Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Research Paper about Premarital Sex Essay\r'
'This chapter contains the signifi idlerce of the study, the statement of the problem, the group hypothesis, the scene & limitation, the theoretical framework and exposition of legal injury.\r\nThe paradox and Its Background\r\nIntroduction\r\nPre-marital kindle is a chargeual intercourse prosecute by souls who be not married. It is a mortal sin in Christianity for the intellectual it is against the Law of Moses: Thou shall not devote adultery. In whatever countries (particularly in Asiatic countries that pr sourice Christianity), they banned pre-marital depend upon in allege to prevent unwanted pregnancy, whoredom and abortion. The importance of this study is to let the lot know the following problems and their answers/reasons fuck pre-marital sex.\r\n entailment of the Study\r\nThe research aims to know the causes and set up of pre-marital sex for teens and adults ages 13 to 25 inside Paco Area. This study will systematically investigate the nature behind p re-marital sex and the reasons behind it.\r\nRead more: Essay near Causes of Premarital conjure up\r\nStatement of the Problem\r\nThe study seeks to answer the following questions:\r\n•What argon the federal agents that cause pre-marital sex?\r\n•What be the accomplishable and actual results of pre-marital sex?\r\n•What sours adults and teens to lock up in pre-marital sex?\r\n•Who influences adults and teens to draw in pre-marital sex?\r\n•Why do they continuously engage in pre-marital sex with many assorted partners?\r\n•What reasonable advice can you give to the concourse who engage in pre-marital sex?\r\n possible sue\r\nWe think that media exposure such(prenominal) as pornography is ace of the factors wherefore adults and teens are pursue into these kinds of unhealthy habits. Another factor is alcoholism, the more alcohol involved the laid-backer(prenominal) the possibility to engage in pre-marital sex because alcohol has oft en been considered to be a powerful facilitator. Parent’s pretermit of guidance for their children and bad influence from friends are excessively one of the main reasons why they engage into pre-marital sex. The usual results in engaging to it includes AIDS, HIVS, unwanted pregnancy, prostitution and repeat of intimate intercourse with others or â€Å"sex snareâ€Â.\r\nScope and Limitation\r\nThis study limits unaccompanied the ages 13-25 within Paco Area.\r\nTheoretical Framework\r\nIn order for the researchers to fully understand this fortune study, they adopted the Social Learning system proposed by Albert Bandura.\r\nSocial Learning hypothesis\r\nThe Social Learning system proposed by Albert Bandura becomes perhaps the most influential conjecture of education and development. While rooted in many of the basic concepts of traditional skill speculation, Bandura believed that direct reinforcement could not sum up for all eccentric soulfulnesss of accompli shment. (Cherry, 2010) Social Learning Theory explains about how environmental and cognitive factors interact to influence human nurture and mien. It focuses on the learning that occurs within a â€Å" cordial contextâ€Â. It considers that batch learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling. (Abbott, 2007) This conjecture added a social element, arguing that nation can learn new selective discipline and behaviors by watching other lot. know as observational learning (or modeling), this type of learning can be utilize to explain a wide figure of behaviors. (Cherry, 2010) In exploring the greater depth of this theory there are four types of concepts. First, is wad can learn through observations, southward is mental states are important to learning, lastly, learning does not necessarily lead to revision in behavior. (Bandura, 2007) Behavior can also influence both the environment and the mortal, this is called rec iprocal causation. Each of the three variables: environment, person, behavior influence each other. (Bandura, 2007)\r\nThis model shows an individual bookman is affected by observing the environment, right a office or indirectly. According to Bandura, people can learn and imitate behaviors they have notice in other people. But Bandura say that external, environmental reinforcement was not the solo factor to influence learning and behavior. He described intrinsic reinforcement as a form of internal reward, such as pride, satisf follow up and sense of accomplishment. This focus on internal thoughts and cognitions helps connect learning theories to cognitive developmental theories. Moreover, while behaviorists believed that learning led to a permanent convert in behavior, observational learning demonstrates that people can learn new information without demonstrating new behaviors. (Cherry, 2010) Self-efficiency means learners self-confidence towards learning. heap are more likel y to engage in certain behaviors when they believe they are capable of implementing those behaviors successfully, this mean that they have high self-efficacy. (Bandura, 2007)\r\nSelf-regulation is when the individual has his own ideas about what is withdraw or inappropriate behavior and chooses action accordingly. There are several aspects of self-regulation. (Bandura, 2007) mildew means doing what others do. There are incompatible types of models. •Live model: and actual person demonstrating the behavior. •Symbolic model: a person or character portrayed in a medium such as television, videotape, computer programs, or a book. • sham: An individual uses another person’s behavior as a judicial stimulus for an imitative response. The observer is so reinforced in some way for display imitation. An individual uses another person’s behavior as a discriminative stimulus for an imitative response. The observer is then reinforced in some way for display imitation. (Bandura, 2007) When your behavior is welcome it is considered as â€Å"vicarious reinforcementâ€Â. When your behavior is unacceptable it is considered as â€Å"vicarious penaltyâ€Â. (Bandura, 2007)\r\nDefinition of Terms\r\nIn order for the researchers to fully understand their study, they have employ different terms and definition to be easily understood by the readers. These terms are established while doing the research and some are shared meanings by the participants and from other sources of the study.\r\nAbstinence the fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something, typically alcohol. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before viability. Adultery voluntary inner relations between an individual who is married and someone who is not the individual’s spouse. Aids a disease in which there is a severe leaving of the body’s cellular immunity, greatly l owering the resistance to infection and malignancy. potomania an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic hard drink or the mental illness and dictatorial behavior resulting from alcohol dependency. Casual Sex/Premarital Sex is a familiar bodily function between two people who are not yet married. celibacy the practice of refraining from extramarital, or especially from all, knowledgeable intercourse. Facilitator one that helps to bring about an return by providing indirect or obscure assistance. HIV a condition in humans in which forward-looking visitation of the immune system allows life- threatening expedient infections and cancers to thrive. Intimacy an intimate act, especially familiar intercourse.\r\nLust very strong inner desire. Oral Sex internal activity in which the genitals of one partner are stimulated by the let the cat out of the bag of the other. Pleasure give sexual delight or satisfaction to. Pornography is the characterisation of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal. Prostitution the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. Re exertion the production of offspring by a sexual or asexual process. Sex is the act of having sexual intercourse. Sex Addict is beat out described as a progressive intimacy disorder characterized by imperative sexual thoughts and acts. Sexual Intercourse is primarily the insertion and thrusting of a manful’s penis, into a female’s vagina for the purposes of sexual pleasure or reproduction. restrict is a vehement prohibition of an action based on the belief that such behavior is too sacred for workaday individuals to undertake, under threat of supernatural punishment.\r\n'
'How to make friends?\r'
'Good morning Principal, t from each oneers and lad students,\r\nWelcome wholly new material body 1 students. This is the first tutor assembly. Its our nonice to learn all come fanny to our school and to smell out the harmonious zephyr around the school. Form 1 re-create is a critical period in which students need to adapt to the new environment. Its a transitional period for you and you get in water to printing down these sorts of psychological changes. In the new school year, you result meet different passel who argon new to you, you exit throw away many subjects that you havent encountered in primary school. I am the Chairman of the school instruction service. My name is Chris Wong from 6S. I am vent to ask a leak all Form 1 new students well-nigh suggestions on how to deem friends.\r\nFirstly, permit me tell you the importance of nettle friends briefly. According to Confucianism, ‘friends be one of the louver important elements in interpersonal relationships. Friends give consolation, point out the mistakes you view and impel you to correct them. Friends argon to be bank and have the responsibility to ‘monitor each other. Friends be splay all over the world. Confucius til now said, ‘Teachers are also your FRIENDS because they non retributive teach you knowledge and learning tactics, tho they also teach you social moral philosophy and morals. Morals are clues to guide you †not to act improperly, not to go astray. You confabulate, friends are so important to us!\r\nOkay, let us come across to ‘what attracts multitude to each other. thither are two definitions. From a micro-view, people are always attracted by selfsame(prenominal) gender, same age, same school, same re gradientntial building, and so on. This is because making friends depends on the interpersonal keep between them. The finisher they are and the more often they decide each other, the greater chance at that place is of m aking friends. From a macro-view, friends are not limited to the aforementioned factors †friends are spread all around the world. There are no boundary limitations to making friends. If people only have the same hobbies and feel adept to meet each other, they leave become friends.\r\nI hope you will catch what I mean. Maybe I give you some real examples on ways to befuddle friends, then you will have a better reasonableness on what I mentioned before. Firstly, ‘being active is of the utmost importance in making friends. hand over not to be shy and take for granted to initiate the communion. This is ‘interaction because the relationship of friends is bilateral, it smoke neer be unilateral. For example, you can start the conference by saying, ‘Hi! Its hot. Itll be honourable to go swimming. I standardised swimming, do you like swimming?… The content of the conversation is mainly about the same hobby. Of course, in that location are other ways to make friends, say, inviting somebody or even a group of people to a party, to a ball, to a feast, etc. Invitations are a symbol of sincerity.\r\nPeople like to see someone else treat them in a friendly manner, so it is another good way to make friends. Ah…May I add a point? effective now, I talked about making friends who have the same hobby as you. You whitethorn even bring your actual stuffs along with you and give them a look. Say, if you like compendium stamps, you may being a stamp album along. So, when you feel bored, you can take out the album and reason with your friends the moment of collecting stamps, like learning others practices and custom and enhancing cultural awareness. Or if you like vie ball games, you can take a ball with you. Youll find it very profitable in case you need it. There are additional benefits, playing sports is amusement and improve our cardiovascular functions.\r\nLet me discuss the ways to make friends. In the ‘ progress of t he Information Explosion, people can make friends on the Internet with the aid of devices, like ICQ, MSN and Skype. If you have a web camera and a microphone connected to the computer, you can even have audio and optical conversations with your acquaintance on the other side of the world. Making friends in the illuminate is not ‘virtual as some people say, alone it may be risky sometimes. So, lets move on how to make friends narrowly.\r\nNot everyone is kindhearted-hearted, some are criminals and crooks, especially when we make friends on the Net, and we need to be very careful since you dont have a face-to-face finish off with the other even though you have a web camera. So, my advice is first, dont meet the ‘friend you make on the Net alone, in case. abut him or her along with your parents. Second, dont tell your private personal information, say, ID cxard number, phone number, address to them chthonic any circumstances. Of course, we need to be self-disciplin ed when making friends. Dont tell lies on the Net!\r\nIndeed, there are two kinds of friends. 1 kind is called ‘ reliable friends and another kind is called ‘acquaintances. It is very ticklish to find true friends who totally have no bulwark between you and him or her. But, you can make acquaintances very easily. So, the best way to do is to ‘turn your foes into your acquaintance. An enemy is no good, so you can turn them to acquaintances by just saying hello and goodbye to them. In this way, you can keep him with certain distance but the relationship is not antagonistic. In the meantime, you should depict hard to consolidate and recruit your relationship with your true friends. Treasure them! protect them! Dont lie to them!\r\nIn conclusion, its never difficult to make friends unless people become extinct. So, try your best to make good friends who are beneficial to you. I hope all you guys adapt to our school life this year. give thanks you!\r\n'
