Saturday, August 31, 2019
Photoshop: File System and Outgoing Connections
Adobe CS6 Master Collection Mac Cracks. Instructions : 1. Disconnect internet connection 2. Patch Hosts file Double click to launch â€Å"AdobeCS6PatchHostsFile†to patch hosts file to block outgoing connections, this will patch then open the hosts file to show you. You will need to enter you admin password. 3. Install Adobe CS6 Master Collection as a trial 4. IMPORTANT After install, launch each application then close it before you apply the specific application patch. This will ensure Photoshop is the Extended version 5. Apply application specific patch Double click the application specific patches to apply the â€Å"amtlib. ramework patch†, this also archives the original amtlib. framework folder in the application specific Frameworks. 6. Run â€Å"IllustratorTryoutSplashFix†This rewrites the files so the correct splash screen shows Also makes archives of originals You must only use this on a fresh copy of Illustrator Otherwise use the files in the folder â⠂¬ ¢ Disconnect from the Internet (or block outgoing connections) and install the trial version. †¢ When installing, select â€Å"Trial†! †¢ After installation, launch and complete the application once, blocking any outgoing connections. †¢ Replace (keep a copy of the original just in case) amtlib. ramework located in Application_Name. app / Contents / Frameworks / with [k'ed] one. †¢ Block outgoing connections: Open the hosts file and add the following lines: 127. 0. 0. 1 192. 150. 14. 69 127. 0. 0. 1 192. 150. 18. 101 127. 0. 0. 1 192. 150. 18. 108 127. 0. 0. 1 192. 150. 22. 40 127. 0. 0. 1 192. 150. 8. 100 127. 0. 0. 1 192. 150. 8. 118 127. 0. 0. 1 209-34-83-73. ood. opsource. net 127. 0. 0. 1 3dns-1. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 3dns-2. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 3dns-2. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 3dns-3. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 3dns-3. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 3dns-4. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 3dns. dobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate-sea. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activ ate-sea. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate-sjc0. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate-sjc0. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate. wip. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate. wip1. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate. wip2. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate. wip3. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate. wip3. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 activate. wip4. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobe-dns-1. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobe-dns-2. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobe-dns-2. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobe-dns-3. dobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobe-dns-3. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobe-dns-4. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobe-dns. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobe-dns. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobe. activate. com 127. 0. 0. 1 adobeereg. com 127. 0. 0. 1 crl. verisign. net 127. 0. 0. 1 CRL. VERISIGN. NET. * 127. 0. 0. 1 ereg. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 ereg. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 ereg. wip. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 ereg. wip1. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 ereg. wip2. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 ereg. wip3. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 ereg. wip3. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 ereg. wip4. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 hl2rcv. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 ood. psource. net 127. 0. 0. 1 practivate. adobe 127. 0. 0. 1 practivate. adobe. * 127. 0. 0. 1 practivate. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 practivate. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 practivate. adobe. ipp 127. 0. 0. 1 practivate. adobe. newoa 127. 0. 0. 1 practivate. adobe. ntp 127. 0. 0. 1 tss-geotrust-crl. thawte. com 127. 0. 0. 1 wip. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 wip1. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 wip2. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 wip3. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 wip3. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 wip4. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 wwis-dubc1-vip60. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 wwis-dubc1-vip60. adobe. com 127. 0. 0. 1 wwis-dubc1-vip60. adobe. com
Friday, August 30, 2019
Women informal labor
Throughout the 20th century women in Mexico have endured poverty and found it necessary to venture out into the workplace as a means of subsistence. The increase in industrialism during the time following the Mexican revolutions changed the methods of work within Mexico City and transformed workers’ lives. This era saw more women entering the work force. The type of work granted women in Mexico was mainly in the areas of cigarette and garment making (Porter, 2003). Such occupation ensured that Mexican women spent several hours a day working in factories and performing repetitive actions. These women routinely worked double shifts, and though lower working hours were generally granted to married women, even these women were often required to work well beyond the normal working day (Tuà ±Ãƒ ³n, ). However, women soon began branching out into a wider variety of occupations, and especially since the 1995-95 economic crisis, many women have entered the informal labor force. The male dominated culture has traditionally kept women from advancing in Mexican business, and this has been a major contributor to women’s strong position in the informal economy. This is specifically due to the general uneducated nature of the female population, as well as the patriarchal mentality that prevents qualified women from being hired over men (Nolan, The official age of the female workforce lies between 20 and 24, though since the crisis this has increased to 39 years. In contrast to this, the age range of women in economies of developed countries rises up to 60 years and beyond (In Mexico City proper, the percentage of females employed in the informal economy is approximately 49% (ILO, 2002). Since the informal economy accounts for approximately 64% of all Mexico’s commerce, women do contribute significantly to the economy. However, the compensation granted them as a result of their being a part of the informal economy in a developing country is far below that of their counterparts in the developed world (2002). Women in Mexico City are by far more able to get work in the domestic and agricultural fields than in any area of labor (ILO, 2002). Some of these women, having no other skills, must settle for such work that no one else will perform. The nature of the tasks themselves, such as cleaning toilets and handling other unsavory waste, makes it likely that the women work out of desperation and for very low wages. Other work done in agriculture and manufacturing is done in entrepreneurial fashion, but at such small scales that the profits to be gained are marginal. Despite this, the money earned by these women is approximately three times as high as the minimum wage that currently exists in the country (2002). Furthermore, this wage level lies below the per capita income received on a national levelâ€â€placing women still within a dominant position in the country. A significant portion of the work done in the informal economy is actually done for legitimate firms, but through subcontracts where workers work off site (ILO, 2002). Though this presents a brighter prospect for informal workers, only few women get a chance to participate in this kind of work, and it does not represent a significant portion of the Mexican informal economy. In contrast, most of the work done in the informal economies of developed countries exists in this form and much of it is performed by women (ILO, 2002). When this work can be obtained by Mexican women, much of it is done perennially and women are granted contracts for only three or four months at a time. The problem is that the women who work under such conditions are not given the full range of benefits that are granted to those with full time status. Because informal jobs are held by the vast majority of the women in Mexico City’s workforce, it follows that most women in the workforce are forced to work without benefits. However, even women who work under these conditions fare better than those who work in other areas of the informal economy. The fact that Mexican women’s wages in the informal economy lies above minimum wage loses its potency when one considers the loss of purchasing power suffered by the Mexican minimum wage during the 1990’s. This fact places Mexican women in a bad position compared with their counterparts in the developed world. Women of first world countries (such as South Africa and the United States) who engage in informal labor are generally found to perform â€Å"home-based work.†Such jobs are generally of a much more sophisticated nature involving modern technology and commanding much higher wages. This fact points toward the relative difference between the education levels of women in Mexico compared with their counterparts in the developed world. A notable exception is in the similarity that might be found between women workers in Mexico many women within the informal sector South Africa. This is especially as it regards persons of the South African lower class who, as a relic of the Apartheid tradition, engage also in domestic, agriculture, and manufacturing work. However, as a general rule, women who work in the informal economy of Mexico City perform more manually grueling work for less pay and compensation than their first-world counterparts (Arizpe, 1997; ILO, 2002). References Arizpe, L. (1997). â€Å"Women in the informal labor sector: the case of Mexico City.†The women, gender, and development reader. Dhaka: University Press Limited. ILO. (2002). Women and men in the informal economy: a statistical picture. Employment          Sector, International Labour Office. Geneva. Nolan, J. P. (1999). Mexico business: the portable encyclopedia for doing business with Mexico.            New York: World Trade Press. Porter, S. (2003). Working women in Mexico City. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Tuà ±Ãƒ ³n, J. (1999). Women in Mexico: a past unveiled. Austin: U. of Texas Press.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Antebellum Steamboats
The steamboat craze happened during the turnpike craze. It was started by an engineer named Robert Fulton who installed a steam engine in a vessel that became known as the Clermont but was nicknamed Fulton’s Folly. One day in 1807, the little ship churned steadily from New York City up the Hudson River toward Albany which was 150 miles in 32 hours. The success was amazing. People could now defy wind, waves, tides, and downstream currents. Carrying capacity doubled.Keelboats went up the Mississippi at about 1 mph which was very expensive. The steamboats traveled over 10 mph against the current. By 1820 there were 60 steamboats on the Mississippi. By 1860 there were over 1000. Rivalries developed and led to racing. The steamboats led to an opening of the West and South which were filled with rivers. Until 1830 the products of the western region went southward and very little finished products made their way back west.The steamboat helped to send the finished products upriver and helped bind West and South together. This binding inspired the transportation revolution. In 1787, John Fitch built the first recorded steam powered boat in the United States. It was propelled by a row of oars on each side of the boat. He experimented with side-mounted paddle wheels, but in 1790 he used stern mounted oars instead. Fitch was the first to operate a steamboat commercially. It had scheduled transport of passengers and freight on the Delaware River in 1790.The first successful use of steam power to navigate a paddle wheel boat in America was in 1793. Samuel Morey used his steamboat on the Connecticut River. Robert Fulton became interested in steamboats at the age of 12 when he visited William Henry in 1777. He built and tested an experimental steamboat on the Seine River in 1803. Before returning to the United States, Fulton ordered a steam engine from Boulton and Watt, and built what the North River Steamboat. In 1807, the ship began passenger service between New York City and Albany.
