2, a greenhouse gas. We can use nuclear energy to reduce the emissions of poisonous fumes but may not be able to reduce CO2 content. The other options that arise are solar and wind energy, but they are a diffused source and not permanent. Hydroelectric energy and tidal energy is also getting famous and are also good alternatives. Then arises the second most alarming issue, that is, pollution by automobiles. Petroleum is quite polluting and limited fossil fuels.One good alternative of this may be hydrogen. Hydrogen is one of the most abundant element on Earth and the fuel with one of the highest caloforic value. But it may seem bulky plus it is highly explosive. CNG and LPG are also good fuels but are also a part of fossil fuels. Third issue is the increase in usage of non – biodegrable materials such as plastics and synthetic fibres. Currently, usage of paper bags and jute bags is suggested to be the best. The last prominent issue is the scarcity of water. Water is being used in excess and soon potable water may perish.Good options are usage of special toilets designed to use less water in flush and usage of renewed water. So, my dream city would be like this: Everyone use electrical equipment judiciously. Electricity would be produced from Solar, Wind, and Tidal & Hydroelectric energy. Everyone would use jute and paper bags and won’t do unnecessary shopping. Every bit of paper would be recycled. Cars would run on hydrogen, battery and car pool would persist. Cycles would be preferred more. Toilets would use less water and no tap would be kept open unnecessarily. Luxurious, Global warming free, green and sustainable, a dream city would be†¦..
Consider how Jane Austen Portrays Marriage in Pride and Prejudice Essay
‘It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of good fortune must be in want of a wife.’ The fact that Austen opens Pride and Prejudice with this sentence is evident that the theme is going to be important. Also it holds a truth as well as being satirical and humorous. As a beginning sentence, we know that this idea of marriage will be expanded later on and become more important as the novel commences. Austen fills the novel’s dialogue with irony, making people such as Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Collins reveal their foolishness to the reader through their ridiculous comments. Pride and Prejudice is a love story that is both humorous and deeply serious. It shows a mixture of emotions on all the characters behalf. Satire is used a great deal, where Austen criticises people in a humorous way. This is due to the fact that for a woman in this period, marriage was the surest route to independence and freedom. The story is based on a series of conflicts, the central one is between Elizabeth and Darcy, and smaller ones concerning the other characters. Jane Austen portrays marriage in Pride and Prejudice in various ways. The first idea is true and deep love, and that they would want to be together forever regardless of money or social class. This reason alone should be why the couple marry. Another idea would be money, people may have chosen to marry due each other having a substantial amount of money or land. Some marriages may be very passionate or in contrast they could be quite forced. All the marriages in the novel vary as they are all slightly different under different circumstances. Austen chooses to portray the Bennet’s marriage mainly by Elizabeth’s thoughts and opinions. Their marriage is rather different to any others. Mr. Bennet proposed when Mrs Bennet was rather young. This meant she was naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and not thinking about the consequences fully. Elizabeth’s father chose to marry her mother because he was ‘captivated by her youth and beauty’. The older the couple became, the more they argued. ‘You mistake me my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these twenty years at least.’ This shows us that they have been together for at least twenty years and they still argue with each other. In addition, it shows that she uses ridicule. Mr. Bennet puts up with Mrs Bennet even though she may become annoyed by little things. Mrs Bennet has an uncertain temper and when she was discontented, she became really nervous. As she became more and more nervous, she took out her nerves and anger on her husband. Due to this and other reasons, Mr. Bennet discovered that she has a ‘weak understanding and illiberal mind.’ Mrs Bennet is desperate for all of her daughters to get married and settle down with a family, ‘Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; favour five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!’ whereas Mr. Bennet is not as bothered whether they do get married or stay single for the rest of their lives. Austen uses this marriage to represent how not all marriages work out perfectly, and that sometimes there are arguments. Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins married for a reason that Austen does not agree with. They both married for convenience, practicality and to achieve a desired social rank. Charlotte wanted to settle down in a ‘comfortable home’, and Mr. Collins wanted to ‘set an example of matrimony in his parish’ and ‘add very greatly to my happiness’. Collins also wanted to follow the ‘recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling Patroness’. Mr. Collins had a fair amount of money, so Lady and Sir Lucas did not disapprove of their daughter’s marriage. Charlotte married to solidify her life as she was twenty-seven and way beyond the marrying age. Soon she regretted it as she spent most her time trying to avoid her husband. This is unmistakeably obvious that this marriage should not have taken place. Charlotte and Collins so not have any feelings for each other, but both feel as if they have achieved something as they are settled down with some fortune. As Austen uses her writing techniques throughout the novel, Collins was described in a very burlesque way, this was due to his exaggerated behaviour. Lydia and Wickham got married even though they each had different opinions on the subject. Lydia had rushed into an ill-advised romance with Wickham, an officer who at first appears charming and trustworthy. ‘His appearance was greatly in his favour, he had all the best part of beauty – a fine countenance, a good figure, and very pleasing address.’ Another benefit would have been that he became socially named. Lydia wanted marriage to be the answer as she believed that they were meant to be with each other and that he loved her in return. Little did she know that Wickham had no intention of marrying her, but when he finally did decide to, he only took into consideration how much money the Bennet’s owned to find out how much he would make. Lydia did not see or understand that Wickham did not love her and did not intend on marriage. Everyone in Lydia’s family thought that she was stupid and foolish accepting Wickham’s proposal as they could see how untrustworthy he was. They also all knew that he was forced into it by Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy also felt responsible as he new what Wickham was like, but failed to warn anyone even though he knew the consequences would end in marriage. Darcy forced Wickham to marry for the reason that he wanted to help out Elizabeth as he had feelings towards her and he thought that doing this would make her love him. When Lydia went on her trip to Brighton, she saw this as an opportunity to become friends with male officers. ‘She saw herself the object of attention to tons and to scores of them at present unknown.’ After the two married, the Bennet’s welcomed Wickham into their family more freely, even if they didn’t mean it and they were just acting warmly towards him. Elizabeth could not bear to listen to the conversation the family were having about the couple. She heard Lydia telling Jane that she had taken her place in rank order, and this distressed her. ‘Ah! Jane, I take your place now, and you must go lower, because I am a married woman.’ This tells us that Lydia is very pleased that she is the first of all her sisters to get married, and she wants to boast about it and let everyone know. Overall, Austen portrays this marriage as a bad one, due to the circumstances. Later on she begins to change her mind, as Wickham seems to end up wanting Lydia for love, regardless of the past. Austen strongly agreed with Jane and Bingley’s marriage, as they married for love and it had nothing to do with money or land. They liked each other from the beginning, and kept it that way. I also agree that this marriage was the most suitable given that they grew to love each other before they fully found out each others history. Jane is the eldest of the five daughters, and also considered the prettiest of them. ‘†You are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room,†said Mr. Darcy, looking at the eldest Miss Bennet.’ Darcy along with Elizabeth and Bingley all seem to think that Jane is far prettier than any other of the girls in the ball room at the ball. Mr. Bennet thinks that Jane and Bingley will get cheated out of their money and become poor as they are too kind to their servants. ‘So easy, that every servant will cheat you; and so generous, that you will exceed your income.’ Although, Mr. Bennet did say that Jane and Bingley will be happy together as they married for love and they both truly love each other. Mrs. Bennet on the other hand, is just very pleased that Jane is married and especially happy that it is to someone that earns a great deal of money each year. ‘Why, he has four or five thousand a year, and very likely more.’ In the beginning when Elizabeth and Darcy first met, Elizabeth despised Darcy due to his inexcusable manners, and him refusing to dance with anybody, including herself. At the ball, Darcy thought that Elizabeth was ‘not pretty enough to be worthy of dancing with.’ Mrs Bennet had described him as ‘a disagreeable man.’ After the Ball, Darcy changes his opinion about Elizabeth ‘he was forced to acknowledge her figure to be light and pleasing.’ At this stage, Elizabeth was unaware of Darcy’s feelings towards her. Further in the novel, Darcy fears he is in ‘some danger’ of falling in love with her. The reader then realises that they might have some kind of future together. Soon Elizabeth starts to fall in love with Wickham, the handsome soldier. This is due to Darcy not mentioning how he feels and that Elizabeth knows no better. Later on, Darcy did not give Wickham the parish that he wanted and had been promised before Darcy’s father passed away. This is when Darcy wrote the letter to Elizabeth telling her about all about his and Wickham’s conversations. He told her all about how Wickham wanted to go to Law School, and then when he didn’t like law school he wanted the Parish again. Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Darcy’s Aunt, strongly disagrees to the fact that Darcy likes and would like to marry Elizabeth. She believes that as he has much more money, he should marry somebody from a higher social class than Elizabeth. Elizabeth definitely is not bothered about what she has to contribute towards the matter as she considers this to be between Darcy and herself only. ‘You are not entitled to know mine; nor will such behaviour as this, ever induce me to be explicit’. This is Elizabeth’s reply to Lady Catherine when Elizabeth denies telling her what she knows about her and Darcy. Towards the end of the novel, Darcy asks Elizabeth about her feelings towards him, she said she had changed her mind and that she does like him now. Elizabeth and Darcy then get married as they both feel the same way towards each other. This marriage is portrayed as a perfect marriage as they both married for the reason that they each