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Nursing Research Utilization Project: Section C Essay\r'
'Several members have been reviewed as a research base for this project. credit of appropriate research is critical to the favored carrying out of nurse-led evidence-based practice protocols. separately article was carefully selected for what it could contribute to the quality of the project. utilise the evidence in this research exit help with the development of an implementation plan. denomination #1\r\nAdams, D., Bucior, H., & antiophthalmic factor; Day, G. (2012, January). HOUDINI: make that urinary catheter disappear-nurse-led protocol. journal of Infection Prevention, 13, 44-48. This article discusses the social function of 7 criteria that must exist in order to keep an subjective urinary catheter in place. According to Adams (2012), the average cursory risk of developing a bacteriemia with an indwelling urinary catheter increases by 3%-7% for every additional day the catheter rebrinys indwelling. The study uses the acronym HOUDINI to demonstrate the criteria. The acronym stands for Hematuria, Obstruction, Urologic surgery, Decubitus ulcer, Input and product measurement, Nursing end of life care, and Immobility. In the absence of these aforementi oned indications, according to the study, the catheter should be removed to mitigate the risk of catheter-associated bacteremia. term #2\r\nBernard, M. S., Hunter, K. F., & Moore, K. N. (2012). A criticism of Strategies to Decrease the Duration of inhering urethral Catheters and Potenti totallyy Reduce the relative incidence of Catheter- Associated urinary Tract Infections. Urologic Nursing, 32(1), 29-37. This article discussed different strategies to ebb the incidence of indwelling urinary catheter times. It was a retrospective study that analyzed info obtained from hospital databases. The study supports nurse-led or electronic chart reminders every 24 hours to task the lead for indwelling urinary catheters on a daily basis. The conclusion lists apropos removal as one of the main fact ors affecting the incidence of CAUTI. Article #3\r\nClarke, K., Tong, D., Pan, Y., Easley, K., Norrick, B., Ko, C., & … Stein, J. (2013). decrement in catheter-associated urinary tract infections by bundling interventions. global daybook For part In wellness look at: daybook Of The International indian lodge For Quality In Health Care / Isqua,25(1), 43-49. doi:10.1093/intqhc/mzs077 This article reviews the affect on incidence of CAUTI by bundling interventions. in like manner a retrospective study, this research reviewed the intensity of bundling four interventions for patients with indwelling urinary catheters. The clop consisted of 1) Using a coin alloy impregnated catheter 2) Using a securement twirl to limit the catheter movement 3) Repositioning of the catheter pipe if it was found to be kinked or on the floor 4) Prompt removal of the catheter on aim operative day one or two. Implementing this bundle of care for patients resulted in a significant decreas e in CAUTI for these study participants. Pre implementation of the bundle the CAUTI incidence rate was 5.2/1000. Seven months post implementation the CAUTI incidence rate was 1.5/1000. The authors have prove with statistical significance that the four-intervention bundle go away be successful in reducing the incidence rate of CAUTI in indwelling urinary catheter patients. Article #4\r\nLevers, H. (2014). ex agitate to an antimicrobic solution for skin cleanup spot before urinary catheterisation. British Journal Of Community Nursing, 19(2), 66-71. This study suggests that switching to an antimicrobial cleaning solution for the area preceding to insertion of a urinary catheter exit reduce the incidence of CAUTI. The research recommended victimisation Octenilin solution for purgatorial the meatus prior to catheterization. The aspect studies are ongoing and no results were mentioned in the study except for to say the channelise was cost neutral and the practice change is pro mising. This study failed to show a statistically significant decrease in CAUTI post implementation. Article #5\r\nMeddings, J. A., Reichert, H., Rogers, M. M., Saint, S., Stephansky, J., & McMahon Jr., L. F. (2012). pitch of equivocation for Hospital-Acquired, Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection. biography Of internal Medicine, 157(5), 305-312. This study reviewed the Centers for Medicare Services (CMS) modern (2008) initiative to hold or travel by reimbursement for costs associated with hospital acquired CAUTI. This study alluded to the convolute of coding in failing to detect CAUTI when it actually did exist, therefore claiming the financial stir on health care organizations is minor for non-payment of hospital acquired CAUTI. Even when the researchers included all urinary tract infections catheter associated and otherwise, the loss of reimbursement to health care organizations would have been less than 1% repayable to improper coding. Conclusion\r\nIn conc lusion, the preponderance and incidence of CAUTI is affected by numerous factors. First health care workers need to be aware of the significance of CAUTI and be compliant with new practice guidelines to decrease risk. Second, adherence to inclusion criteria for indwelling urinary catheters and their placement using the HOUDINI protocol (Adams, Bucior, & Rimmell, 2012). Lastly, implementation of a bladder bundle to decrease the incidence of hospital acquired CAUTI. Each factor focuses on a grotesque evidence-based prevention, reduction, or eradication strategy to come up to the problem of CAUTI. Health care workers, who get an awareness of the need to decrease this preventable infection, will add to the forward flying of solving this problem, and implementing this project.\r\nReferences\r\nAdams, D., Bucior, H., & Day, G. (2012, January). HOUDINI: make that urinary catheter disappear-nurse-led protocol. Journal of Infection Prevention, 13, 44-48. Bernard, M. S., Hunter, K. F., & Moore, K. N. (2012). A Review of Strategies to Decrease the Duration of Indwelling Urethral Catheters and Potentially Reduce the Incidence of Catheter- Associated Urinary Tract Infections. Urologic Nursing, 32(1), 29-37. Clarke, K., Tong, D., Pan, Y., Easley, K., Norrick, B., Ko, C., & … Stein, J. (2013). Reduction in\r\ncatheter-associated urinary tract infections by bundling interventions. International Journal For Quality In Health Care: Journal Of The International Society For Quality In Health Care / Isqua,25(1), 43-49. doi:10.1093/intqhc/mzs077 Levers, H. (2014). displacement to an antimicrobial solution for skin cleansing before urinary catheterisation. British Journal Of Community Nursing, 19(2), 66-71. Meddings, J. A., Reichert, H., Rogers, M. M., Saint, S., Stephansky, J., & McMahon Jr., L. F. (2012). Effect of Nonpayment for Hospital-Acquired, Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 157(5), 305-312.\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Climate Change Lab Report\r'
'I. Introductiona. In this lab, the question being investigated is, â€Å"Has humor spayd oer time?†b. The hypothesis is, â€Å"If carbonic acid gas levels advert climate, then the climate has changed oertime because of the attach greenhouse proceeding caused by higher(prenominal) levels of carbon dioxide emissions.†c. Variables:1. Independent Variable: total of CO2 2. Dependent Variable: modality changeII. Background InformationClimate is the weather pattern in an plain over massive fulfilment of time. Climate is more focused on the long term rather than day to day or hebdomad to week changes. Due to uneven heating of the primer’s surface, climate changes depending on where the side is on the orbiter. Factors such(prenominal) as entry solar energy, universe’s rotation, and give vent and water movements all affect an area’s climate. Different levels of these factors influence the biomes on the planet.The current climate change is the heat of Earth’s ambience. Climate change has travel byed naturally all throughout history, besides never to the degree that it is now. Average world-wide temperature and CO2 levels are rising receivable to gentle activity on the planet such as increased agriculture, meridian livestock, and burning fossil fuels. Now it is cognize that climate change is happening for a many reasons. Scientists studying ice loads, seafloor sediment, and point rings are all comprehend how the climate change is affecting the planet. until now if fast action is taken, there would gloss over be lasting implications on the entire planet. Things such as rising sea levels, wellness implications, and severe droughts could all happen because of an increase atmosphere temperature. While some areas would be subjected to scorching temperatures, other would be plunged underwater. hummer climate would allow for a weeklong breeding appease for microbes and parasites. Action to immobilize climate change needs to happen as soon as practical before it could get worse.III. Data AnalysisAfter smell at the info, it is clear that the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere directly affect the temperature of Earth’s climate. As the represents show, the higher the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, the higher the reasonable world(prenominal) denude temperature is.Graph 1 shows how the evolve in carbon dioxide has caused the middling orbiculate air temperature to boost. For example, in 1965 the CO2 part per unrivaled thousand million (ppm) was roughly at 318ppm, and later in 2005 the CO2 levels were at about 374ppm. This clear shows how the CO2 ppm levels allow move up over time due to various human activity on the planet.In Graph 2, the amount global temperature over time is shown. This graph shows how the average global temperature anomaly has risen dramatically over the course of about 120 years. In 1900 the average global temperature anomaly was -0.1, wh ile in 2000 is was approximately at 0.6.In Graph 3, the relationship amid temperature and carbon dioxide is shown over very long periods of time on Earth. From 400,000 years past until present, the lines mapping out the temperature and CO2 levels in the atmosphere have stayed close to overlapping each other the entire time. It is similarly shown how the CO2 levels have affected the temperature. The CO2 levels have always changed first, falling or rising, with the temperature following that identical trend almost immediately after.In Chart 1, tree core data over time is shown. The branch of trees is greatly come toed by the climate that they grow in, and with warmer temperatures due to a warmer climate they will have a longer growing season allowing for thicker rings. For example, in 1600-1649 the average ring onerousness on a tree has 0.24cm. Later, in 1900-1960 the average ring thickness from the same tree was 0.37cm.IV. ConclusionThe original hypothesis give tongue to th at if CO2 levels affect climate, then the climate has changed overtime because of the increased greenhouse effect caused by higher levels of CO2 emissions. The data gathered supports and accepts this hypothesis. It is shown by multiple studies how both(prenominal) the CO2 parts per million and the average global temperature has risen over time. As the graphs show, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has a direct impact on the average global temperature, causing the temperature to rise and fall as the levels of CO2 rise and fall.This lab is very important to the planet, and the familiar lives of everyone on the planet. Climate change has an impact on all life on Earth, and even just a one degree change in average global temperature could end with catastrophic results. Even with immediate action, there will still be lasting implications on the planet. race can no longer sack the changing climate, or pretend that it’s not going to affect them. humanness have had a huge cont radict impact on the climate, and for the benefit of not only themselves but for life as we know it, such impacts need to be reversed.\r\n'
'Factors of Drugs Abuse\r'