Legitimate Businesses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Legitimate Businesses - Assignment Example These are some of the most significant reasons behind the improper role of the organized crime making its mark under the aegis of the legitimate businesses in the time and age of today3. The legitimate businesses therefore receiving a number of issues through the collective working ideologies as put forward by the organized crime philosophy4. The mafias destroy the basis of a working environment that exists in an organization and it is for this reason that the top management is most wary of its existence and propagation in the long term scheme of things. The legitimate businesses therefore enact ways and means to make sure that these problems are kept at bay and the hindrances do not appear for one reason or the other5. What is most worrisome is the fact that the mafias keep on getting increased with the passage of time and the legitimate businesses are on the receiving end most of the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
To develop a marketing Plan for expanding a product or service into a Assignment
To develop a marketing Plan for expanding a product or service into a new market (Wal-Mart) - Assignment Example Wal-Mart always looks for the opportunity to expand its operation in to new emerging markets because it has a very strong financial background and have smart strategic and marketing planners. Justification of the new market: The retail industry in UAE is growing with a very fast rate from the last few years. A big portion of its population is moving towards the buying from retail stores. The retail sector in UAE is contributing a great part in the economic growth. It has been estimated that the sales of the retail sector would go up to $41.22 billion in 2015 from $31.1 billion currently (Edge Resourcing, 2013). The reason of this forecast is that people and households in UAE are now preferred to adapt the modern concept of retailing. People from different parts of the world are going to UAE with the purpose of employment and business, so this new market of migrated people has also brought up with them a modern concept of buying from retail stores and prefer retail stores over the loc al stores. This environment has created an opportunity for Wal-Mart to expand its operation in to this emerging market of UAE. PEST ANALYSIS: Political: UAE operates with Islamic rules and regulation, so Wal-Mart should be licensed under the federal commercial agencies law when expanding its operations in UAE. This law claims that a foreign retailer/agent of franchisee/distributor should be a UAE national. Economic: UAE is a growing economy with providing a lot of business facilities to the multinationals and act as financial hub for the foreign investments. UAE has a great earning from the oil sector and it is now focusing on the other sectors, for example: tourism industry, real state industry, and retail industry etc. Social: The major portion of the workers and...The people belongs to different countries have different cultural values therefore it is very difficult to analyze various cultures in a single region. Still UAE has got its own cultural values but it is limited to the 20% of the total population. The marketers need to update their strategies by analyzing the changing trends in the consumer behavior. It is difficult to analyze the culture of several nations in a single market and made decision according to the need of each and every segment. Thus the focus of the marketers is completely on the buying behavior of consumers and customer satisfaction. The rate of urban population in UAE is more then 80% so it can be said that a major portion of the population is based on the educated people. Social media have become very much influential in the consumer decision making among UAE population. According to the research it has been found out that more then 70% of the population of UAE makes decision after reviewing the blogs or comments of people about the product or service and people search the products through websites and make decisions (RNCOS, 2012). Most of the people in UAE prefer to save the money and lives in UAE with the purpose of earning and saving money, so in this kind of environment Wal-Mart will be attractive because it offers low prices then competitor’s prices. The cost conscious behavior of the UAE population will give a great advantage to Wal-Mart to develop its market.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Do you agree more with the philosophies of Martin Luther King or Essay - 1
Do you agree more with the philosophies of Martin Luther King or Malcom X - Essay Example His father was murdered during the burning of his house, an action executed by the Klu Klux Klan. His family got split later when his mother was caught in a nervous breakdown. These unforgettable and traumatic experiences during the early years of his life left their mark on his life till late. Malcolm X’s motivation partly originates in his deep desire for revenge. Both leaders had good oratory skills and used hard-hitting and powerful speeches to convey, clarify, and spread their messages across the audience, though they differed in their styles of delivery of message and the underlying purposes. Early life experiences of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X played an important role in shaping their distinct responses to racism in America. While both Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are identified as the towering icons of the modern culture of African Americans and have great influence on the black Americans today, comparison of both the leaders reveals that the attitude of Martin Luther King was more positive as compared to that of Malcolm X as Martin Luther King believed that the blacks can achieve equal status in America as whites by conducting peaceful arguments and demonstrations. The despair of Malcolm X about life showed in his pessimistic and fanatic belief that the blacks can never achieve equal status in America as whites because of the lack of moral conscience in the whites. Martin Luther King based his ideas upon an integrationalist philosophy that imparts a need and possibility for the blacks and whites to live together in an atmosphere of peace and harmony in Ameri ca; â€Å"Yet Kings nonviolent opposition to racism, militarism, and economic injustice had deeper roots and more radical implications than is commonly appreciated†(Jackson). On the other hand, the doctrines supported by Malcolm X were separatist and nationalist. For most of his life, Malcolm X held the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Heroin addiction Vs cancer support groups Term Paper
Heroin addiction Vs cancer support groups - Term Paper Example Their curiosity has given rise to a culture where people strive to help one another in any way they can. Social dealing and networking is one of the most fundamental ways in which people gain knowledge and awareness about common issues and learn how to deal with them. One such form of social networking is a support group. Support groups are such organizations or agencies that help people suffering from a common condition (usually disease) deal with their condition (Hunter, 2011). Support groups offer help to the needy both personally through appointments, and generally on-line. Preference of forum: There is considerable difference between the preference of forum for the support group between the Cancer patients and the Heroin addicts. Cancer is a disease that may be acquired because of any reason without the personal involvement or fault of the patient in his/her condition. There is generally, a lot of respect for Cancer patients in the society and they are looked at with sympathy an d affection. The case is not alike for Heroin addicts. Heroin addicts are visualized as useless members of society and are looked at with hatred. They are known as the cause of frustration and various social upsets in the society. People tend to keep their children away from the company of Heroine addicts. Many Heroin addicts are socially excluded. The society does not accept them.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Microsoft updates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Microsoft updates - Essay Example a. Windows Memory Diagnostic which scans the memory of the computer for errors. It is mostly applicable when a computer freezes abruptly, after RAM modules have been altered or after one upgrades the system. b. System Image Recovery is the other tool used when one wants to restore the system image. It is mostly applicable when other tools have failed to restore the system to its optimal functioning. Its only failure is that once it is used, it can only restore files and folders which were present at the time when the system image was formed. c. Mason et al., states that, System restore is used to restore the Windows system to earlier versions but does not alter user files. One only needs to choose a restore point where the configuration works properly (Mason et al., 2012). e. Command Prompt is used by advanced users in order to conduct recovery related tasks. However, it should only be used by advanced users, since its use without proper knowledge may aggravate the condition
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Competitive Analysis - Questionnaire Research Paper
Competitive Analysis - Questionnaire - Research Paper Example p and based on its international expansion in different regions like Portugal, New York and Paris it tended to reflect a fashion icon of Spanish fashion (Loeb, 2013). Total number of stores created by Zara by the close of 2013 amounted to 1,763 which along with its other family brands like Pull and Bear, Oysho and Massimo Dutti tend to meet the demands of customers reflecting different attitudes and preferences (don Quijote Salamanca S.L., 2014). Potential competitors of Zara relate to Hennes and Mauritz (H&M) and Topshop that specifically operate to meet the needs of the luxury and women customers (Doran, 2014). Another potential competitor of Zara relate to Mango that operates in meeting the demands of trendy wear for both male and female customers. Both Zara and Mango operate in the luxury segment through exclusive retail outlets and also departmental stores. The two companies focus on promoting its merchandises based on the use of website and Facebook as the primary advertising m ediums (Zara, 2013). 2. Direct competitors of Zara relates to the fashion retail companies like H&M, Topshop and Mango that essentially operate in the fashion retail segment. These companies are identified as direct competitors in that they directly compete with Zara in the luxury fashion garment. On the contrary the indirect competitors are identified to be such companies that though belong to the same business as the company cater to related customers outside the market periphery of the initial company (Glassman, 2010). Cortefiel is observed to be an indirect competitor to the Spanish fashion retailer Zara in that it operates as a Spanish fashion retailer that offers different products and brands to the regional customer base (Grupo Cortefiel , 2010). The background of the research is to understand the competitive potential of Zara both in the Spanish and the global retail market. It would aim to understand and evaluate the areas where Zara is losing its market to its competitors
Friday, August 23, 2019
Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Research Methods - Essay Example Sampling The level of analysis adopted in this study is the company or organizational level. Level of analysis, as defined by Louche and Baeten (2006), refers to the level which this analysis will apply. In this study, the company level of analysis of the impact assessment focuses on the organization, their processes, challenges, decision-making methods, outputs and outcomes (Wood, Logsdon, Lewellyn & Davenport, 2006). The population identified for this study consists of the employees comprising the global virtual teams of a multinational corporation. Random sampling will be used to ensure the representativeness of the sample. Random sampling is a type of probability sampling where each item or member of the population of interest has an equal chance of being included in the sample. This type of sample guarantees that the respondents are selected without bias and at the same time permits the determination of a specified statistical level of confidence in the statement of inferences ( Kazmier, 2004). A Web-based random sample size calculator was used to compute for the minimum required sample, based on the following parameters: (1) margin of error, 5%; (2) confidence level, 95%; (3) population size, 60,000; and (4) response distribution, 50% (Raosoft, 2004). Based on the output generated by calculation, the minimum required sample size was 382. A screenshot of this output is exhibited as Appendix 2. However, in anticipation of contingency which may arise during data gathering, such as invalid or incompletely answered questionnaires, failure to retrieve floated questionnaires, or withdrawal of the respondent’s participation at any point in the study for whatever reason, the minimum sample size required was augmented by 10% and rounded off to the nearest tens. Hence, the sample size in this study is 420. Random sampling will be carried out by obtaining pertinent information such as names of the employees and corresponding e-mail addresses. Permission has alr eady been requested from the HR department after purpose of the study and request for information accessed have been discussed. Approval has also been given on condition of anonymity and confidentiality of the information disclosed. The names of the employees have been inputted in Microsoft Excel (2003). Each name in one column was automatically assigned a random number and sorted from lowest to highest. The first 420 random numbers representing employee names were selected as respondents. Measures Five constructs are being measured in the current study. Three of these constructs are organizational variables included in the first research problem: communication, culture and diversity. Communication is measured in terms of level of adequacy of communication within and among the virtual teams using Part 2 of the research instrument. Respondents assess the adequacy of communication within and among the virtual teams using a five-point Likert Scale. The responses are interpreted accordi ng to the mean of the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Explain the principle psychological perspective Essay Example for Free
Explain the principle psychological perspective Essay Behaviourist A perspective means a way of seeing things. Behaviourist is the first approach in this criterion. Behaviourist is the study of human minds, they study behaviour. The behaviourist sees the brain as a black box, this is because as they study animals it is easy to experiment, and they think that humans and animals are similar. The behaviourist wanted to become scientist, which is why they carried out the experiment. Although JB Watson (1887) was the founder of this theorist he studied the work of Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936). Pavlov did an experiment once on a dog. The dog salivated every time Pavlov came to the lab with the food. The dog then started associating the time, the bell and the brown coat. This kind of association is called classic conditioning. JB Watson also once experimented on a little boy called Albert. JB Watson taught Albert to have fear of the rats. Albert had a white fluffy rabbit. One day a white rat came pass Albert, but Albert did not seem to be frightened. JB Watson stood behind Albert’s back with metals. Every time the rat went pass JB banged the metals and Albert was startled, JB did this couple of times until Albert was scared of the rat, however Albert was not only scared of the white rat, it was also scared of his white fluffy rabbit as them to animals has the same colour. BF Skinner was also another behaviourist theorist, he did an experiment on a rat in a cage, he put some food on the food pallet for the rat, the rat accidently put its foot on the lever and food cam e out. So the rat did this few time and knew that if the rat puts the foot on the lever food would come out, this type of experiment was positive reinforcement. On the opposite Skinner experimented on the negative reinforcement. Skinner investigated this by giving the rat a small electric shock whenever it pressed the lever. The consequence of lever pressing was experienced as unpleasant, so the rat learnt to stop pressing the lever. Psycho dynamic Freud ( 1856-1939) and Erikson(1902-194) are two men who came up with the psycho dynamic theory. Freud said that we humans are like animals driven by basic biological natures. He came up with the psyche idea. He said that the psyche idea had three stages, ID means the basic animal instinct, for example, eating sleeping and reproducing, SUPER EGO means morality and EGO means reality and logic. It is said that Freud was the earliest thinkers to bring public attention the idea that us humans are not always aware of some aspects in our lives. He believed that we lock up memories that we do not want to remember or feeling that we do not want to expose somewhere in our brains. He referred consciousness to a tip of an iceberg. He referred pre consciousness at the middle of the ice berg and he also referred unconsciousness as at the bottom of the iceberg. He also came up with defence mechanisms. He knew that when people do not want to remember things, they want to deny it. This mechanism has five stages. Denial is when a person reject the thought or feeling, repression is when we push down the bad memories to the unconsciousness however it could leak at some points. Projection is when a person pushes the social unacceptable thoughts or feelings to someone else. Rationalisation means making excuses and lastly sublimation is putting all the energies onto something else. Freud also came up with the early experience; he came up with this idea which has five stages. Oral means mouth, anal means anus, phallic is a Latin word for penis, latent which means resting and genital which means private parts. Erikson agrees with Freud however he thought that this continues throughout our life time and were essentially social in nature. Social Learning Theory The theorist of social learning theory is bandura. He is said to be sympathetic towards behaviourist. Although bandura does not criticize, he tells the behaviourist to build up to it. Bandura agrees with the positive reinforcement. Albert bandura said that leaning takes place in social situations, such as in the family or with friends and other people. How Skinner came up with positive reinforcement, Albert came up with vicarious reinforcement, this means when people observe and get affected. For example, Barbara is good to her mother and the father praises her, her sister is observing it but she gets affected by how she is getting treated by her parents, Barbara’s sister was vicariously reinforced. The other idea bandura came up with was role model and modelling. The people we learn from are our role model but the process of imitating the person is called modelling. Modelling has five stages, attention, which is when a person is attracted to a celebrity or a person they reall y like. Retention is when the person is keeping the likeness inside them, reproduction is when he person copies the behaviour, motivation is when the person is tempted to do what the celebrity does and lastly self efficacy is when the person is confident in one area. It is said that we do not imitate all behaviour we observe and remember. Humanistic This approach has been found by two theorist called Carl Rogers (1902-1987) and Abraham Maslow. Carl Rogers (1902-1087) theory is based on clinic and it is also based on the years he has been dealing with different clients with different problems. Rogers sees people as good and he thinks that â€Å"good mental health is a natural progression of human development†. This quote shows that he is stating that human being instinctively know what is bad and what is not. Rogers came up with an idea of an actualisation theory. This is the natural motivation that every human being has. For example, we as human beings try to do very risky things, such as flying to the moon. Some of our hobbies is to create music and paint pictures, we do all because we want to be the best we can, achieve and become successful in the future. He also came up with the idea of unconditional positive regard; he said that this is when people like you, because of who you are regardless of your performances and conformity. The opposite of this is conditional positive regard, which simply explains when someone likes you if their expectations are fulfilled. In other words, Rogers believed that some of the people feel wanted and belonged when they fulfilled other people’s expectations and that is when they develop conditional self regard. Cognitive Approach Cognitive approach is found by three theorist, Jean Piaget, Kelly and beck/Ellis. With the invention of computers and other aids brain activities was like the operation of a computer. Loads of researches have been devoted to understand the process of cognitive, such as attention, memory information processing and problem solving. Jean Piaget came up with an idea related to how people develop throughout their lives. He came to a conclusion that cognition develops through a series of stages. There are four stages that Piaget has mentioned in the theory. The first stage is called the sensory motor, it means that babies from 0 to 2 are experiencing through motor and the sense. stage 2 is the pre operational, this is when children from 2 to 7 develop languages along with the memory, stage 3 is the concrete operational which means that the child can now understand conservations but cannot solve problems yet. The last stage is the formal stage, this is when the children can abstract thought s and present problems of their own and other people. Biological Approach The theorist of this theory is called Arnold Gessel (1880-1961), Gessel came up with the idea is that people are born with a set of genes and the genes carries different personalities, so the theorist is stating that behaviour does not to do with environment and what can of people you socialise with but it is to do with the genes the person is born with. This is quite different to the humanistic approach where the effectiveness of nurture is paramount. Gessel believes that as the baby is being formed in the womb of the mother, for example, the heart being first to form. As the child develops the genes allows to flower over the person. The theorist came up with the genetic influences on behaviour idea. He thinks that genes effect behaviour in many ways, some illnesses such as Huntingdons disease is caused by the genes caused by the parents genes or the genes from the family. This disorder will change the person’s behaviour, for example, they will speak in appropriately and they will become aggressive.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Group Support Systems Essay Example for Free
Group Support Systems Essay Group Support System is technology that is solely designed to spur the work of groups. It can be used to cooperate, compete, negotiate, coordinate, communicate or solve problems. Whilst conventional technologies, such as the telephone qualify as GSS, the term is customarily used in reference to a definite class of technologies relying on contemporary computer networks like newsgroups, email, chat or videophones. GSSs have the ability to reduce communication barriers, thereby improving organizational effectiveness. The technology facilitates clearer, faster and more persuasive communication and allows communication where it wouldn’t otherwise be feasible or possible. What’s more, Group Support Systems facilitate new-fangled means of communication like structured interactions and anonymous interchanges, in so doing, they significantly reduce communication barriers. Similarly, Group Support Systems enhance team productivity in the organization by allowing team members to collaborate from anywhere, share contact and information instantly and access email accounts from a single inbox. Besides, GSS lessens on time-consuming phone calls, travel expenses and organizational meetings. It as well curbs expensive overnight couriers and mailings, thereby improving organizational efficient through increased productivity. Facilitating decision-making activities is one of the cardinal features of Group Support System. The technology is applauded for knowledge management and brings to fore expertise as well as multiple perspectives regarding organizational decision making. Furthermore, it leverages professional expertise in making pertinent decisions to the objectives, goals, mission and vision of an organization. Finally, the benefits of Group Support Systems that I have experienced in the workplace are diverse and far-reaching. The technology enables members to back up imperative documents in a secure location, in that way reduces risk of information loss as a result of computer theft or damage.