love one another. I agree with this marriage, as they each fell for one another at the end, after all their ups and downs and one marriage proposal. Furthermore, these two have been through many different emotions of anger, stress, sadness and then to happiness until they were both ecstatic by being with each other. I have come to the conclusion that Austen portrays marrying for love and security as the right reason and is the decent way of doing things. We find this out because any marriage that she sees is good she goes into great detail about and explains everything that is going on, however if she disagrees with a marriage she will explain it quickly and try to finish on the subject rapidly. When Austen disapproves of a character, she views them negatively and does not inform the audience of any positive attributes. Overall I have decided that the best marriage throughout the novel was undoubtedly Darcy and Elizabeth as they married for all the right reasons. They were also the central theme so were meant to be together and work out in the end.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Credit Crunch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Credit Crunch - Essay Example Credit crunch can be thwarted by sound efforts on the part of the people who brought this credit crisis about in entirety. This would mean that these people are asked to do things against the norms which have already made the rounds in the last year or so. There is a need to address the issues that the credit crunch has brought with it since these have magnanimous effects on the world, and not just financial institutions alone. The economic climate all over the world has changed and that too in a very negative way. The manner in which states have been able to change the behaviors of the people from a futuristic angle comes directly under the aegis of moral hazards. The solution for the same is to bail out the banks so that these could avoid the short term issues and problems and hence benefit the common man. There must be stop gap solutions so that people do not suffer on the same count, however little was done to address the issues that plagued the life of commoners. The financial companies have a responsibility to meet the needs of the people and to regulate the banking sector and the government cannot be allowed to have its own under such extreme circumstances (Pettinger 2008). The credit crunch came about because banks made loans of serious amounts and had little respect for the proposition of repaying. The mortgage loans were increased since a number of different ways were devised and hence these stra tegies did not benefit the common man when the credit crunch came down quickly. The homeowners are now at a severe risk of mortgage defaults and hence they cannot fathom something sane to happen within their respective ranks. The entire financial system of the world has suffered due to the steps undertaken by the people who are at the helm of affairs within these financial institutions. The consumers for mortgage have suffered on the same count, if not less. The sales pitches given by mortgage people were very aggressive and this led
Monday, October 7, 2019
Chapter 13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Chapter 13 - Essay Example Bich is torn between the Buddhist and Christianity religions, her grandmother is a Buddhist, and her new mother is a reformed catholic who is now an atheist, all her classmates at school are Christians, she struggles to fit in one of the religions. Her other dilemma is about the foods that they eat, as a kid she likes junk American food, but later in life she seems to mature up and takes the food that she is given at home. In the chapter thirteen of the book, the author narrates about her mature life in the 1980s, she replaces some of her childhood preferences with new ones. For example, the writer has a new liking to music, something that she did not even think about as a kid, It just she just appears to like it as she grows up, she is also attracted to some television shows, this indicates that she is influenced by the pop culture of the Americans. This Indicates that she is somehow adapting to the America life at last after a battle with the culture for a long time. The fact that she is no longer interested in American junk food and opts for Buddha’s dinner offered at home. This is an indication of conservation of native culture in the past a kid the author treasured American junk food, like spaghettis, apple pies, and jiffy muffins. This was because she wanted to feel like other American children and not necessarily, because she wanted it, this showed how much she wanted to fit in the American society. Later in life, she gains a liking for the Vietnamese food that is offered at home she takes this as a reminder of her culture back in Vietnam. This is an indication that she is now matured up, and is not willing to do things just to please others and to fit in the society, she is already comfortable with her life as an American and practicing her own culture does not bother her. The author quotes that she came of age in the 1980s; this indicates that she now accepted the fact that that she was an Asian American and not all-American as she heard with so me of her friends, she still treasured some of the Vietnamese culture, like the food and the religion. The author also narrates that no matter how many people she interacted with who practiced Christianity, she still felt drawn to Buddhism and thought of it as the legitimate religion for her. This chapter mainly emphasizes on the mature life of the author in the 1980s, how she had changed in some of the aspects of life. She now understands some of the things that she could not understand as a kid, like the all-American slogan on the billboard, as a child, the author could not understand the meaning of the phrase, she thought of fit mainly as a threat. That is why she tried so much to impress and fit into the American society, she seems to act out of desperation. As grown up she knows the meaning of the phrase and is not ready to leave aside some of her native culture, she accepts who she is and is not very determined to impress the American natives. She has her own values within whi ch she abides by. At this point, we see how much she treasures her culture; it indicates how culture is an important aspect in one’s life, Bich defends her religion at all costs, and is not swayed, by others even if she is the only one practicing the culture in the neighborhood. Her classmates openly show their disapproval for her culture, they even refer to their