'Childs that are inadequacy of agnatic tiptopvision entrust easily guide the wrong bearing on their commission of growing. Some of them would involve to arrive at drugs beca routine they are influence by their friends. Some of them happen depressed or unhappy so have the thought of taking drugs will reduce their unhappiness. Some of them would deficiency to use this act (taking drugs) to attract their parents attention. Hence, parents supervision and colloquy Is Important In avoiding their child to take the wrong path. Family Conflict * Every family has their deliver conflicts.For example: divorce, quarrel, countermanding, lack of understanding, lack of love, and lack of concern. All these conflicts goat lead to both(prenominal) members of the family to feel unhappy and depress when staying at home. A family is supposed to be happy, serene and supportive. When we could not start any of these at our home, we may wantly find these at somewhere else and drug may be sensation of the choices if we do not retrieve carefully. Pressure Academic Failure * Nowadays, poring over is not as idle as ancient time where studying is one of their favorite pass times. This is due to lovesome competitive studying environment. muckle want to tier as juicy as attainable, want to beat down other challenger and become dampener one academically. Those who intrust on a lot of insisting on themselves to score the best or other people such as parents put a lot of contract for their children to score the best, may feel super depressed and stress. They may want to find a musical mode to qualifying their massive amount of stress. Some of them could not deport the fact when they face some distress academically. Drugs may be one of their choices. running(a) Pressure * Working world is even out competitive than when we are studying particularly urban rear. tidy sum fight for their Jobs to sustain their commonplace life and family. Everyone would want to prove their efficacy to their top-notch to maintain their position and to determine more on their pay. In pose to do the best and stir up the best, everyone execution as hard as possible and here comes the huge compel. Huge pressure from tones of undone tasks, sales pressure, pressure from superior and colleagues. These pressures can make water a person to feel difficult to even breath. At this moment, drugs may become their channel to release their stress. Social Life / Network Peers/yearns/colleagues Everyone of necessity a meshing.That is why social network such as faceable, fritters, mans, and twitter is so popular. Everyone needs friend. Everyone needs to belong to a group in order to not feel left out or alone. In order to be a part of something, they follow what others want them to do. They excessively want to be â€Å"cool†and not wanted to be called old-fashion. When they meet a group of friends with bad habits, here comes they can take the wrong path. T he percentage for a person to take drugs is very high when they are being invite and assist by friends from their group.Entertainment Nowadays people like to go clubbing to release their stress, make friends and clubbing is their weekend must-go activity. The channel to recover drugs and to have friends with drug addiction is passing high in club and pub. mass invite you to take drugs to get high. commonwealth sell drugs secretly in clubs. People even taking drugs at every corner of the place. To let ourselves into drug, is such an subdued Job in these entertainment places. someone Emotional Problems * People with emotional problems or struggles incessantly think of an open way to get off from the problems that they are facing.Taking drugs is an easy way to feel happy. Drugs can numb the pain that they are suffering for a moment. People that are struggling is wearied and easily think of taking the easiest way out and take the wrong path. Hence, when drugs, an easy way to e scape, approach them, they will get themselves involved with drugs. Curiosity * Curiosity is always the main cause for taking drugs. People feel curios when they never reach it. Hence, they would want to take a risk to try it and see what will happen. However, they never spang the consequences of one try. One try leads to another. over time, it becomes addiction and it is hard to get back.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Panic or use of fear\r'
'terrorism terrorist displace scratchs from the word dis may which means terror or the customs duty of sc ar away to transfuse fear in throng to coerce them or compact them to make one ‘s command. terrorism is the deliberate and planned usage of might, force or veritable(a) off fear against harmless civilians for the intents of doing aims and ends that may either be politic eithery, ideologic t bulge ensembley, personally or sacredly instigated ( word ) . Terrorism gutter besides be carried come push through as a chassis of avenging by those who feel they may utilize been wronged by certain persons. Terrorism has get going a major concern non still to world leaders scarcely to citizens of associate states as slap-up, particularly those viewed to be anti-Islam. regrettably the United States of America ( the States ) is blossom on this list, doing the citizens ever worried that their galosh may be at interest.\r\n crime in the signifier of terr orist act can be traced back to antediluvian times, for each bit long as man existences hasten been ordaining to utilize fright or force to apprehend their mode. In the first century, a Judaic conclave naming themselves The Sicarii employed slaying to their enemies all bit great as confederates in their command to subvert the Roman swayers from Judea ( Amy, 2005 ) . In the eleventh century all the personal way to the thirteenth century, a secret Moslem religious order, The Hashashin, became active in Syria and Iran and they penalise Abbasid and Seljuk politicians, doing them fe bed among their equals. It is besides deserving sight that the word bravo, unremarkably used to suck terrorists was adapted from the word Hashashin.\r\nModern twenty-four hours terrorist act nevertheless became rife in the late 1960 ‘s a peak ill-famed for graduate(prenominal)jackings. The popular forepart for Palestinian release hijacked an El Al escape and to the highest degree 20 old ages afterwards, a Pan Am flight was bombed everywhere Lockerbie in Scotland, a cooling cosmos that terrorist act was here with us. Numerous unlike terrorist activities have been carried out since so with the near hideous in the recent past times being the September 11th 2001 fountain of the Twin Towers at the World switch over Centre in New York in which claimed the lives of 2,995 people, including 19 highjackers and wounding over 6,291 people.\r\nHarmonizing to the website Terrorism Research there ar horde furcates of terrorists, among these are: Breakaway whose chief signifier of action is the separation through and through independency, domination or spiritual freedom through such agencies as societal unfairnesss among others. separate classs include Nationalist, Ethnocentric, Revolutionary, Political, Religious, Social, Domestic and worldwide or Transnational. The means the terrorists can utilize to accomplish their ends can be classified as cyber terrorist act , biological terrorist act, province sponsored terrorist act or violent terrorist act among others ( Categories of terrorists, 2006 ) .\r\nThis research will concentrate on international terrorist act which is presently the major manner in which terrorist act activities are perpetrated. International terrorists in the recent yesteryear have been of Moslem beginnings. Harmonizing to Islam instructions, none is to be worshipped but Allah, and anyone who seems to be interfering with the spread of Islam as a faith or non take it is considered an heathen who should be wiped out. The USA has in its international policies been pictureed as an antagonist of Islam and this has led to a business deal of abuse to it from the Islamic states. Terrorist cells have wherefore come up in these states where sometimes even unfledged male electric razors are enlightened and brought up in a manner that makes them cogitate the Western states are a beginning of immorality that should be cleaned. \r\n well-nigh of the terrorists are brought into these cells when they are immature and have their caputs filled with the negative impacts of the Western states. These immature male childs hence grow with a negative attitude towards these states and by the coiffe they attain the age of about 18, they normally have to the full formed attitudes towards these states that they are willing to give their lives in the frame of supporting their faith, every bit good as assisting free the cosmos of the taint that is coming from the West. Their Acts of the Apostless range from bom stash awayg centres they believe to prolong the economic systems of these states to others like killing, albeit nauseous people they consider to be sympathisers with these states.\r\nThe institution ‘s more or less wanted whitlow when it comes to terrorism at the minute is the Saudi-Arabian born(p) Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin load up. He is one of the laminitiss of the ill-famed terrorist group, t he Al Qaeda and was born on tenth March 1957 in Riyadh in the democracy of Saudi Arabia to a plastered man of affairs male stir who was a polygamist. Bin Laden, was the boy of the tenth married woman and his parents divorced curtly after his birth. He graduated with a position in civil technology. Osama is of the sentiment that the reconstructing the Sharia jurisprudence will overlay the wrongs in the Islamic universe and hence all other sentiments are disused. He believes American democratic political orientations are to be resisted by all agencies possible and he advocates for violent Jihadism as a agency of accomplishing this aim.\r\nIn Osama ‘s vox populis, America, Israel, and the Shia Muslims are enemies and are vehicles through which moral rotting is dispersed. He has specific hatred towards the Jews who he considers cunning and Masterss of perfidy. He is non sympathetic to anyone when it comes to Jihadism and he considers all citizens, including adult females and kids to be accommodate marks of jehad. He insists jehad is the solitary manner to compensate the wrongs that have been perpetrated against Muslim states and in peculiar his choler is say at the USA. He is besides of the belief that Israel as a state should be wiped out.\r\nTheodore Kaczynski was born on 22nd may 1942. He is a former professor of mathematics who carried out a batch of mail bombardments and is most celebrated as the Unabomber ( University and Airline Bomber ) . He was a child master consciousness and while in the fifth class, an IQ trial conducted on him revealed he had an IQ ( Intelligence Quotient ) of 167 and he was hence allowed to jump the 6th class and travel straight to the 7th class. At the age of 16, he is said to hold been involved in CIA head get over and emphasis experiments which his attorneies during his test claim may hold had inauspicious effects on his province of head ( McFadden, 1996 ) .\r\nHe locomote to Lincoln, Montana in a cabin that had no basic necessities in an seek to hone his endurance accomplishments and while there he began bombing universities and air hoses in an attempt to hold his positions about the death of the natural home ground roughly him heard. He was classified as a domestic terrorist as his action never went beyond boundaries of his state. His terrorist onslaughts were carried out in the periods surrounded by the old ages 1978 and 1995 and led to the decease of 3 people and hurt to 23 others. condescension conjunct attempts and legion probe efforts, the governments were ineffectual to capture Theodore and it took the aid of his brother for them to finally capture him. He is presently incarcerated in a province prison, functioning a life sentence at the ADX Florence utmost Facility in Florence Colorado without the hatchway of a word.\r\nTimothy James McVeigh was born on April 23rd 1968 to a Catholic household and his parents, like those of Osama bin Laden divorced, although much later w hen he was 10 old ages old. In his confessions subsequently, he uttered an eager desire to decease from manner back in his childhood as he was ever picked upon by the elder students who took pride in strong-arming him. This made him unit of ammunition up angry at the universe for doing his life so suffering. His terrorist activities were geared towards avenging as he considered it the ultimate retribution to those who wronged him. He was a bright pupil and at high school was even considered the school ‘s most burnished figuring machine coder ( Patrick, 1996 ) .\r\nMc Veigh ‘s Terrorist activities involved the bombardment of the Alfred P. Murrah twist in which 168 people lost their lives and 450 people were injured. He blew up the edifice in a truck that contained about 5000 lbs of a compound of ammonium nitrate and Nitromethane. He is said non to hold been contrite as he had at last exacted retaliation to the greatest bully of all-the USA. He tho regretted rete ntivity led to the deceases of kids who attended daytime care at the land substructure of the edifice. On the 11th June 2001 at the USA Federal penitentiary in inch ‘s Terre Haute Timothy Mc Veigh was punish by deadly injection holding been found guilty of charges of terrorist act leveled against him.\r\nThe most dramatic characteristic about all the three terrorists is the fact that they were all bookmans. Osama bin Laden graduated with a grade in Civil Engineering, Theodore Kaczynsky was a child mastermind who joined Harvard at the plaster bandage age of 16 and went on to go a professor of Mathematics, Timothy was good at programming and in high school, he was the schools most promising computing machine coder. The other similarity is that they were all driven by their beliefs and their actions were as a consequence of these beliefs, and they had no declinations whatsoever about their actions. The major difference is that while the last mentioned both are domestic ter rorists, Osama is an International terrorist who is still on the tally. The other two have been captured and incarcerated with Mc Veigh already executed.\r\nAs per the profile at the start of the paper, they all fit since their terrorist inclinations seem to hold originated from their childhood thereby specifying their grownup life determinations and beliefs. From the research, their mind is a fact that was non so out in the unfastened and is one of the reinvigorated facts learned in the class of the survey. Had timothy non been bullied so much in his childhood, he may non hold turned out so angry at the universe and acted in the mode in which he did. Possibly the CIA ‘s experiment on Theodore may hold backfired taking him to go the unstable person he subsequently became, and Osama may hold turned different had he turn up in a different scene that did non portray other ideals apart from Islam as misleading.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'My Brother, My Executioner Essay\r'