Rich People on Reality TV
Rich People on Reality TV Many people enjoy watching the wealthy upper-class on television and in movies. Some might ask why the rise in realty television, it might be because some people are just curious at how the other half lives, while others might just be jealous and envious. Wealth in our society holds a major draw for the average person, wealth is an abundance of valuable possessions, profusion of anything valuable and having a surplus or large quantity of money on hand to do with as you please. The life of a celebrity compared to an average persons life is very different. A rich person lives a more luxuries lifestyle than the average person does. The average person usually only owns a single home where as someone of wealth may own several homes. The normal person is not as fortunate as someone who is rich and can sometimes be envious of what the elite own. The average salary for a middle class family is $60,000 to $85,000 the minimum amount of money you need to live a comfortable lifestyle these days is around $50,000. In order to be considered wealthy it is over a million dollars and with that amount of money you can buy almost anything you want and never have to work again, that is if you are careful with your finances. A rich celebrity on television usually owns a couple of luxurious homes all over the world thats why we get excited watching them on television and showing all that they own. We, as the viewers, are interested to see what the rich have spent their money on . While we are also jealous of what they have, we want the experience their large homes, many toys and their luxurious vehicles provide them. People also like to watch rich celebrities on television because they can vacation at exotic locations all over the world that the normal person wouldnt ever be able to visit. They can afford to vacation on private islands, and stay in grand hotels, other elegant locations that we could only dream about. While watching this on television it gives us the feeling that we are right there having fun and experiencing the dream with them. The age group that usually watches them on television is between 17 30. It is usually people who dont have their lives together financially that are the ones who watch and fantasize about being rich. Another large viewing bracket are the older people that fantasize that they could have been rich and powerful. The older generation may not approve but the younger generation thinks that when celebrities go off and have crazy parties that its entertaining to watch. For the 50 minutes that the show is on, we became enthralled in the over blown problems of celebrity socialites. There is a sort of simply comfort in imaging that the only problem we have is trying to find the best store to shop at, the most popular clothes wear or the hottest spot to go out to for the evening. It is too bad we have to go back to our own boring lives after the show is over. As human beings we are curious creatures and are fascinated by things that are different and unobtainable. The lives of rich celebrities are so very different from our own that we become engrossed in their very interesting lives. We can live vicariously through their exploits and adventures, their crazy power shopping binges, their over the top dinners and nights on the town. The purchasing power of the people appearing on these reality television shows is quite impressive to say the least. With the amount of money that celebrities have, they can purchase what ever they desire and what they buy is sometimes completely outrageous. Thats what makes these television shows about them even more entertaining. Whether you are there to fantasize about what they own, or there to just watch what crazy things they come up with next, it is still interesting and entertaining. One time on one of the television shows, a rich teenager, commissioned a life size gold plated statue of them self. Who would ever have thought they would waste that much money on something so ridiculous. Now a car may seem like a better use for their funds but it really isnt, especially when they buy 6 of the most expensive cars ever manufactured. The average middle class family would think it was foolish to own more that 3 vehicles. Because they act so outrageous, it is interesting and therefor e that is another reason we like to watch celebrities on television so very much. Take for instance a child of a super rich television celebrity, they have more money than sense, people just love watching them perform their stupendous acts, where they can spend the average persons life savings in one day. People love watching that kind of exploit, wishing they could be like them, instead of having to go to work everyday. Most of these spoiled kids dont even know what work is. They spend their money, go out and cause trouble and create drama all the while the paparazzi follows them around like vultures. Putting there faces all over television and tabloids for people to see. They like the attention and therefore they keep doing what they were doing in order to make them seem more popular. In reality they are just making fools of themselves, but if the American people watch it, then their antics will continue. Back in the 1980s there was a television show called Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous it was hosted by Robin Leach. It was the predecessor to todays more popular reality celebrity shows, like Keeping up with the Kardashians. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous featured the homes, vacation homes, locations and exotic cars, planes and boats of the famous and wealthy celebrities, athletes and rich business moguls. The television cameras took the audience into the very homes of these people. It showed what they drank and ate. It featured the beautiful grounds and lawns of their exotic, extravagant homes, no stone was left unturned. Every aspect of their beautiful, outrageous life style was featured and talked about. You know, Champagne wishes and caviar dreams to all was desired and coveted. Another reason we like to watch celebrities on television is, because most of the ones we watch are trained actors. So they know how to portray a role that people want to see, most of those celebrities reality shows are fake. They follow a script just like any other staged production. So while it may look like its all happing at a random real life pace its really just a scripted skit they are doing. These shows where they spend money and act snobby and rich are just to make an actual paycheck, so they can go out and live a normal life. The lives we see on television from these rich celebrities is often quit different from their actual off screen lives. If people could see what their actual life was like they probably would be disappointed, its nothing like what the screen portrays. Its all for entertainments sake, thats why people like to watch it. A good example of this would be The Wolf of Wall Street, the characters in the movie have more wealth than they know what to do with, so they flaunt it and party and have a good ole time. This represents how society sees rich and powerful people, this is why it entertains us. Our society doesnt like to be bored, the culture now a days, glorifies wealth, power, life in the fast lane because it is exciting. Nobody wants to watch shows about politics, the news or education if they dont have to. People want to be thrilled, entertained, moved into fantasy, by the spectacular acts of these people with wealth and those who can afford to live outside of our realm. Unless you are born into wealth, the average middle class person is going to have to work most of their adult life. Humans as individuals do not want to work, my generation has grown a custom to not having to work. We envy the wealthy because the rich dont have to work as hard and as long as we do, sad to say millennials are lazy, and being rich is a lazy life style thats why we want it and desire it greatly. The main reason we watch rich celebrities on reality television is their wealth, its all about the money and why and how they spend it. As somebody once said money makes the world go around. Before my generation that wasnt always the case. Yes money was a strong factor in life, but it wasnt everything. Greed was something that was looked down upon, it was seen being used by corrupt corporations and the spiritually sick. But in todays world greed is seen as both normal and acceptable by television and mass media. As humans we are naturally greedy, it is one of our most basic instincts from the time we are born, we want things of our own. We fight with our siblings to stake our claim. We are taught in school that wealth has to be earned by hard work and perseverance but once you get out in the real world of competition you realize that is not the case. Greed is good even though it is bad. You want to make your mark on the world and be remembered. Wealth is one way to be immortalized. L ets all remember a few of the Famous last names of the great wealthy, individuals of history. (Rockefeller, Onassis, Ford, Kennedy, Carnegie, Rothschild, Vanderbilt etc) and now lets think of todays Famous last names, who comes to mind? (Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffett, Jobs, Kardashian, Cast of Jersey Shore etc). We watch because we want what they have! Works cited Unknown Author Username Blakenow1,(2015). Why do We Enjoy Watching Rich People on TV and Movies. Schulten, Katherine,(January 23,2014). Why We Like to Watch Rich People On
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Crusades Essay -- Religion, Power Struggles, Christian Church
Power struggles have always been occurrences that have had the ability to plague an entire nation. While evidence of this fact can be seen all throughout history, it is especially evident within medieval times. Specifically, power struggles developed between the Roman church and various groups such as non-believers, Muslims, kings, and even common people all throughout the High Middle Ages. As a result, Christian fighters, known as â€Å"crusades,†were asked to fight for their beliefs by the pope in order to take back land that non-believers lived on as well as eliminate anyone who challenged the authority of the church hierarchy. It was not hard to convince most people to become crusaders and many documents throughout history can show one exactly why this was. Due to the fact that Roman church figures were very good at convincing people of what God wanted, people were easily persuaded by their love for God, hate for infidels as well as heretics, and need to feel noble which convinced them to become crusaders. After the fall of the Roman Empire during the 5th century, the Christian church became very powerful. It owned vast regions of land and played an important role in the economy. The church became so powerful â€Å"that the western church announced its independence from secular rulers and it’s power over them, and it established authority over rulers and commoners alike (Wiesner 172).†People who were not faithful to the Christian church or simply did not believe its people should have that much power were very upset with this shift in authority. Immediately issues occurred as other groups and figures challenged the church for power. First off, it is easy to see that the largest component that drew people to be crusaders was their ... ...God and partly an honorable and brave act that men gained confidence, reward, and importance from joining. After reviewing documents of crusaders it is easy to see that most went to battle because they were easily persuaded to do anything for God, they felt a true hatred for the infidels and heretics, as well as the sense of importance and nobility the soldiers gained from going to battle. Crusades played a major role in the High Middle Ages and even though they were not terribly successful, they still are very famous historical figures. This act of God was to help deal with the internal and external conflict that the Roman Church was having in trying to remain in power. However, it also displays that people of this time were very susceptible to persuasion and even propaganda. This period of time truly emphasizes how far people will go in order to obtain power.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Sex Essay -- Sociology Sociological Essays