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Influance and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Influance and leadership - Essay Example In forming our group, each of the individual’s conduct was driven by the craving to be accepted by the other group members. In this stage, we discussed about the scope of our task as a group and decided on who gets to do what and when next to meet. We had our first meeting where we discussed about the available opportunities and challenges we will face as a group in accomplishing our tasks. In the second stage, storming, every group member had good ideas that required attention and we had to decide on how each group member will perform independently and the leadership model that we would all embrace. In norming stage, we had all agreed on one group goal and were all working to attain the goal. Some of members of the group had to sacrifice their ideas for the attainment of the goal where we came up with the lessons for the manger from the American gangster movies. The final performance stage was characterized by members of the group working together smoothly to achieve the set goals. Our main goal was to identify the various lessons that managers can learn from the American gangster movies by Denzel Washington. These lessons would include the personality, nature and decision making values that are portrayed by Denzel Washington and how one can be able to deal with conflicts and lastly pin point the major leadership traits. These were smart goals that any manager and leader would want to be familiar with. In our group, we used both push and pull styles of influencing. In the pull strategy, we employed collaborative approach where everyone was included in decision making, we also used the assertive approach where we could directly and confidently enquire for what we all want and don’t desire in the group. We also employed the use of personal attraction through enthusiasm, trust and respect and by being more visionary (Vecchio, 2007, pp.67). We also used the push strategy where the leader used force and set rules and standards within
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Asthma and medicine management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Asthma and medicine management - Essay Example It is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) which is a long-term pulmonary disease characterized by increased airflow resistance. Other types of COPD include chronic bronchitis and emphysema. 2) Incidence of asthma and implications of this. There are an estimated 234.9 million people affected by Asthma worldwide of which 28.8 million are in Europe and about 5.4 million are in the U.K. Incidence of new cases occurs mostly in children. In England about 64,000 hospital admissions took place for asthma in 2008/09. Globally 287000 deaths occurred in 2004 and there were 1034 deaths in England and Wales due to asthma in 2008 (Ward, Toledano, Shaddick, Davies, & Elliot, 2012). (NICE, 2013). 3) What are the common signs and symptoms of asthma? Common symptoms are wheezing, breathlessness, tightness in the chest, and cough. These symptoms can be worse at night and in early morning. They can arise after exercise, allergen exposure and cold air (Meerabeau & Wright, 2011). 4) Pa thophysiology of asthma and relation to the case scenario. ... â€Å"Mononuclear cell and eosinophill infiltration, mucus hyper-secretion, desquamation of epithelium, smooth muscle hyperplasia and airway remodeling†(Morris & Mosenifar, 2013) are also characteristics of airway inflammation. Airflow obstruction Airflow obstruction results due to changes taking place in the form of acute bronchoconstriction, airway edema, and chronic mucus plug formation, and airway remodeling. Acutebronchoconstriction occurs due to exposure to aeroallergens when immunoglobulin E-dependent mediator is released. The aeroallergen exposure which is the primary reason for the early asthmatic response causes edema in the away that occurs after 6-24 hours which is known as the late asthmatic response. Chronic mucus plug formation will take several weeks to subside as it contains exudates of serum proteins and cell debris. Airway remodeling is so called because of structural changes occurring due chronic inflammation and can affect the reversibility of airway obst ruction. Airway obstruction results in reduced airflow in and out of the respiratory system. This leads to lowered ability to expel air resulting in hyperinflation. The airway remodeling causes overdistension which helps maintain airway function and improve expiratory flow but overtime it alters pulmonary mechanics and increases breathing modulation. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness Hyperinflation which is in response to airflow obstruction is however is short-lived due to tidal volume approaching the volume of the pulmonary deadspace and the resultant is known as alveolar hypoventilation. It leads to ventilation-perfusion mismatch. The mismatch is also due to vasoconstriction as a result of alveolar hypoxia. Vasoconstriction is also an adaptive response to the above said mismatch (Morris &
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