'I †The graphemes\r\nEstaquio â€Å"Istak†Salvador / Estaquio â€Å"Istak†dogshit * Estaquio as well cognize as Istak is a unsalted man serves as an acolyte in the church in Cabugaw. He was raised by hooketter Jose, a Spanish non-Christian non-Christian non-Christian priest in Cabugaw and gave him good information ab turn out healing arts and an opposite(prenominal) applicative skills that make him fit to become a priest. Istak got upset during their stoppage in Cabugawan and that metre, Capitan Gualberto Together with his Spanish decreed took An-no and killed him. Dalin\r\n* Dalin is a widow and became the married woman of Estaquio â€Å"Istak†Salvador. She was brought by An-no unneurotic with her lately married man who died in Po-on because of his illness. Dalin was the reason why Istak and An-no had round misunderstanding. During Istak’s move around in c at one metrert with their relatives in Po-on, Dalin was the superstar w ho led the fashion to Pangasinan because she was the nonp beil who is acquainted(predicate) to the place. Ba-ac\r\n* Ba-ac is the Father of Istak and the Wife of Mayang. He is very untamed and at the alike cadence, bitter to the Spanish colony because of losing his hot snap hand. Ba-ac was the adept who killed the in the al unneurotic priest in Cabugaw after he went and beg to the priest for Istak to be in the church again. He was excessively the unmatchable who led the journey to Pangasinan unneurotic with his family and relatives. He died during the journey because of the python who struck him.\r\nMayang\r\n* Mayang is the Wife of Ba-ac and the mother of Istak, An-no and Bit-tik. She doesn’t urgency Dalin to be with Istak because Dalin was too young to be a widow. Mayang died in the journey to Pangasinan when Istak and Mayang was crossing the Agno river and the tree soundbox hit the carriage where in Mayang was inside that made the cart swallowed by the wa ter raging exhaust the river.\r\nMariano â€Å"An-no†Salvador\r\n* An-no is the brother of Istak and Bit-tik and the Son of Mayang and Ba-ac. He was the whizz who brought Dalin to Po-on. An-no in concert with his family and relative went on a journey to Pangasinan. During their journey, He met orangutan, Blas’ daughter and became his husband. An-no died because of Capitan Gualberto and other Spanish official who took him and killed him because of his make’s fault.\r\nSilvestre â€Å"Bit-tik†Salvador\r\n* Bit-tik is overly the brother of Istak and An-no and the son of Mayang and Ba-ac. He in addition went to Pangasinan in concert with his family and relatives. During their perch in order Rosales, Pangasinan. Bit-tik met Diego Silang during their checkout in Rosales. He in addition has a girl wiz, Sabe, who get out Cabugawan, their juvenile t take and married a farmer from Carmay. But when An-no died, he took responsibility of the two children of his late brother and the farm. He became the husband of orangutan, An-no’s wife.\r\nOrang\r\n* Orang is the daughter of Blas’ Ba-ac and Mayang’s relatives and the sister of Sabel who had an contest with Bit-tik, An-no’s brother. Orang became widowed when An-no got killed by the Spanish Officials only after the incident, she live with Bit-tik and became his wife.\r\n male pargonnt Jose\r\n* Padre Jose is the Spanish priest who gave shelter and good f turn of all the sametss of demeanor to Istak, an acolyte in the church in Cabugaw. Padre Jose helped Istak by with(predicate) Istak’s dream where he talked to his acolyte and gave him advice during their journey. Padre Jose served as an inspiration to Istak. He was in like manner the champion who taught many things to Istak that later on, helped Istak to bounce back all the challenges and so far infirmity during their journey and during their stop in Cabugawan.\r\n have on Jacinto\r\n* preceptor Jacinto was a rich and improve man financial book bindinging in Rosales, Pangasinan. He was the one and only(a)ness who helped Istak, his Family and Relatives in their free-and-easy needs in invigoration. He was also the one who offered the shoot down to the Family and Relatives of Istak. put one across Jacinto was a good friend of Istak during the pr solutionative in Rosales, Pangasinan. He was also the one who lend Dr. Jose Rizal’s raws and even the newspaper to Istak in order for Istak understand more to the highest degree the stance they’re going through that time. He is also a good friend of Apolinario Mabini who was staying with endure Jacinto.\r\nApolinario Mabini\r\n* Apolinario is a good friend of weary Jacinto during that time. He is the cripple who use uped for a favor to Istak. He was also the one who gave the job to Istak in delivering the garner to the President, Emilio Aguinaldo. Apolinario Mabini is well educated and has a p assion in writing. He act writing because he wants to encourage quite a little to be joined as one and bout against the commonwealth’s freedom.\r\n normal Pio Del pilar\r\n* General Pio Del pilar was a general that time who led the constrict against the Americans. He was also the one whom Istak talked with regarding the earn that Apolinario Mabini send to the President, Emilio Aguinaldo. Istak joined his army in defeating the Americans that time.\r\nII †drumhead of the raw\r\nEstaquio â€Å"Istak†Salvador is an acolyte in the church in Cabugaw. Istak served in the convent for almost ten dollar bill old age. His mentor, Padre Jose was the one who gave him shelter, solid food and even good education which made Istak silverish in Philippine, Latin and Spanish and even old(prenominal) with practical skills and medicine. With Istak’s knowledge, he was fit to be a priest and close today, Padre Jose told him that he could go to Vigan and be serve th e church there as a priest. But when the time comes, when Padre Jose was replaced by a new younger Spanish priest in Cabugaw, Istak was sent home to Po-on because the priest told him that he doesn’t need him anymore and maybe because of what Istak dictum during his stay in the Church where in the new Spanish priest, having an illicit sex to one of Capitan Berong’s daughter.\r\nThe time comes when the new priest told them to evacuate the take that they simulate’t even own. Because of this, Istak’s father, Ba-ac who is wrathful and bitter to the Spanish colony because of what happened to his one hand, went to Cabugaw and beg to the priest to allow them to stay in the land for just one harvest since they don’t have anything to keep if they forget trust the village. He also begged to the priest to allow his son, Istak to go spur to the church and serve as an acolyte again that the priest doesn’t allow them. During that time, Ba-ac was su rprised to layer out out that the priest he was talking was the one who ordered his official to looped Ba-ac’s hand until it became numb. cod to Ba-ac’s anger, he killed the young Spanish priest with the use of a silver crucifix.\r\nWith this, he was compel to move out to Po-on immediately together with his family and relatives. He went to a journey to Pangasinan in order for him to secede the punishment of the Spanish organisation to him. During their preparation for the approaching escape in po-on, An-no, brought Dalin together with her drab husband to the village and eventually died because of the illness. The Family and Relatives of Ba-ac immediately moved out the village except for Istak who ref utilise to go with them. But when the Spanish officials r for each oneed Po-on, everyone left except for Istak that made his life in danger.\r\nHe was mostr to death that time scarce luckily, Dalin went to him and saved him. Their journey starts which led by Dalin and Istak who be familiar with the road. They also met Blas and his daughters during the journey to Pangasinan. During their voyage, they’ve been through a lot of challenges. One of Istak’s relatives got killed because of the encounter of the Bagos. Ba-ac also died during the journey to Pangasinan because of the Python who waited and attacked him. When they reach the Agno River, an unexpected situation happened when Istak together with Mayang, his mother was crossing the river then suddenly a huge tree trunk hit the cart where Mayang was staying that caused Istak’s mother’s death.\r\nThey in the end reached Rosales, Pangasinan through jaunt for almost two weeks. When they reached Rosales, the heap victuals their told them to go to Don Jacinto, a well cognise man in the place and expect for some help. Istak never wasted a chance, instead, he went to Don Jacinto’s house in Rosales, Pangasinan and asked for some help. Don Jacinto didn’t hesitate to help them.\r\nHe gave a land to them where they can start their new life. Istak’s family and relatives called their new village, Cabugawan, since they are from Cabugaw. They lived in Cabugawan for almost ten years. During their stay, Istak and Dalin got married and had two sons namely, Antonio and Pedro. An-no and Orang also lived together provided An-no died because of the Spanish officials and Capitan Gualberto who took him. Later on, Bit-tik and Orang lived together and Bit-tik took the responsibility of his brother’s children.\r\nIstak became close to Don Jacinto and soon enough, he also became close to Apolinario Mabini, Don Jacinto’s friend. That time, Mabini was sick and Istak gave him some medicines for him to drink. As time goes by, Istak earned the combine of Don Jacinto and Apolinario Mabini. He was asked by Mabini to send the letter to the President, Emilio Aguinaldo. During Istak’s trip, he experienced problems because of the A mericans who were in the hoidenish that time. In Istak’s trip, he encountered American officials who shot his horse, Kimat.\r\nHe also encountered problems where American burned the solely village and killed all the mass there. He finally reached a village where General Del pilar was. Istak lost the letter addressed to the chairman but instead, he told the General about the letter of Mabini, what he really wants for the country to be united as one. But Gen Del Pilar was not confident(p) and he sent Istak home. Istak never went home but instead, he stayed and joined General Pio Del Pilar’s army against the American soldiers.\r\nIII †compendium of the Novel\r\nA. Literary Analysis\r\n geeks\r\nEstaquio â€Å"Istak†Salvador/ Estaquio â€Å"Istak†Samson\r\n* Estaquio Salvador is the Major/ underlying Character in the Novel, Po-on by F. Sionil Jose. He was the one who resolves the deviation between Ba-ac and the Spanish Officials by sledding Po- on and gives information to his family and relatives of what he have learned during his stay in the convent and his journey with Padre Jose.\r\nIstak Salvador is also the whiz in the Novel since he was the one who confront the conflict during the time where the new priest cherished them to banished in Po-on and he was also the one who confront and experience situations where in he almost died. Istak is also a dynamic character since he changes his temperament during the period. At basic, he was contented in healing, article of faith his fellow villagers but as time goes by, when he was asked to deliver the letter to the electric chair and when he met Gen. Del Pilar, He diverge what he used to do way back to Rosales and began to join the army to fight with the Americans. Ba-ac\r\n* Ba-ac, the father of Istak, Bit-tik and An-no, and the wife of Mayang is the Major/Central Character in the sweet. He was the one who somehow resolves the conflict between him, Istak’s and t he new Spanish priest in Cabugaw by begging the new priest to accept Istak in the convent. He was also the one who lead Po-on villagers to leave the village.\r\nDalin\r\n* Dalin, a widow and the wife of Istak played as a small Character in the Novel, Po-on. In the bracing, Dalin was the one who helped Istak and the Po-on villagers by leadership the way to Pangasinan since she was familiar with the place. Mayang, An-no, Bit-tik, Orang\r\n* Mayang, the wife of Ba-ac, An-no and Bit-tik, the sons of Mayang and Ba-ac and Orang serve as Minor Characters in the young. They were the one who helped Istak, Ba-ac and fellow Po-on villagers in journeying the land of Pangasinan.\r\nPadre Jose\r\n* Padre Jose, a Spanish priest in Cabugaw serves a Minor Character in the sassy. He was the one who helped Istak by giving him enough education, breeding him about medicine and other practical skills and by teaching him different languages such as Spanish and Latin. He akso helped Istak during thei r journey when he appeared in Istak’s dream. The journey that Padre Jose and Istak had also helped Istak in journeying their way to pangasinan since Istak became familiar with the roads they are seeking that time.\r\nDon Jacinto and Apolinario Mabini\r\n* Don Jacinto, a well cognise man in Rosales, Pangasinan serves as a Minor Character in the novel. He helped Istak during their stay in Rosales, Pangasinan. He even gave lands to the Po-on Villagers. Don Jacinto also helped Istak to draw out his learning when it comes to the social situations in the country by lending him newspapers and other materials that Dr. Jose Rizal wrote. Apolinario Mabini, Don Jacinto’s close friend and became Istak’s friend also serves as a Minor Character in the Novel. Apolinario helped Istak during his stay in Rosales by giving literary productions that helped Istak in understanding the situations in the country.\r\nNew priest in Cabugaw and Capitan Gualberto\r\n* They serve as the antagonists in the novel, Po-on. The new priest was the one who ordered to loop Ba-ac’s hand and the one who want to banished the villagers in Po-on and other villages in Cabugaw. Capitan Gualberto serves as an antagonist in the novel because he was the one who seek for Ba-ac’s family in Rosales, Pangasinan and the one who killed An-no as a requital for Ba-ac’s mistake.\r\nPlot\r\nThe event in the novel, Po-on by F. Sionil happened from 1880 to 1889. During this time, the Salvador Family together with their relatives who live in the village abandoned their near village, Po-on because of the sin that Ba-ac, the father of Istak, An-no and Bit-tik and the Husband of Mayang committed when he killed the new priest after realizing that he was the one who ordered to loop Ba-ac’s hand until it became numb. When Salvador Family and other Po-on villagers leave Po-on, Istak, the acolyte who served for more than 10 years in the convent in Cabuyaw intended to stay in the village, hoping that the Spanish officials will accept and understand what happened in the convent.\r\nUnfortunately, Istak got intimately killed by the Spanish Officials and the Village was burned and off-key into ashes. Dalin waited for Istak and was the one who took care of him when he got almost killed by those Officials. The Po-on Villagers leave Cabugaw and took the journey to Pangasinan where they can start their lives again and for them to escape the cruelty of those Spanish officials who are tone for Ba-ac. During their journey to Pangasinan, they encountered many challenges that tested their patience, unity and strength. During their voyage, they encountered Capitan Gualberto who once checked the carts of the Po-on Villagers.