Sex Humans are sexual beings. We want it. We all need sex. It is an important part of us. Sex can be simply a pleasurable act, yet it can also be an expression of our love for someone else. In short, sex is wonderful. However, it is relatively rare to encounter a rational discussion about sex, even between partners. As with all activities about which people are passionate and which involve biological drives, the topic of sexuality is rife with controversy, misunderstanding, moralizing, and stereotypes. It is my belief that the widespread availability of information about sexual matters help facilitate better communication in relationships. Progress can never be made in human affairs by the suppression or repression of information, or by spreading disinformation. In essence, sexuality should be celebrated to improve our sexual health and happiness. In today's society, where sex is unfortunately too often viewed as "the nasty," I would not necessarily call the act of having sex taboo because people are beginning to realize more about who we are and what we need. This is not to say that we are considering sex to be a cool thing now, but our attitudes are a lot better than they used to be. Still, we Americans have much to improve on our views and acceptance of sex. A non-virgin today is often looked down upon in the younger age groups (high-school and under). Teenagers label them with harsh vocabulary such as "whores", "skanks", "sluts", and "players." In the older age groups, sex is more "the thing to do". If you have a long-term girlfriend or boyfriend, wife or husband, it is expected that you are having a sexual relationship. We are more comfortable with admitting that we are sexually active when we are older. Ho... ...ts are there for us as mentors and friends who give us advice and direction. They should guide us and provide helpful information. For example, in the movie "American Pie", a father catches his son on the table "having sex" with an apple pie. He reacts in a polite way, understanding his son's burning curiosity, and suggests a few things to relieve his tensions, such as "stroking the salami." It's pretty funny if you think about it, but it's something that I would rather hear from my parents than scolding. I especially admire the father at the end of the movie, when the son is preparing for his prom. He says to his son, "be very very very careful.... when you put on.... the.... ccccccor-sage." That is just what we need today in every home. It would allow teenagers to talk to their parents openly about sex and opens new doors of sexual acceptance in America's future.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
Cauvery River Dispute - The Cauvery river dispute is one of the longest river dispute today. The dispute began in 1974 when the 50 year old agreement between the Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Collapsed. The Cauvery basin covers majorly 3 states and 1 UT – i.e. it originates Talacauvery in Coorg in Mysore state and then flows to Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry. But the Use and development of Cauvery Waters were regulated by agreements of 1892 and 1924, which were solely between the Mysore and Tamil Nadu. According to the Karnataka government the 1924 agreements states the discontinuation of the water supply to Tamil Nadu after 50 year. In 1990, SC directs centre to constitute Cauvery Water dispute tribunal (CWDT). The tribunal heard both the parties and reached a conclusion that Karnataka should release 205TMC of water to Tamil Nadu, every month. Karnataka denied the ruling and argued that it is impossible to implement the decision as in failed monsoons many areas of Karnataka are left without water. In that case they have to transfer water at the cost of their own people. In August 1998 the Centre constituted the Cauvery River Authority to ensure the implementation of the CWDT. The Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) announced its final verdict on 5 February 2007, after 16 years. The Tribunal made the two agreements of 1892 and 1924 functional. According to the verdict, Tamil Nadu was supposed to get 419 billion ft ³ of Cauvery water while Karnataka was supposed to get 270 billion ft ³. But the Karnataka still didn’t release the water as per the tribunal ruling. On 19 September 2012, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and also the Chairman of the Cauvery River Authority, ordered Karnataka government to release around 9,000 cus... ...sing rapidly.†Karnataka depends heavily on Cauvery to fulfil its drinking needs where as Tamil Nadu depends on Cauvery for irrigation. Wide scale Rice cultivation in Tamil Nadu is one of the reasons that Cauvery needs so much water. The question is why the food security of Tamil Nadu depends heavily on rice, as TN doesn’t have the resources to grow rice in such quantities. According to R K Sivanappan, former head of the Water Technology Centre of the Coimbatore Agricultural University, â€Å"Tamil Nadu could meet all its municipal water requirements by reducing the area under paddy cultivation by just 2 per cent from the present level of 2.7 million ha†. Bothe states should start looking for other methods to solve their water woes or should try to get into a mutual understanding, instead of politicising the issue. Nishant Sharma Radio Stream Essay -- Cauvery River Dispute - The Cauvery river dispute is one of the longest river dispute today. The dispute began in 1974 when the 50 year old agreement between the Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Collapsed. The Cauvery basin covers majorly 3 states and 1 UT – i.e. it originates Talacauvery in Coorg in Mysore state and then flows to Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry. But the Use and development of Cauvery Waters were regulated by agreements of 1892 and 1924, which were solely between the Mysore and Tamil Nadu. According to the Karnataka government the 1924 agreements states the discontinuation of the water supply to Tamil Nadu after 50 year. In 1990, SC directs centre to constitute Cauvery Water dispute tribunal (CWDT). The tribunal heard both the parties and reached a conclusion that Karnataka should release 205TMC of water to Tamil Nadu, every month. Karnataka denied the ruling and argued that it is impossible to implement the decision as in failed monsoons many areas of Karnataka are left without water. In that case they have to transfer water at the cost of their own people. In August 1998 the Centre constituted the Cauvery River Authority to ensure the implementation of the CWDT. The Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) announced its final verdict on 5 February 2007, after 16 years. The Tribunal made the two agreements of 1892 and 1924 functional. According to the verdict, Tamil Nadu was supposed to get 419 billion ft ³ of Cauvery water while Karnataka was supposed to get 270 billion ft ³. But the Karnataka still didn’t release the water as per the tribunal ruling. On 19 September 2012, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and also the Chairman of the Cauvery River Authority, ordered Karnataka government to release around 9,000 cus... ...sing rapidly.†Karnataka depends heavily on Cauvery to fulfil its drinking needs where as Tamil Nadu depends on Cauvery for irrigation. Wide scale Rice cultivation in Tamil Nadu is one of the reasons that Cauvery needs so much water. The question is why the food security of Tamil Nadu depends heavily on rice, as TN doesn’t have the resources to grow rice in such quantities. According to R K Sivanappan, former head of the Water Technology Centre of the Coimbatore Agricultural University, â€Å"Tamil Nadu could meet all its municipal water requirements by reducing the area under paddy cultivation by just 2 per cent from the present level of 2.7 million ha†. Bothe states should start looking for other methods to solve their water woes or should try to get into a mutual understanding, instead of politicising the issue. Nishant Sharma Radio Stream
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Ethics And Issues Essay
How should schools deal with Internet plagiarism? There are many ways as to how a school can deal with internet plagiarism. Firstly, they should teach their students the importance of writing a fair work and the worth of hard work it has. Students need to know that any piece written by them is their own accomplished hard work that is entirely original. In such a way, they have learned the essential elements of the work that the school teacher wanted them to work on. In other words, they have succeeded in meeting the requirements of the coursework, no matter what grade they get. Secondly, teachers should highly emphasize on the topic of ethics and ethical writing to the students. Apart from these, a school has to be up-to-date regarding the different ways as to how the students plagiarize. Keeping a track on the past papers of the previous is one way. The other is to use anti-plagiarism software today. The popular software used these days by the universities is Turnitin. com or Mydropbox. com. Students should be taught that plagiarism is a crime and is equivalent to stealing. Altering digital photos: Art or Fraud Similar to plagiarizing, altering digital photos is fraud and can earn even legal consequences if used for financial or academic gains. Altering digital photos and stating it as your own work is like stealing someone else’s work, making some additions and stating it as your own. Just as the painting of Mona Lisa will always be the work of Leonardo Da Vinci, no matter how altered it is, any work done on anybody’s presently done work is a crime. In my opinion, altering digital photos can never be an art but a fraud because the original work is done by someone else. Photojournalism is mostly subjected to this fraud. If altering digital photos was to be considered as art, many people would misuse it to present as legal evidences. Since the natures of digital photos are, in a way, alterable, these pieces are never considered as a piece of legal evidence. Software have been developed where any alter in the digital images are spotted and traced that avoids altering of any digital piece as well (Pearson, 2006). Altering any image or piece for one’s own benefit in order to gain money is a crime, thus a fraud and not an art. Just as a re-mix music cannot be regarded as an original piece of art, altering digital photos, too cannot be regarded as an art.
Friday, August 16, 2019
“Living in sin†by Adrienne Rich Essay
Being a woman is different from being a man. Women do have difficulties living with men. In the poem †Living in Sin†, the author, Adrienne Rich, has showed the difficulties of their life, and the horrible relationship through her figurative language, and imagery. The imagery reveals the difficulties and differences between men and women. First, she has â€Å"A plate of pears, a piano with a Persian shawl,†in her life. A plate of pears represents the sweetness of life. She expects she will have a sweet life, a great relationship with her mate. Secondly, â€Å"a towel to dust the table-top, and let the coffee-pot boil over on the stove†has shown that she has to take care of everything in the house. She uses a towel to clean the table. This shows her annoyance from cleaning, and she cleans the table carelessly. Finally, â€Å"By evening she was back in love again,†â€Å"she woke sometimes to feel the daylight coming like a relentless milkman up the stair.†These two lines contain both overstatement and irony. When the night is coming, she feels relax and back in love because she finishes all her work, and she can take a rest. Contrarily, when the morning is coming, she feels disappointed because all the annoying things will happen again. The carelessness of her mate makes her feels bad and she will no longer stay there.
Estate Planning
FIN 4385-01 Case II: Executive Summary For the past several weeks, BJSMC conducted a comprehensive estate plan providing a structural outline of our client’s, Scott, estate opportunities and limitations subject to specific request. Our client provided us with the following scenarios: 1). If Scott dies this year, predeceasing Sue, and his executor elected his date of death as the valuation date, indicate those assets (and their values) that would be includible in Scott’s gross estate for estate tax purposes.Also, please explain your reason for the inclusion or exclusion of each asset. 2). Based on Scott’s current estate plan, indicate those assets and their values that would qualify for marital deduction. Explain your reasons for the qualification or non-qualification of each asset for the marital deduction. Based on factual information, hard-copy documentation, and professional experience, BJSMC established the following resolutions to scenario I: The â€Å"Catc hall Provision†of Internal Revenue Coded states the general rule that the gross estate includes the value of all property interests, real or personal, tangible or intangible. Under Section 2033, the decedent’s estate includes any interest in real estate, cash or money equivalents, whether kept in a bank, savings or checking account, certificates of deposit, money market funds, or a safe-deposit box. The gross estate also includes any stocks, bonds (including tax-exempt bonds), notes and mortgages owned by the decedent.Therefore, the full values of the following assets are included in Scott’s gross estate under IRC Sec. 2033 since he is the sole owner: o Stock in XYZ Corporation (500 shares) o Other listed common stock o Tax-free municipal bonds o Savings accounts o Household and other tangible personal property †¢ Section 2033 may also apply to inclusion of life insurance. If a decedent owns a life insurance policy on his or her own life at the date of deat h, the face amount of that policy must be included in the gross estate pursuant to Section 2042(2).This section establishes a standard regarding incident of ownership whereby the owner of a life policy is required to include the proceeds in the gross estate in the event that he or she possessed any incidents of ownership. In this case, it is specifically mentioned that Scott owns four life insurance policies on his own life. Therefore, the following items are included in Scott’s gross estate under IRC Section 2040: o Ordinary life policy purchased at age 23 o 20 – payment life policy purchased at 34 Ordinary life policy purchased at age 37 o Term to 65 policy purchased at age 44 †¢ Under IRC Section 2039, the total value of the profit-sharing plan and death benefit plan would be included in Scott’s gross estate. o XYZ Corporation – pension (noncontributory) death benefits o XYZ Corporation – profit sharing (noncontributory) death benefits â₠¬ ¢ A special rule was enacted to control the estate taxation of joint property with right of survivorship held solely by husband and wife as well as property held as tenants by the entirety.Section 2040(b) (1) pertains to the one-half inclusion rule for spouses. The rule is that one-half the value of such property, regardless of which spouse furnished all or part of the consideration, is included in the gross estate of the first spouse to die. Therefore, half the values of the following assets are included in Scott’s gross estate: o Residence purchased in 1987 o Vacation home o Checking account †¢ All property held in joint tenancy with right of survivorship by joint tenants other than a husband and wife alone is treated under a different rule.The property is included in a deceased joint tenant’s estate according to a percentage-of-contribution rule. Scott and Dan own the following property equally as tenants in common; therefore, half the value of the listed pro perty will be included in Scott’s gross estate: o Undeveloped real estate †¢ The property that Sue solely owns in her name (Saving account & other personal property) will not be included in Scott’s gross estate. Property and property interests that are includible under Section 2033 are those that are â€Å"owned†by the decedent.Scott doesn’t have any rights of ownership to Sue’s property in her name. Based on factual information, hard-copy documentation, and professional experience, BJSMC established the following resolutions to scenario II: Qualifying Marital Deductions †¢ $246,000 death benefit o Included in Scott’s gross estate †¢ $30,000 and $200,000 ordinary o Payable to Sue in a lump sum †¢ $377,000 of joint property o Right of survivorship †¢ $700,000 property passing o Passed to Sue outright Non Qualifying Marital Deductions & Reason †¢ $70,000/20-payment life insurance policy o Not payable to Sue
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Multi-National Corporate Rewards Program
Multi-National Corporation Rewards Program Tammy Engel CTU Online MGM336 March 19, 2012 Professor Moutaz Abou-Robieh Abstract Designing a rewards program that will be an attraction for new employees and a reason to stay for existing staff can be difficult for any corporation, but is made even more so when the company becomes international. There are several factors that influence employee motivation and these may be affected by culture, environment, socio-economics, and politics.A study of the motivating factors for employees located in the United States, France, and Japan will be presented, along with effective leadership characteristics for those respective locations. A preliminary rewards program for each division of the company will also be presented. Multi-National Corporation Rewards Program A rewards program or benefits package is always a large part of an employee’s decision to apply with, accept, or keep a job with any organization.The program must hold appeal to the employee and be appropriate for the location, especially if the company is a multi-national organization. Some benefits may not work in other countries, for example employee recognition in America usually consists of singling an individual out for kudos, while in Japan this type of recognition would be extremely uncomfortable for the employee. Influencing factors for the creation of appropriate rewards programs for our multi-national corporation (MNC) will be discussed. These will include employee motivation factors and successful leadership characteristics.Understanding Motivation There are several internal and external factors that can motivate an individual. There have been many studies by psychologists that focus on these factors including Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the ERG theory, the motivator-hygiene/intrinsic-extrinsic need theory, and the achievement theory. There is one overriding problem with all of these theories; they are based on Western European and the Unite d States and therefore may not be applicable to employees that are not from these locations.Even within these areas there will be some variation in the motivational factors for any employee. Since these theories do offer some valuable insight into the psyche of two-thirds of our MNC, we will discuss their implications. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based on the premise that an individual’s needs are grouped into five main categories; these categories are contingent upon one another in that Maslow believed the one could not move on to achieving or being motivated by the next category of needs until the previous ones had been met. Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392, 2009) These categories are physiological needs such as food, shelter, and health; safety needs – shelter and security; belonging needs, feeling part of a group, love; esteem needs such as self-esteem and the respect of others; and finally self-actualizatio n needs which would indicate achieving one’s ultimate potential. Similar to Maslow’s hierarchy is the ERG theory developed by Clayton Alderfer.The ERG theory classifies needs into three intertwined categories; existence needs (think physiological and safety needs), relatedness needs (similar to belonging and respect needs), and growth needs (this relates to self-esteem and self-actualization). Other theories categorize these needs differently, but all are very similar. While there is some credence to these theories, as stated there is one overriding problem: they are based on an Eastern European/American individual.There may be some applicability to the employees of our MNC from North American, less applicability for those from France, and little applicability to our Japanese staff. All of these theories are based upon higher order needs such as individual achievement, self-actualization, and affiliation. Individuals from the Japanese division may be more concerned wit h lower order needs such as safety, security, and physical comforts. Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392, 2009) Other theories are based on process theories rather than psychological aspects of behavior. One such theory is called the expectancy theory. This concept states that employees are motivated by expectations from management, linking behaviors with outcomes, and basing behavior on a reward system. The equity theory is similar to this in that employees will attempt to balance their work behavior according to what they see others do (or not do). Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392, 2009) There are three norms associated with this theory: the norm of equity, the norm of need, and the norm of equality. This theory is especially applicable to our American division. Another aspect of motivating employees is the relationship between managers and their respective employees. These individuals mus t be able to work closely to formulate realistic goals for the employees based on the clear communication of the company’s mission and vision.Application of Motivational Theories As stated, our managers need to be very careful about how the motivate our employees based upon the physical location of the employee, the cultural background of the individual, and the other intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may influence that employees behavior. Employees located in more individualistic countries such as America and France will be more motivated by intrinsic factors and self-actualization needs. These individuals are more concerned with equitable treatment as compared to earning similar pay for similar work.Other appealing rewards or benefits may include paid time off, insurance, and consistent salary increases. These individuals will be concerned with the comforts that the work environment has to offer including roomy office spaces; comfortable break rooms; amenities like gyms, lunch service, and childcare; these employees value their individualism and will appreciate being publically recognized for a job well done. Conversely, our Japanese employees will be more concerned with extrinsic and basic safety/physiological needs. Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392, 2009) These individuals value family and loyalty. Many generations of a family live together, so they may not feel that childcare is a worthy benefit as they have family available to take care of children or elderly relatives. Culturally Appropriate Reward Programs The rewards programs for our company will consist of a base package that will be appropriate and applicable to all divisions. Salary will be based on experience and company subsidized insurance will be available.Recognition awards for milestone achievement will be given to our American and French employees at monthly staff meetings, while these same types of awards will be given to our Japanes e employees privately and with little fanfare, respecting their privacy. Working environments will be clean and meet the highest safety standards available for all branches. Individuals will be provided access to all managerial staff along with some appropriate autonomy depending upon position and duties. Employees will also be strongly encourages to participate in a team culture within the workplace, with an emphasis on collaboration and cohesion.Each employee will be provided a generous allotment of paid time off; this will be highly valued by each division. (Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, International Human Resources Management, 2009) Employees in France will be allowed the use of company owned vacation property. The US division will be provided with company subsidized legal and financial aid, while the Japanese employees will be given a monthly family allowance based upon the number of individuals in their family. These additional benefits are specific to location and monetarily eq uivalent between divisions.Leadership Types Each division will be led by individuals carefully chosen from the native locale. This will help to ensure that communication is clear and precise and that cultural moires