\r\nWhen they reached the mountain, they encountered Bagos who killed a Po-on Villager uring the attack. Their journey to the mountain became rocky for the villagers. Ba-ac was killed during the journey to the mountain when a Python waited f or the right irregular to strike on its prey. Istak, who noticed that his father was no longer seated in the cart went back to check for his father but he make out that the Python was crushing the body of Ba-ac that caused his death. The Villagers now reached the Agno River but the current of the water is too fast that caused Mayang’s death when she and Istak finally crossing the river then suddenly, a tree trunk hit their cart.\r\nSalvador Brothers namely Istak, An-no and Bit-tik, together with their relatives now reached Rosales, Pangasinan. During their Arrival, the people in Rosales told the po-on villagers to ask Don Jacinto for help. Istak doesn’t hesitate to go and ask for Don Jacinto’s help and luckily, they were given a land to develop and claim it as their own, and named their land, Cabugawan. During their stay in Cabugawan, Istak are doing some healing to those who are sick. That time, a harmful disease was spreading in the nearby town that made Cab ugawan Villagers threatened. As time goes by, the Spanish officials together with Capitan Gualberto reached the place where the Po-on villagers are staying.\r\nDuring that time, Istak got sick and he was too weak to function. When he finally recover from his Illness, Dalin, now his wife told him that these officials took An-no and killed him as the payment for what their father did way back in Cabugaw. During their stay in Rosales, Istak became closer to Don Jacinto and Apolinario Mabini, Don Jacinto’s good friend. Istak worked for Apolinario Mabini that time as the one who writes the tipple made by Apolinario. As time goes by, the trust between Istak, Apolinario and Don Jacinto became stronger that made Apolinario trust Istak with the letter to be delivered to the President of the Philippines, Emilio Aguinaldo. When Istak journeyed to the location of the President of the Philippines, he encountered Americans who killed people in the village and Burned the whole village.\r\n The horse lend by Don Jacinto was shot during his encounter with the Americans that made Istak walked on the road and even in the mountains. He finally reached a village where he can buy a horse and that time, he met General Pio Del Pilar who lead the Filipino army against the Americans. Istak told the General about the letter for the president given by Apolinio Mabini that was lost. General Del Pilar asked Istak to leave the village immediately but Istak stayed and finally realize to join the army of General Pio Del Pilar.\r\nSetting\r\nThe event in Po-on happened in Ilocos Region and the Cordillera Mountain Range. Po-on was in Cabugaw, Ilocos. When Istak’s family and relatives went to Pangasinan, they settled in Rosales. It all happened during the final a couple of(prenominal) years of the Spanish Colonization and few months of American period.\r\nPoint of View\r\nEstaquio, also known as Istak is the ternary soulfulness who is talking in the novel, Po-on. He was the on e who narrates what happened when he and Padre Jose had their journey, and when they had a conversation in his dream. Estaquio also portrayed the first psyche in the novel because at some point, he was the one narrating what happened during his and Padre Jose’s journey. The author, F. Sionil Jose is the third person talking in the novel because he is the one who narrates the story by this personal point of view. Dalin, Istak’s wife portrayed the third person in the novel because there is time where she narrates what happened to her life during her voyage with her parents.\r\nTheme\r\nThe theme of the novel, Po-on by F. Sionil Jose is the stock of the Philippine nation and the awakening of the Filipino citizens regarding the situations of the country during the Spanish and American Period. The theme of the novel is also the suffering of the people and the will of God.\r\nB. Sociological Analysis\r\nThe political and social situations revolved in the novel, Po-on were the Spanish and Americans who claimed the Filipinos’ land, as their own land and how those people who called themselves superiors act in the society. The officials during that time only think about theirselves and how they will inherit all the lands in the country. Those officials who toughened theirselves as superiors did everything that they can do to the citizens in the Philippines. They don’t have any respect to the people in the country especially to the women who were abused by those officials.\r\nC. Values\r\nThe set that were extradite in the novel are the uniqueness of each person, empowerment, learning residential district and delight in the spiritual adventure with god. The uniqueness of each person portrayed in the novel serves as a big help for them to overcome all the challenges in life. This uniqueness includes the ability of each person to do everything that will make his/her life more meaningful, the strength and patience of each person experiencin g challenges. The learning community is also position in the novel since the people in Po-on and now establish in Cabugawan, Rosales, Pangasinan learned new techniques in discussion their new life in Pangasinan.\r\nThe people in Cabugawan learned to enhance their skills when it comes to subject works. Lastly, the delight in the spiritual adventure with God is also present in the novel since Istak and other Po-on natives have a strong belief with God and offer their selves to the exercise of god for their lives. These values relate to the core values in supposition College because just like the people portrayed in the novel, the core values of guess also portrayed the students and faculty when it comes to the morals of Assumption College.\r\nD. The Image of the Woman\r\nThe images of the women portrayed in the novel are strong and very independent when it comes to field works. Dalin showed how strong she is when it comes to challenges. She had been through a lot of challenges i n life that tested her patience and strength. Orang, Blas’ daughter also showed strength when she was took advantage by the Spanish officials. disrespect of what happened to her, she remained strong. Mayang, Ba-ac’s wife also showed strength when Ba-ac died. She is also independent when it comes to her works in the village. These women were not see by the Spanish officials that time. That time, they were inferior to the eyes of these officials.\r\nE. relevance\r\nIn the novel, Po-on, some of the situations happened that time were also present in the society today. It showed how people were abused, were not regard by those people who think they are superior. As a woman, the situation happened during Dalin and Orang’s time struck me because immediately, it is still happening in the society. Women are abused by men, trying to get the high-handedness of these women. The social issues happened that time is also present in our society today. The Spanish official s present in the novel can be portrayed by the government officials who are present today. They have somehow the same traits; Acting as if they are superiors, as if they own the lives of the people in the society. The novel imparted the people nowadays how those people present during that time feel and experience.\r\nIV †Conclusion\r\nAll in all, the novel, Po-on written by F. Sionil Jose portrayed the life of Istak and the Cabugawan Villagers in their newly hometown, Rosales in Pangasinan. After so many years of healing and teaching, Istak finally realized that he will just forget the things he used to do in Cabugawan and joined the army of General Pio Del Pilar who are against the Americans. Istak finally joined the army and leave his fate to God’s hand.\r\nIstak didn’t even bother going back to Cabugawan when General Pio Del Pilar asked him to. He finally forgets all the things he used to do in his hometown and do what is right for the country.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Green Houseeffect and Global Warming\r'
'Brian John ENG 102 Vicki Besaw 15 April 2013 The leafy vegetable ho social function effect is happening simply now at this very moment! gibe to our text book in physical geography; humans induced burning fossil fuels such(prenominal) as natural be adrift, ember, oil and natural gas raises the take aim of cytosine dioxide in the melodic phrase, and light speed copy dioxide is a study contributor to the green house effect and spheric thawing. (McKnight’s, Physical Geography, P. 75, 2011)What volition happen to the universe and its people, animals, plants, lands and oceans if we bomb to successfully address the purlieual issues we face desire a s sizzling?Our world(prenominal) population, nervous strain quality, human health, our food confer drinking water supply, wild disembodied spirit and habitats impart al ane be effected with globular warming. What after part you do to preserve and protect the environment? There atomic number 18 many things we underside do to help our draw earth. Opposition may be the large oil, auto, and coal companies and any explanation they may give from their studies leading be bias. WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING? Global calefacient is defined as the increase of the fair temperature on Earth.As the Earth is get hotter, disasters like hurricanes, droughts and floods atomic number 18 getting oft than frequent. â€Å"Global heating and Green foretoken Effect†StudyMode. com. 09 2010. 09 2010 <http://www. studymode. com/essays/Global-Warming-And-Green-House-Effect-416843. html>. What causes the glasshouse effect one might ask? According to the film â€Å"An inconvenient Truthâ€Â, Life on earth depends on zip from the sun. About 30 percent of the sunniness that beams toward Earth is deflected by the outer atmosphere and disjointed back into space.The rest reaches the planets infer out and is reflected upward once much(prenominal) as a type of slow-moving goose egg call ed infr ared frequency radiation. (movie; An Inconvenient Truth,2006) The heat caused by infrared radiation is swallowed by â€Å" glasshouse gases†such as water vapor, blow dioxide, ozone and methane, which slows its escape from the atmosphere. Although babys room gases make up only about 1 percent of the Earths atmosphere, they regulate our climate by pin pig heat and holding it in a resistant of warm-air blanket that surrounds the planet. This phenomenon is what scientists call the â€Å" babys room effect. Without it, scientists forecast that the average temperature on Earth would be colder by somewhat 30 degrees Celsius (54 degrees Fahrenheit), far too cold to hold back our current ecosystem. How do humans contribute to the nursery effect? In our textbook â€Å" firearm the greenhouse effect is an essential environmental prerequisite for life on Earth, there really can be too much of a good thing. The problems mystify when human activities distort and acce lerate the natural subroutine by creating more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than are necessary to warm the planet to an lofty temperature. Burning natural gas, coal and oil -including gasoline for automobile engines-raises the level of cytosine dioxide in the atmosphere. * whatsoever farming practices and land-use tacks increase the levels of methane and nitrous oxide. * umteen factories piddle huge-lasting industrial gases that do not overhaul naturally, yet contribute significantly to the enhanced greenhouse effect and â€Å" globular warming†that is currently beneath way. * Deforestation also contributes to orbicular warming.Trees use carbon dioxide and give aside oxygen in its place, which helps to constrain the optimal balance of gases in the atmosphere. As more forests are logged for timber or cut down to make way for farming, however, there are fewer trees to perform this critical function. * Population growth is some opposite factor in global war ming, because as more people use fossil fuels for heat, transportation and manufacturing the level of greenhouse gases continues to increase. As more farming occurs to take in gazillions of new people, more greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere. American geophysical Union, Human Impacts on Climate, adopted by AGU Council, declination 2003. ) Ultimately, more greenhouse gases message more infrared radiation trapped and held which gradually increases the temperature of the Earths surface and the air in the lower atmosphere. According to the movie â€Å"The Eleventh Hourâ€Â, the average global temperature is change magnitude quickly. Today, the increase in the Earths temperature is increasing with unprecedented speed. To actualise just how quickly global arming is accelerating, bet this: During the entire 20th century, the average global temperature increase by about 0. 6 degrees Celsius (s arcly more than 1 degree Fahrenheit). Using computer climate models, scientists est imate that by the year 2100 the average global temperature will increase by 1. 4 degrees to 5. 8 degrees Celsius (approximately 2. 5 degrees to 10. 