are familiar and followed. All managers will be required to cross-train across continents so that they are aware of and familiar with the workings of each respective division. Our American managers will be specifically chosen for their abilities to set goals, interpersonal skills, and proven leadership history. The French management staff will be chosen for similar characteristics.The Japanese leadership will be chosen for proven leadership roles and ability to be available to the employees as well as to promote a team atmosphere. Our leaders will be encouraged to set clear goals for our employees and to meet individually with employees directly under them to communicate these goals. Upper management will be encouraging staff under them to be innovative and to communicat e those ideas throughout the business. While magnetism and charm will draw employees to a management figure in the US and France, this characteristic is not appropriate in Japan. (Phatak, Bhagat, &Kashlak, International Human Resources Management, 2009) Another characteristic that should be inherent in our managers is the ability to promote workplace and task pride. This is an important factor for motivating all employees, regardless of the location. Leaders should be trustworthy and possess excellent communication skills, good team building capabilities, and exceptional bargaining abilities. Conclusion It is extremely important to evaluate several aspects of the environment and culture prior to entering into a business relationship with any international location.This is especially important when the culture that you are entering is unique and unfamiliar to you and your company. Many factors can affect how employees from these varied locations will work and how they are motivated t o work; careful study of these can help to increase the likelihood of success for your business. Most importantly, hiring good leadership to oversee these areas is vital. Good leaders will help to promote and build the existing business, encourage cohesion among employees and divisions, and will be able to successfully communicate the prevailing mission of the business.References Phatak, A. V. , Bhagat, R. S. , & Kashlak, R. J. (2009). International Human Resources Management. In A. V. Phatak, R. S. Bhagat, & R. J. Kashlak, International Management: Managing in a Diverse and Dynamic Global Environment (Second ed. , pp. 436-468). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Phatak, A. V. , Bhagat, R. S. , & Kashlak, R. J. (2009). Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392. In A. V. Phatak, R. S. Bhagat, & R. J. Kashlak, International Management: Managing in a diverse and Dynamic Global Environment (Second ed. , pp. 392-435). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Adolescent (In)vulnerability by Marilyn Jacobs Essay
Adolescents are often viewed in a negative light that depicts them as risk-takers, irrational decision makers, and vulnerable to dangers. The validity of the above statement is proven true by the peer-reviewed journal article entitled Adolescent (In)vulnerability by Marilyn Jacobs Quadrel, Baruch Fischhoff, and Wendy Davis. The article reveals the results of three groups that were questioned on their perception of how likely they might experience different risks. The subjects included a range of individuals from different socio economic status such as middle class adults with their teenage children and high-risk adolescents receiving treatment for different diagnosis. Some of the risks included automobile accidents, unwanted pregnancies, alcoholism, being a victim of a mugging, and becoming sick from various elements such as air pollution or poison. The results show that all of the subjects feel that they would face less risk in comparison to others. See more: Basic Economic problem of Scarcity Essay The opinion of relative invulnerability was about the same for the adolescents and the adults. Boththe teenagers and their parents agree that the parents are less vulnerable to specific risks. The study reveals that there is a slight difference in the way adolescents and adults think when they are faced with making a decision. One huge problem is that adolescents may be perceived as incompetent to make a decision which could lead to their rights being revoked and wrongly diagnosing the true foundation of their risk behaviors. The study implies that one explanation for why adolescents take great risks is because they underestimate the likelihood that a negative outcome will occur to them. Although adolescents have awareness that risks are involved, they also have misunderstandings of risks associated with certain behaviors that vary due to the adolescent’s socio economic status. Overall, the study shows that there is not enough support to prove that perceived invulnerability is largely present during adolescence, but evidence is present to conclude adults steadily display invulnerability. When estimating one’s risk, the psychological process for all ages are similar and biased which leads to the result of ones belief as less vulnerable in comparison to someone else. Flaws appear in every study because of different variables such as the participants or their environment. One flaw of this study may be the aspect of time pressures created by the subjects that may differ in a real-life situation. A second imperfection of the study is pressure from peers is not accounted for and is neglectful of social backing. This flaw is crucial because peer pressure is a huge part of teens engaging in riskier behavior. Evidence is revealed that teens are more likely to engage or partake in riskier behaviors without foreseeing the consequences when in a group or surr ounded by acquaintances. A follow up study to this one that would attempt to eradicate a major flaw would be to study both the adolescents and adults when in a group or a peer setting. The results might be different due to peer pressure and the desire to be popular or fit in. Two discussion questions that prompted from the reading of the journal article are: 1. Should the legal drinking age in the U.S. be lowered to 18? Are 18 year olds able to purchase and consume alcohol responsibly? 2. Should birth control be available to teenagers without parental consent? Would access to birth control prevent or lower the rate of unwanted teen pregnancies? I believe that this study presents many important aspects of the similarities and differences between adolescents and adults when it comes to making a decision and being perceived as vulnerable to a risk. I agree that individuals have a misconstrued awareness of one’s vulnerability to risks in comparison to friends, family members and strangers. Based on person al experience, I believe I was more inclined to be impulsive and irrational as an adolescent compared to my current age.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Philosophy of Mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Philosophy of Mind - Essay Example It also includes a brief analysis of the response of modern science to this classical assumption. Descartes believes that the tendency to associate sensible features with bodies is a mistake developed during childhood. During these early years individuals acquire the belief that the physical world is strongly connected to their sensations, or that it has the types of attributes it seems to possess in sense perception, both sensible and automatic. But indeed, he argues, bodies possess only automatic attributes, such as motion, size, and shape, and people’s perception of sensible attributes are brought about by formation of these attributes (Wilson 49). Challenging the simple perception of the physical world is a major objective of the Meditations. The movement against faith in the senses, and specifically against the belief that bodies are the same as sensations, is an important instrument in realising this objective, because Descartes believes the simple understanding of the physical world is mostly rooted in the notion that bodies are the same as people’s sensations (Morton 99). Descartes started his pursuit of truth by using his newly developed method of inquiry. His method used intense scepticismâ€â€all ideas that are doubtful were disregarded, including ancient wisdom taught by scholasticism. More critically, Descartes also doubted ideas coming from the senses because â€Å"from time to time I have found that the senses deceive, and it is prudent never to trust completely those who have deceived us even once†(Wilson 37). Evidently this argument encouraged questioning much of the established knowledge, and eliminating them as potential groundwork of thought. All ideas of the physical world might be untrue, since knowledge of them arises from the untrustworthy senses. Moreover, the presence of the physical body was questioned based on the same justification (Engel &
Monday, August 12, 2019
It Week8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
It Week8 - Assignment Example However, the old network, IPv4, cannot be done away with until the transition period is complete (Venkata et al., 2012). The benefits that IPv6 offers surpass the limitations that IPv4 has. For instance, the new IPv6 makes it possible to have a plethora of IP addresses as opposed to IPv4. The burgeoning protocol has 128 bit addresses as compared to IPv4, which only has 32 bit addresses. The bit addresses that IPv6 uses enable the availability of numerous IP addresses. In addition to this, IPv6 eradicates the need for network address translation (NAT) which is present in IPv4 resulting in better peer-peer networks connectivity. Further, IPv4 presents security issues, which IPv6 eliminates as it promotes interoperability between myriad implementations (Venkata et al., 2012). Venkata, P., Reddy, P., Mohammed, K., Ali, I., Sandeep, B., & Ravi, T. (2012). Importance and benefits of IPV6 over IPV4†¯: a study. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2(12), 1-2. Data Definition Language (DDL) refers to statements that define the schema or database structure. For instance, CREATE – creates objects, ALTER – alters the database structure, DROP – deletes objects, COMMENT – adds comments to the dictionary of date, and RENAME – Renames database objects. DML refers to Data Manipulation Language, which are simply statements that manage data within schematic objects. For instance, SELECT – helps in retrieving data, UPDATE – updates data already present in a table, and CALL – Calls Java or PL/SQL. Data Control Language (DCL) includes commands such as GRANT. It mostly deals with permissions, rights, and additional controls of the database. SQL Server 2012 relies on the above SQL commands for interaction. Transact-SQL presents as central in sending and receiving communication with the SQL server (Microsoft, 2006). Distributed File System (DFS) enables administrators to make a group of shared
Sunday, August 11, 2019
The Rental Apartment Agency Industry Research Proposal
The Rental Apartment Agency Industry - Research Proposal Example In addition to apartment rentals, we will be providing additional services, which will not be considered our main services, such as car or limo rentals, student admission, translations, and immigration attorneys. We will be targeting people who are coming from the Middle East to start with, then we might expand the business to target a larger segment in the future. You can find more information about targeting and segmentation in the Segmentation section. According to the reports for the Texas medical centers, â€Å"The Texas Medical Center is the largest medical center in the world with one of the highest densities of clinical facilities for patient care, basic science. The Texas Medical Center receives 160,000 daily visitors and over six million annual patient visits, including over 18,000 international patients.†These visitors would definitely need to find the right one or two-bedroom apartments to stay in. We conducted a site survey. Our sample was not too big, 50 Middle Eastern patients and 10 students, and we found the following results: The demand for this service is increasing every year. More patients and students from the Middle East are coming to Houston as mentioned previously because it has some of the best hospitals and schools in the world. The following figures show statistics about the number of patients’ families who come to Houston from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirate and Kuwait who we managed to get from the consulates and the medical attaches offices. On the other hand, the supply is not great. There are very few new firms that enter this industry. Those who already exist are not providing good quality service or customer service, and they are met with too many complaints to be successful. Also, there is no single firm who can provide all of the many services that we are providing. (More information about competitors can be found in the Competitors section.)
Saturday, August 10, 2019
U06d2 Legal Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
U06d2 Legal Reporting - Essay Example There are several issues that are covered by the law and these include abuses like sexual abuse, child abuse or any form of misconduct with the elderly (Pozgar G. D., 2006). Also, any form of misconduct or irresponsibility shown in regards to communicable diseases can also be reported and filed against. To ensure the best for all within the society and also at the healthcare centers, the doctors and the healthcare centers are required to participate in reporting any form of suspected child abuse or elderly abuse (Syrett, 2008). The government is very strict in these matters and is working towards the well being of all within the society. The health care workers are also liable to report any rapes, harassment, and all birth and deaths are also expected to be kept up – to – date to ensure an accurate census. The government has allowed for the health care personnel to participate and help the society by reporting any kind of suspicious behavior, however if this right and responsibility is dishonored and misused to falsely report, then the individual can also be faced with serious consequences like civil and even criminal obligations (Pozgar, Santucci, & Pinnella, 2009). There have also been a number of processes and reporting systems that have been implemented to ensure that all healthcare organizations report the incidents and any form of any communicable disease is curbed at the starting point itself. The states also have laws to curb the possibility of any new disease to spread and to create an epidemic (Pozgar G. D., 2006). To be able to curb this, the government requires the state to report any and all irregular or unexpected similar symptoms in numerous patients. To also ensure higher safety and security of the patients and the processes being accurate in the healthcare industry th ere is a requirement to also report any errors from the health care end (Nathanson, 1995). Along with the safety of
Ethical Issues Surrounding Human Resources Management Practices Term Paper
Ethical Issues Surrounding Human Resources Management Practices - Term Paper Example Since this test is designed to access the psychological factors of an employee in his perception of the world and in taking decision, it is surrounded by a lot of ethical issues. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers based on typological theories originated by Carl Gustav Jung which include introspection and anecdote methods which are largely rejected by the modern psychology. As per Jungs type theory the four cognitive functions, thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuition, are related to 1 or 2 orientations, extraverted and introverted, for a total of 8 functions. The Myers-Briggs theory is based on these 8 functions. Neither the Myers-Briggs nor the Jungian models offer any experimental proof to support the existence, of such orientation, or the manifestation of these functions. The MBTI differs from other personality measuring methods. As per MBTI personality types and their traits, both are inborn. Traits like skills can be improved while types like introvert or extrovert is supported by the environment. (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) â€Å"The types the MBTI sorts for, known as dichotomies are extraversion / introversion, sensing / intuition, thinking / feeling and judging / perceiving. Participants are given one of 16 four-letter abbreviations, such as ESTJ or INFP, indicating what their preferences are. The term best-fit types refers to the ethical code that facilitators are required to follow. It states that the person taking the indicator is always the best judge of what their preferences are and that the indicator alone should never be used to make this decision†(Psychologist). The MBTI normally consist of around 100 multiple choice questions with two options for each question. The participants have the right whether to answer or skip a particular
Friday, August 9, 2019
Module one discussion board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Module one discussion board - Essay Example The research design and field work must be conducted properly so as to address the problems accurately. Hence, enforcing strict code of ethics becomes very important part of market research (Hunt and Vitell,1986). The companies can enforce ethics in market research by getting feedback directly from the participants and double check their responses to check the authenticity of data that is to be analyzed. Special precaution must be adhered so as not to influence respondents’ responses. The manipulated responses generate misleading results that could jeopardize the actions of the clients in addressing their problems (Sales and Folkman, 2000; Sparks and Hunt, 1998). The personal interview schedule is most susceptible to crossing ethical boundaries. The covert and overt dimension of the research is major element that blurs the distinction between the subjects’ right to privacy and the public’s right to know. As such mutual trust needs to be developed to elicit right responses which would accurately reflect respondents’ views. Stringent punishment must be enforced when trust is violated between respondents and researcher or between researcher and
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Compare Social Control Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Compare Social Control Methods - Essay Example Additionally, Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Index has also been applied while making the comparative analysis of the societies under examination. Social control is viewed to be the system applied for regulating the activities of the individuals within a political set up. In simple words, it is the mechanism observed by the political authorities for the eradication of individual and collective criminal behavior and deviancy for the protection and welfare of the citizens. Actually crime is aptly stated as a social phenomenon that exists in every social establishment of the world since the known human history. Theories have been articulated and researches have been conducted in order to explore the reasons behind committing of crimes on the one hand, and devising the methods to purify the society from offences on the other. Though theorists suggest political, social, economic, psychological and ethno-racial motives behind the involvement of the individuals into offences of different kinds, yet no society could be able to eliminate such harmful activities from the very face of its culture. Somehow, different societies have established different social control methods for the maintenance of peace and order. ... 07: 231) Thus, fear of being cursed, rebuked, penalized and punished serve as powerful social control; the same is applied to Pakistan and Israeli cultures. Social, political and religious institutions including family, peers, church/mosque, classrooms, workplace, cultural values, religious faiths and law enforcing agencies are the methods of social control in the contemporary era. Pakistan is a south Asian Muslim state, where an overwhelming majority claims to be following the Islamic cult, laws and norms. Though the Pakistanis cite religious beliefs in everyday activities, yet they seldom observe these teachings in their true spirit. On the contrary, western statutes of law have been in vogue to formally regulate the activities of the people. Moreover, social norms, cultural values, taboos, traditions, customs and conventions are also prevailing as the regularity authority for the informal social control. These traditional institutions, including arbitrary councils work at local le vels, which are headed by the religious and political personalities, and determine the punishments for the law breakers. Hence, in the societies where the individuals observe strong family and tribal bonds, the crime rate observes significant decline. Social control theory aims to state that strong social bonds cause the inhibition of delinquency, whereas weak social bonds offer little resistance to offending. (Booth, Farrell and Varano, 2008:1) The same is the case with Pakistani society, where women involved into extra marital sexual union and adultery have fear of being killed at the hand of one or more male family members including father, brother, husband, in-laws and tribe. Similarly, provincial and linguistic affiliations and bonds forbid the people to inflict offensive attacks upon
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Responding to Dark Waters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Responding to Dark Waters - Essay Example Just as the title suggests, the essay presents the dark side of civilization in Bogalusa as a representative of situations in the entire globe. This response paper will analyze the article critically and unravel these dark sides. The author chose an appropriate title for this piece of work. No other title would efficiently convey the themes of the essay in only two words. The author succeeds in revealing all types of poisoning in Bogalusa that made all waters dark. Bogalusa has both white and black residents who do not trust each other (Komunyakaa 108). The whites have gained dominance over the men of color. The men of color in this region have limited opportunities in every sector (99). The author offers much imagery that describes the situation of the men of color in this region. The reader cannot help but empathize with the men of color living in Bogalusa. The author does not exaggerate things because the American history in the years mentioned tell it all. Men of color have been struggling to attain equality and inclusion. The essay elaborates all forms of environmental pollution evident in Bogalusa. There are all forms of pollution in the city. There are numerous air explosions, water pollutions, and deforestation. Rivers and ponds in the region have toxins from continuous pollution. There are no interventions to curb environmental degradation. The numerous descriptions and poems help the reader understand the real situation of environmental degradation in Bogalusa. The author paints a realistic concept in the mind of the reader through the vivid illustrations, poems reflecting the nature and references to his opinion. The author expresses his feelings about the condition. It is obvious that he sees horror in Bogalusa. He wishes everything were reversible to return nature into the original state. The poem ‘Fog Galleon’ depicts the real situation of things in Bogalusa (106). Through the author’s image, the reader gets to understand the s ituation. In addition, the author illustrates the effects of environmental degradation to man. He mentions the development of cancer, respiratory diseases, and death. By highlighting these effects, he drives the reader to understand the fact he mentions at the end of the essay that as long as humans do not conserve the environment, they will definitely face negative consequences. Komunyakaa sums it up by saying that ‘hurting nature wounds human beings’ (111). This fact receives a lot of support from the essay. All negative effects towards the environment eventually affect the welfare of man either directly or indirectly. The changing global climates in the recent past serve as further support to the author’s allegation. Humans have brought doom to themselves through activities that are destructive to nature. The reader can clearly understand what the author implies when he says that man and nature exist in connection. Komunyakaa exposes an additional reality of m atters. Governments are reluctant to enact laws that act as guidelines to environmental protection. Louisiana is a clear example of what majority of government sectors are doing. It was becoming obvious that the prevailing environmental conditions needed intervention. However, the officials were doing nothing about it. Through this, the author introduces a new idea about racism trends in American states. States inhabited by majority blacks were likely to be home to multiple companies releasing numerous toxic
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Creative Story Essay Example for Free
Creative Story Essay Invasion is more harmful to a country than we really understand. Occupation or invasion is a foreign concept to all of us. Living on the other side of the world that doesn’t go through such agony, we don’t tend to understand how it feels to live under military occupation. The proper definition of an occupation is when a foreign army occupies your land, physically and controls your life. What are the consequences of this? Well, this leads to the country being ruled by violence rather than a systematic order of government they were promised. People who will oppose this invasion will fight the authorities in the form of protests, bombs etc. This will result in innocence lives being lost both on their side and our soliders . This will also emotionally affect the families of the soldiers. So, we can see that an occupation can affect both the people of that country and the people of the country that invades it. In addition the violence will make every citizen feel unsafe in their own homes. Imagine living everyday with the fear of being bombed any time. In Iraq, a family was forced out of their home by the military. When the husband protested, he was thrown into jail. The wife and the children were left to live on the streets. One of her daughters attempted to hang herself because she couldn’t tolerate living in the sun anymore. These are people just like us, they don’t deserve to live like this. It is selfish to occupy other countries so we can stay safe in ours.
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