5 degrees Fahrenheit). no(prenominal) all scientists agree. While the absolute majority of mainstream scientists agree that global warming is a secure problem that is growing steadily worse, there are some who disagree.John Christy, a professor and director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of aluminium in Huntsville is a respected climatologist who argues that global warming isnt worth worrying about. Christy reached that opinion after analyzing millions of measurements from hold up satellites in an effort to find a global temperature trend. He found no sign of global warming in the satellite data, and now believes that predictions of global warming by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the twenty-first century are incorrect.In the course stainable discipline I took here at the College Of Menominee Na tion we watched a short 20 minute called â€Å"The allegory of blank outâ€Â. Some ways to help the environment; rattling green, cast down global warming, conserve power. (short movie â€Å"The Story Of Stuffâ€Â) Want to put more â€Å"green†in your life by saving funds and reducing prodigality? Here is practical learning about environmentally friendly food, drink, fashions, cars and cleaning products, to found a few. Make eco-friendly lifestyle choices and buying decisions that will help sustain the environment rather than sweep away it.Reducing global warming may seem like a daunting task, but if each of us makes a commitment to taking steps now, we can make a difference. For example, if every family in the unify States set backd one regular watery bulb with a compact fluorescent, 90 billion pounds of greenhouse gases would be eliminated. Look here for more steps, big and small, that will help to reduce global warming mavin way to do your part to pr otect the environment is to make choices every day that enable you to use little energy. Here are some of the things I learned in the sustainable development association at the College of Menominee Nation.Reduce, reuse, re wheel around, do your part to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buying products with stripped packaging (including the economy size when that makes sense for you) will help to reduce waste. And whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and atomic number 13 cans. If there isnt a recycling program at your workplace, school, or in your community, ask about showtime one. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. utilise little heat and air conditioning. Adding insulation to your walls and attic, and installing weather stripping or caulking around doors and windows can lower your heating toll more than 25 percent, by reducing the list of energy you need to h eat and cool your home. diverge down the heat while youre sleeping at night or away during the day, and keep temperatures ascertain at all times. Setting your ther approximatelyat just 2 degrees lower in winter and high in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. Change a light bulb.Wherever practical, replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. Replacing just one 60-watt incandescent light bulb with a CFL will save you $30 over the life of the bulb. CFLs also last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, use two-thirds little(prenominal) energy, and give off 70 percent less heat. If every U. S. family replaced one regular light bulb with a CFL, it would eliminate 90 billion pounds of greenhouse gases, the same as taking 7. 5 million cars off the road. Drive less and drive smart. slight driving means fewer emissions.Besides saving gasoline, paseo and biking are great forms of exercise. Explore your community draw transit sy stem, and check out options for carpooling to work or school. When you do drive, make sure your car is ladder efficiently. For example, keeping your tires properly inflated can correct your gas mileage by more than 3 percent. Every gallon of gas you save not only helps your budget; it also keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Buy energy-efficient products. When its time to buy a new car, choose one that offers good gas mileage.Home appliances now come in a rake of energy-efficient models, and compact florescent bulbs are designed to provide more natural-looking light while using far less energy than standard light bulbs. Avoid products that come with excess packaging, especially molded plastic and other packaging that cant be recycled. If you reduce your household dribble by 10 percent, you can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. Use less hot water. Set your water heater at 120 degrees to save energy, and lift it in an insulating blanket if it is more than 5 years old.Buy low-flow showerheads to save hot water and about 350 pounds of carbon dioxide yearly. Wash your clothes in warm or cold water to reduce your use of hot water and the energy required to produce it. That change alone can save at least(prenominal) 500 pounds of carbon dioxide annually in most households. Use the energy-saving settings on your dishwasher and let the dishes air-dry. Use the off switch. Save electricity and reduce global warming by work oning off lights when you see a room, and using only as much light as you need.And remember to vacate off your television, video player, stereo and computer when youre not using them. Its also a good idea to turn off the water when youre not using it. While brushing your teeth, shampooing the dog or washing your car, turn off the water until you actually need it for rinsing. Youll reduce your water bill and help to conserve a vital resource. Plant a tree. If you have the means to plant a tree, start digging. During photosynthesis, trees and other plants delineate carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.They are an integral part of the natural atmospheric exchange cycle here on Earth, but there are too few of them to fully counter the increases in carbon dioxide caused by automobile traffic, manufacturing and other human activities. A single tree will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. hail a report card from your public utility company. Many utility companies provide free home energy audits to help consumers identify areas in their homes that may not be energy efficient. In addition, many utility companies offer rebate programs to help pay for the cost of energy-efficient upgrades. Encourage others to conserve.Share information about recycling and energy conservation with your friends, neighbors and co-workers, and take opportunities to encourage public officials to establish programs and policies that are good for the environment. ( Reducing Carbon-Based sinew inspiration through Changes in Household way doubting Thomas Dietz, Paul C. Stern, and Elke U. Weber Daedalus, Winter 2013, Vol. 142, No. 1 , Pages 78-89) These steps will take you a long way toward reducing your energy use and your monthly budget. And less energy use means less dependence on the fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases and contribute to global warming.Works Cited (McKnight’s, Physical Geography, P. 75, 2011) â€Å"Global Warming and Green House Effect†StudyMode. com. 09 2010. 09 2010 ;http://www. studymode. com/essays/Global-Warming-And-Green-House-Effect-416843. html;. (American Geophysical Union, Human Impacts on Climate, adopted by AGU Council, December 2003. ) (short movie â€Å"The Story Of Stuffâ€Â) .( Reducing Carbon-Based Energy Consumption through Changes in Household Behavior Thomas Dietz, Paul C. Stern, and Elke U. Weber Daedalus, Winter 2013, Vol. 142, No. 1 , Pages 78-89)\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Network Hardware Essay\r'
'Choice of good mesh hardware impart depend on a number of factors. First it has to be planned powerful to allow growth without adversely affecting rising business. The design of the lucre should ensure sufficient performance, availableness and security. All this aims at providing enough information and touch on of transactions for all its users. A list of users who entrust access the net has to be generated so as t determines the capacity the hardware will be able to support. A list of severs that need engagement connection should also be developed.\r\nMid and spunky end servers should be selected. Server consolidation should be prioritized as a means of minimizing costs. The company will save much on power and outrage space. It will also reduce administrative and tutelage costs. The various host machines that need to be support by the network should also be decided and assigned specific names and IP addresses. The pillow slip of host will determine the design of the ne twork. The network media has to be compatible with the available servers and host machines to be supported by the network.\r\nIn this case I would recommend Ethernet cables because they are of its lower cost and slatternly manageability. There is also need to plan for bridges, hubs, routers, or switches. These devices come into use during connection of various subnets on a network. Routers for instance when connecting different domains within a network, offer better administrative control over network traffic. A good network regional anatomy should also be created so as to cater sufficient network resources for all applications. A class-conscious network is preferred with the trunk at the sort out and the hosts at the bottom.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Issues facing women in prisons Essay\r'
'The issues of wo manpower in prison house home house ar clouded with amazing stereotypes and silence. Women atomic number 18 the hot growing sector of the prison cosmos in the get together States. Even much than men, most women be incarcerated for non- reddish byenses. These women atomic number 18 a good deal products of sexist and racist attitudes, and do not get hold of marketable job skills. frugal survival for herself and her family often means prostitution, forging, petty thievery or some kind of hustle. Once incarcerated, women go less approaching to education, job training programs, and early(a) services than men.\r\nWhen released, women be more often damaged for having done time, and less alikely to reach kayoed for prolong. In the 1970s, two women sociologists, Rita Simon and Freda Adler, argued that the extent and nature of women’s criminality appe atomic number 18d to be changing. They predicted that women’s criminal behavior would continue to undergo dramatic changes until it closely resembled men’s. The increase in the frequency and seriousness of womanish criminality, they believed, would come in crimes tradition on the wholey associated with men.\r\nWomen’s unused emancipation and assertiveness, women’s expanded economic opportunities, women’s new affectionate roles, would lead to their more shop at and serious criminality (McClellan). Many of the coarsest increases for serious offenses are found in traditionally pistillate crimes much(prenominal) as fraud, forgery, larceny/theft, and dose violations. Most of the increases in female property crime involve petty, frank offenses, e. g. , shoplifting, misuse of credit cards, passing bad checks, and welfare fraudâ€crimes related to the increasing feminization of poverty.\r\nThe wakeless age of women continue to be arrested for victimless crimes: for organism drug addicts, for existence intoxicated, for being prosti tutes. Only 14 percent of those arrested for violent offenses are women. This rate has remained stable over time. triple out of four women arrested for violent offenses cede attached simple assault. Women constitute around ten percent of the arrests for robbery, and one-tenth of the arrests for murder and non-negligent manslaughter. Changes in women’s criminal behavior, like changes in women’s social roles, have been slacken and predictable (Corrections Statistics).\r\nCurrently over 95,000 women are incarcerated in U. S. prisons, an opposite 70,000 in our jails. The women’s prison race in the U. S. has quadrupled since 1980, largely a result of a war on drugs that has translated into a war on women and the poor generally. Afri bear-American women have been hardest hit by this increase. They are 14. 5 percent of the women in the U. S. race, save they constitute 52. 2 percent of the women in prison (Corrections Statistics). Poor young women of color, most of whom are haves, are locked in old overcrowded prisons, serving lengthy sentences for drug offenses and petty property crimes.\r\nIncarceration for women in the United States has come to mean enduring endless hours of tiresomeness and idleness as women are musical arrangementatically denied access to meaningful programs; months and years without visits from their children whose guardians cannot afford travel expenses; indignities, disrespect, and childilization from the punitive staff. Women in prison are subject to an appointed system that carries the norm-enforcing patriarchal pattern of social arrest to absurd lengths. As night follows day, omnipresent precaution elicits the behavior it is installed to control.\r\nFaced with implacable patriarchal authority, a female inmate’s seemingly nonrational oppositional behavior becomes a means for re-establishing her nature, for resisting the alienation see when she is denied traditional expression of both her personal individuality and her collective responsibilities. Intensive surveillance of female inmates is an diachronic vestige in institutions of correction; it reflects the belief that women should aline to gender-based stereotypes stressing obedience, dependence, and deference.\r\n atomic number 20 has the highest population of female prisoners among U. S. states. Since mandatory-sentencing laws went into effect in the mid 1980’s, the atomic number 20 female prison population has skyrocketed. At the end of 1986, women in atomic number 20’s prisons totaled 3,564. As of September 2000, the female population now numbers 11,091 †an increase of 311% in cardinal years (CDC Data). The vast majority of women sentenced under California’s two-strikes and three-strikes laws are for nonviolent crimes, particularly drug offenses.\r\nA 1999 study of women in the California prison system found that 71% of incarcerated women had undergo ongoing physical ill-use prior to t he age of 18 and that 62% experienced ongoing physical contumely afterwards 18 years of age. The report similarly found that 41% of women incarcerated in California had experienced sexual abuse prior to the age of 18 and 41% experienced sexual abuse after 18 years of age. Such a screen background further inhibits the ability of female inmates to report or seek recourse in cases of abuse in spite of appearance the prison system. (Bloom, Owen)\r\nPrisons for women in California are on average 171% over their designed qualification, with two prisons close 200% over capacity. The federal official women’s prison in Dublin is more than 128% over capacity (CDC Report). Valley State Penitentiary for Women (VSPW) and the adjacent important California Women’s Facility (CCWF) together house almost 7,000 incarcerated women and is probably the largest women’s prison labyrinthine in the world. (AI Report) Women in California state prisons bump off only pennies an ho ur. Females incarcerated in federal prisons authorise a minimum of $5. 75 per month.\r\nThough inmates from the United States can sometimes make more money by means of Federal work programs, non-nationals are not permitted to make more than the base monthly amount. In California state prisons, women earn as little as $. 05 per hour. In the California prison system, visitation is a privilege not a right. Prisoners on closing row and prisons in California serving action sentences without parole cannot receive unsupervised family visits. Family visits are too not permitted with common law relationships. Pregnant women in prison typesetters case unique problems.\r\nStress, environmental and legal restrictions, unhealthy behavior, and weakened or nonexistent social support systemsâ€all common among female inmatesâ€have an even greater effect on with child(predicate) inmates. Women in prison are injectd international the normal m oppositeing experience in such ways (Huft et al): • Stress †incarcerated women experience higher than normal levels of stress. They have a higher incidence of complications during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. • Restricted environment †edition to pregnancy is limited by the prison environment.\r\nMandatory work, structured meal times, and lack of environ-mental stimulant whitethorn decrease the likelihood of individualized antenatal business organisation. For instance, pregnant inmates receive standard clothing that often does not fit well. Alternatives for special clothing (e. g. , stockings and shoes) may be dictated by availability indoors the institution or by what family and friends are instinctive to supply. In addition, disciplinary action or other restrictions may interfere with the offender’s adaptation to pregnancy.\r\n• Altered social support systems †even if holy man opportunities for nutritional education and physical development are available during pregnancy, pregnant women go away not lease advantage of them if they do not receive support from their inmate peer groups. Limited health care facilities or staff sometimes warrants the immediate depute of a pregnant inmate to a noncombatant hospital at the onset of labor. • Altered maternal rolesâ€Maternal identity depends on rehearsal for the pass judgment role after birth. Women in Federal prisons do not directly care for their childs after birth.\r\nontogenesis a maternal role therefore depends upon plans for placing the infant after birth. The inmate can place the infant either for adoption or for guardianship. Preparation for care includes teaching the mother decision-making skills. Counseling should emphasize create an identity during pregnancy and strategies for coping with the loss of the infant. after(prenominal) the birth, the mother will need counseling in making or accepting the decision to place the infant for adoption or temporary guardianship. iodine of the major concerns of women in prison is their children.\r\nA large percentage of women in our criminal jurist system are mothers. According to Amnesty international, 78% of women in state prisons are mothers ( encroachment on Children, 1999). Because there are fewer women in prison than men, there are fewer women’s facilities throughout the country. As a result, women are placed in prisons located miles away from their children and families (Chesney-Lind, 1998). Consequently, children spend less time visiting their mothers in these facilities. For children who resided in the same home as their mother prior to her incarceration, this is an extremely traumatic experience.\r\nChildren whose parents are incarcerated are often placed in the care of other family members, in foster care or in juvenile homes. â€Å"Nationwide, 50% of the children in the juvenile justice system have a parent in prison†(Impact on Children, 1999). Very few children will go live with their father and the majority of children, approximately 60%, are taken in and cared for by their grandmothers. However, many of these grandmothers are financially unstable and do not have the means to support and meet all the take of these children.\r\nAs if this is not traumatic enough, children of incarcerated mothers face many other hardships. Along with being removed from the home they grew up in and their families, children face other unfamiliar challenges such as go to new schools and musical accompaniment in new homes in alien settings. These children may demonstrate a strain of emotional and psychological responses such as â€Å"hyperactivity, solicitude deficits, delinquency, and teenage pregnancy, withdrawal from social relationships or hit the hay in to denial†along with difficulty with engagement and assertiveness, lack of trust in others, and poor schoolman performance.\r\n(Impact on Children, 1999). The vast majority of female prisoners in the United States are he ld in women-only facilities. About one-fifth of all female inmates are housed in coeducational facilities †that is, prisons that accommodate both male and female offenders. fundamental interaction between male and female inmates at coed prisons is minimum and men and women share only certain vocational, technical, or educational resources and recreational facilities. Female inmates are housed in units that are entirely separate from units for male inmates during change surface hours (Encarta).\r\nThe coed facilities present less problems than one would expect, a phenomenon attributed to the â€Å" soften†effect women have on male inmates. The living conditions at a women’s prison are somewhat more pleasant, but there is often a shortage of programs. Women’s prisons are commonly less security-conscious. Neither the inmate code nor the hush-hush economy is well developed. Rather than form gangs, women turn tail to create pseudofamilies, in which they adopt various family roles †father, mother, daughter, child †in a type of half(prenominal) serious, half play-acting set of relationships.\r\nSome of these roles, but not all of them, involve homosexual relationships. In conclusion, I compute that these issues of women in the criminal system should be brought to more awareness to let the public know of these problems and maybe it will help women and young women to get off that track of crime so they don’t end up like all of these other women in these prisons.\r\nBibliography: Corrections Statistics. U. S. Department of legal expert. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics Website, 2004 <www.ojp. usdoj. gov/bjs/> Chesney-Lind, M. Women in Prison: From fond(p) Justice to Vengeful Equity. Corrections Today, vol. 60, no. 7, 1998. â€Å"Impact on Children of Women in Prisonâ€Â. Amnesty International Website, 2004 <http: www. amnestyusa. org/rightsforall/women/ factsheets/children. htm l> â€Å"Californian Prisons: Failure to protect prisoners from abuse†Amnesty International Issue AMR 51/79/00. 24 May, 2000 California Department of Corrections Data. California Statistical Abstract, 12/1999.\r\nMcClellan, Dorothy S. â€Å"Coming to the aid of women in U. S. prisons,†Monthly Review, June, 2002. Huft, Anita G. , Fawkes, Lena. and Lawson, Travis. â€Å"Care of the Pregnant Offender†Federal Prisons Journal, Spring 1992. â€Å"Prison,†Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2004 <http://encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761573083/Prison. html> Owen, Barbara, and Barbara Bloom. Profiling the needs of the California youth authority’s female population. ICPSR version. Fresno, CA: California State University, 1997.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Bryce Langdon Professor Joliffe English 1301 17 October 2010 Smokers Smoking tobacco has been around for many thousands of old age and cig atomic number 18ttes specifically drive been around for a few thousand as well. Smoking posterior be split up into several(prenominal) classifications with three of the primary wizs cosmos those good deal who mourning band to impose tension, people who socially bay window and clothes mourning bandrs. Regardless of the oddball of smoker a person is, take in is an addiction and harmful non only to the smoker exactly to family members, coworkers and any some other person who comes into contact with the second-hand smoke.Social Smokers. Casual smokers argon those who typically do non inhale the rear smoke. They are not addicted to the nicotine. Some may hypothesise they are safe from the harm of a cigarette by â€Å"pret closedowning†to smoke, but do not let this kind of grass fool you. A person is still getting some of t he affects of the smoke on top of other environmental toxins and second-hand smoke. more times the casual smoker is only compensating for something being in their hands and very much times result turn into a rhythmic smoker. Casual smokers a great deal times smoke a lot more than he or she will publicly admit.Many regular smokers envy the casual smoker because they believe that they score better control over their addiction and can stop on a dime but the fact of the matter is that most casual smokers end up smoking for false pleasures, trying to musical note like they did when they were non-smokers (QuitSmokinGuide. com, 2009). Smokes to Reduce Tension. A person who smokes to reduce tension uses the cigarette to manage negative effects, nerve-racking situations and feelings of anger, fear, and anxiety. These type of smokers are often considered â€Å"light smokers†because life-time is full of stressful situations , hence the tension.Light smokers typically smoke bet ween half a pack to one pack a day. Casual smokers easily dislocate into this smokes to reduce tension classification and often postulate been smokers, interject, and taken up smoking once again, several times. Many light smokers could still benefit from products aimed at reducing nicotine addiction, like nicotine gum or counseling, barely changing priorities and lifestyle often help these type of smokers kick their habit (Painter, 2009). Habit Smokers. According to the homo Health Organization, an estimated 1. 3 billion people are smokers worldwide and smokers die an average fifteen years sooner than nonsmokers (Hawkins).For most habit smokers, smoking is not even enjoyable any more. People often attain developed a behavioral formula that causes them to light up as a reply to a cue, for example a cup of java or getting into the car. Habit smokers can come into the category of heavy to chain smokers who consume anyplace from two to more than three packs a day. When the hab it smoker takes the steps necessary to quit smoking the possible withdrawal symptoms can be miserable but one must remember these are results from the person smoking not because they decided to stop.Such symptoms could embarrass tingling or numbness in the accouterments and legs, severe headaches, diarrhea or constipation, and a overall uncomfortable feeling. CONCLUSION With several classifications of smokers, they are have similar characteristics for example they are cause lung damage. However, depending on the degree of smoker that a person is depends on how difficult it is going to be for the person to quit once they actually put their mind to it. No matter the classification, any person who quits smoking will be making a conflict right away.A person’s taste and notion will get better, along with breathe odor better, decrease in nasty cough, and more importantly add years onto the end of their life.Works Cited â€Å"Casual Smokers. †QuitSmokingGuide. com. 2 009. Web. 19 Oct 2010. . Painter, K. â€Å"Your Health: Light smokers could need help quitting, too. †regular army Today 16 November 2009: n. pag. Web. 19 Oct 2010. . â€Å"Smoking Classification. †Projects for Students by Students. Oracle ThinkQuest, n. d.. Web. 19 Oct 2010. . â€Å"Types of Smokers (by Cigarette Consumption). †Nursing interrogation (n. d. ): n. pag. Web. 19 Oct 2010. .\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Loyalty and Betrayal in a Political Context\r'
'Two recent Chinese directs, subgenus Chen Kaige’s F be wellhead My concubine (1993) and Zhang Yimon’s hotshot (2002), start gained worldwide attendance, garnering numerous awards in the process. Although train in very antithetic periods of Chinese hi falsehood, twain re deceases deal with the themes of fast(a)ty and perfidy played come in once against a vigorously policy-ma fairy backdrop. This political ism tied(p) weaves done forbidden the stories, marking a radical change from previous neighborlyist-realistic Chinese ingests which gener on the wholey had an operatic focus.\r\nIn the past, Chinese contains were heavily illegalise and did not appeal to a wide audience. What occurred inwardly the Chinese culture to allow for films which gained inter interior(a) pomp and dealt freely with controersial concepts, such as the political atmosphere of mainland China?\r\n twain Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimon argon Chinese fifth multiplication dir ectors. This genre evolved subsequently Mao’s death in 1976, causation film to confine the widest international impact of all the Chinese arts reborn since accordingly. Distinguished by a quantum leap from the political and ethnic heritage of Mao, and achieving an â€Å" aesthetical breakthrough†with radically politicized ideological implications, this impetus n eertheless was formed in a melting pot (Zhang, 203).\r\nThe 1984 release of Kaige’s film Yellow cosmos revealed the emergence of a major raw(a) work in world flick, the fifth coevals, which gained its name from critics and scholars found upon a retrospective examination of Chinese film hi fiction. It is one of the cinema’s most all-important(a) â€Å" sassy waves,†along with German ex expressionism, the French new wave, and Italian neo realism. The backon is comprised of the kit and boodle of a group of young film artists with similar aesthetic and ideological mo tivations.\r\nThe fifth generation emerged from the first graduating naval division of the capital of Red China flash Academy; students who had encountered tumultuous changes at bottom their hold lives, not world allowed to finish their high school school educations, ( which didn’t resume until 1977), just being sent preferably to the countryside as â€Å"intellectual youth,†get soldiers or laborers. Although Kaige’s novice was a well known Beijing film director, Yimou’s father had been an officer in Chiang Kai-Shek’s nationalist KMT forces and Yimou was shut out of most educational, financial and social opportunities available to umpteen of his future classmates at the Film Academy. However, the arrival of the Cultural Revolution functioned as a heavy(p) equalizer, as most members of the fifth generation forfeited education, saw their p atomic number 18nts publicly criticized, and their lives swept up in agitation. Yimou in either casek up photography during this time, while Kaige try to join the communist imagey.(Ij, 1).\r\nAccording to Paul Clark in his book Reinventing China: A genesis and its Film,\r\nthe heathen regeneration forever changed the members of the fifth generation. They emerged from it challenged by their experiences, endowing their films with a more than than than critical attitude toward the ethnic revolution and a more humane and realistic apportion on the lives of their fellow Chinese.\r\nWhile at the Beijing Film Academy the students had a shortage of text editionbooks from which to work. The professors instead exposed them to foreign films. Thus the students became filmmakers by observation and analyzing these foreign works. later on graduation the students were assigned to mixed urban and rural studios across China, creating works that move to reconstruct a national cinema later ten days of neglect and oppression. Rejecting rigid formalism, the filmmakers cr eated more realistic lighting, and used better actors and editors. They in addition created more ambiguous, less didactic stories.\r\nWith the catastrophe at Tianawork force foursquargon in 1989, and the ensuing crackdown on the fifth generation in the 1990s by government who weren’t comfortable with many of the politics contained indoors the films, the circumscribe filmmakers began enumerateing for international financing. The resulting films brought more international vigilance to Chinese cinema than ever before (Clark, 205).\r\nThe filmmakers’ goals were to represent themselves as artists with an aesthetic sensibility and to comment on the totality of their culture and history at a metaphorical or allegorical level. By presumptuous the margins vis a vis the mainstream, the Chinese new wave cinema offers itself as a substitute for and a addendum to, the emerging nationalist cinema. With spectacular visual effects, single(a)(a) and forceful storytel ling, the films argon a cultural reconstitution of Chinese modernity (Zhang, 276).\r\nAlthough originally banned in China, which allowed plainly one public showing be deliver the film showed communism in a bad light, smashing-by My Concubine is considered to be one of the fifth generation’s seminal works in focusing attention from international audiences toward Chinese films. good-by My Concubine jibes some(prenominal) different fifth generation films in that it is a tale of human lives set against the context of China’s churned-up political upheaval during the middle twentieth century.\r\nBecause it recalls the collective trauma of the cultural revolution, F arwell My Concubine and its engagement in the national recollection has frequently been interpreted as an epic national narrative. Yet it also functions as a cataclysmal tale of loyalty and betrayal, an intimate story contact two Peking Opera performers, Xiaolou and Dieyi, who follow as t he young boys then named Shitou and Douzi. They ar severely maltreated by their training master and experience many hardships.\r\n save their friendship gets them through their difficulties. This bond produces burning and lifelong loyalty mingled with the two boys. They cut through to be inseparable, until a defame named Juxian comes between them when she marries Xiaolou. Later, the Japanese assault and cultural revolution intervene in their relationship, provoking various declarations of betrayal.\r\nThe story begins in 1934 and spans 53 years until 1977. The two men’s lives are viewed against a backdrop of a country in upheaval as the disquiettings journeys through various measure in China’s history. Each section, which is intrinsical to the plot, shows a different era in the lives of the characters and the historical background from the Warlords through the cultural revolution, including the Japanese invasion of 1937 and the communist tak eover (â€Å"Farewell My Concubine,†1).\r\nAs the movie begins, a young Dieyi is abandoned at the opera troupe by his own m new(prenominal) by and by she cruelly cuts off his extra finger. charge though his mother, a whore, deserts him because he is a burden, he quickly gains a loving replacement in the form of Xiaolou. During the early lives of Dieyi and the other young actor, Xiaolou, the raspy friendship forms as they train and are punished, ceaselessly looking out for from each one other.\r\nFrom the first Xiaolou watches out for his little friend. He finds him a place to stop and rebukes all the teasers. Later, Dieyi runs absent, promising his trey coins to Xiaolou. Dieyi tells the master subsequently he come backs that Xiaolou was not responsible, just to punish him, dismantle though Xiaolou is punished anyway. At another point, when Dieyi flush toilet’t remember his lines to say that â€Å" I am a girl,†and shuts down, Xiaolou pu nishes him by forcing a stick in his mouth so that Dieyi get out stay well-nigh and remain in the troupe. Yet this act of trouble is also an act of love and Xiaolou cries throughout as he administers this rebuke.\r\nThirteen years go by and their hardships pay off as the boys grow up to become major stage stars; their loyalty continues pull down as they are famous performers in Peking. Their bond becomes even stronger as they become more acclaimed. Although they are as c get as two men can be, Dieyi yearns for even more. Even though the pillow slip of homo sexuality is however once overtly referred to in Farewell My Concubine, its presence is never far from the surface. Xiaolou rejects that miscellanea of connection from Dieyi, yet no occasion quiesce comes between them; or so it seems.\r\nAfter Xiaolou furthers a prostitute with a fake declaration of engagement, she comes to him and forces him to make good on the public acknowledgement. They marry, and while Xiaolou makes his stage chum salmon Dieyi, his silk hat man, Dieyi feels betrayed and acts pettishly, refusing even to come to the party until the decease minute, then leaving abruptly. With Juxian in the picture, Dietyi has a virtuous dilemma which becomes confusing to him. From the beginning his sense of identity has been muddled, with the master’s continual insistence that he say â€Å" I am a girl,†in his role as a female within the opera.\r\nYet role acting and reality have become blurred for him. As a tyke his mother was a prostitute, he was raped by an old man, his friend was stolen from him by a woman, then he goes to Master Yeun in a sexual relationship (â€Å" Farewell My Concubine,â€Â1).\r\nLater, in Dieyi’s trial run for fraternizing with the Japanese (s uphold fraternizing occurring only because he is trying to save Xiaolou and is promised by Juxian that she will leave her husband and return to the brothel if he helps, solely she reneges), all Dieyi’s friends try to adopt for him, even lying that he had been taking away in handcuffs. Dieyi rebukes them publicly, manifestation that he sang of his own free will, causing the others to lose face by his betrayal to their loyalty.\r\nAs mentioned previously, Farewell My Concubine has been considered to be an epic national epic, but contrary to this popular perception, Kaige focuses on the intimate architectural spaces of his native city Beijing and recalls its past; the pain of betrayal is vividly depicted in the film as the two stage brothers are publicly forced to renounce each other with irreversible consequences. Those unfamiliar with the history of Chinese communism are in for a shocking crash feed in as the devastating scenes unfold (â€Å"Chinese Film, 1).\r\nDuring the cultural revolution, twain men, betrayed by a boy Dieyi protected from death, are forced to parade as specs in full operatic regalia. Yet they resemble meansetic clowns with mismat ched organic law and signs around their necks. Xiaolou and Dieyi are made to kneel with countless others to confess their sins against the people. Touchingly, but to no avail, Dieyi attempts his usual trick of swooping Xiaolou’s makeup up in enact to make it look better. However, garish makeup seems to be the least of their worries.\r\n compel to talk against each other, Xiaolou starts out in euphemistic terms, declaring Dieyi to be one who sang for all, both tenuous and great; a man who is a virtuoso(a) artist of the people and for the people. Yet this is turned against him and he must betray Dieyi with more vehement declarations.  Even though Dieyi sang for the Japanese in order to free him, Xiaolou declares him a traitor and also tells the flock of his illicit homosexual relationship with Master Yeun.\r\nAfter Dieyi calls Juxian a prostitute in retaliation, Xiaolou also renounces his wife, saying he never loved her. Her pain knows no cringes and as a result of his betrayal, she hangs herself. So more sorrow and damage occurs during these public denunciations which keep to also mirror the filmmaker’s own life. Kaige remains haunted that he was forced to publicly denounce his father during his youth in the cultural revolution (â€Å"Chinese Film,†1).\r\nThe film ends as years later, when the revolution has ended, the stage brothers are once again together in an opera. During the performance Xiaolou announces he is too old. Whether intentional or not, Dieyi forgets the lines that say he is a girl; and Xiaolou prompts him. Dieyi continues with the play, only to stab himself and die. The friends are still together: in life and in death.\r\nAlthough different in style from Farewell My Concubine, Hero is a film that has caused unprecedented fervor, judging from the response of much of the population of China. So far, it is the most popular Chinese film ever released in the country, m aking phenomenal money in that location, only slightly less than Titanic.\r\n despite being regarded by some Chinese as pandering to westward tastes, the film also made abundant money in the United States alone to cover production costs, providing a portal for many western witnessers to begin watching other Chinese films previously unknown in the west.\r\n exchangeable other films of the fifth generation genre, this movie testifys a rejection of the socialist- realist customs duty worked by the earlier communist Chinese filmmakers. With  the ever popular Jet Li as the star, the film is loosely based during the time of the warring soils, a period before the unification of China. This story has also been told in other discrepancys, notably Kaige’s The emperor butterfly and the Asssassin (1998) and Zhou Xiaowen’s\r\nThe Emperor’s fundament (1996). Yet Yimon chose to develop his own historical story based on the turbulent days take up to th e founding of the Qin dynasty when seven kingdoms struggled for supremacy. This setting contrasts with the hush-hush â€Å"martial worlds†of similar films which exist somewhere away from reality. (Qin in Wade Gilles parlance is the same as Ch’in from which the English word for China probably derived).\r\n(Chinese Film, 2).\r\nWith Hero Yimon is working out of the tradition of the wuxia pian: a swordplay or martial arts film. non to be composite with a kung fu movie, this concepts involves a more melodic themelized realm of legendary hit manes living marginalized, carefree lives on the edges of terrestrial society. Their weapons of choice are swords, spears, and daggers. In the typical wuxian film, some incident draws the swordsman into the everyday world, in order to fight, albeit reluctantly. However, he retains a fast(a) moral compass to defend the helpless against fog officials or leaders. The genre has been a regular part of Chinese cinema since the 20s (â€Å"Hero,†1).\r\nYet the genre has been reconfigured by Yimon, who addresses the present by looking backwards and obliquely; backwards to the 90s postmodern wuxia mortala and sideways to Hong Kong commercialized cinema. Absorbing the subversive innovations of Hong Kong film directors Tsui Hark and Wong Kar Wai, Yimon also digs back to his roots, and recreates as wuxia pian, the cinema of unpolluted spectacle and philosophical meditation that he as a cinematographer and Chen Kaige created in 1984 with Yellow Earth. victimization spectacle rather than storytelling is one way to open up the complex world of Hero to the violent opponent critical reactions (Chinese Cinema, 2).\r\nAlso, he no longer uses retaliate as the sole element comprising the story. With Hero Yimon attempts to move martial arts beyond the concept of revenge, even as he explores what it means to be a martial hero (Kung Fu Cinema, 1).\r\nAs the tale progresses, this film also incorpor ates themes of loyalty and betrayal, using a serial of Rashomon flashbacks. Like the layers of an onion unfolding, each unraveled tale produces spare insights. These floors shape the story of how one man defeats three assassins who sought to murder the most powerful warlord in reunified China ( IMDB,1)\r\nAs the story begins, Jet Li, who is called unidentified, starts to differentiate his martial victories to the emperor of Qin, telling how he get the better of each of the three assassins, all members of a inhabit kingdom, who are sworn to kill the king to vindicate their subjugation. Thus the main protagonist is seen defending the cause traditionally attributed to the villain by protecting the thing that causes others to seek revenge.\r\nYet subsequent flashbacks revisit and re-explain the same events, elaborating on and changing the story as it continues. However, it is only after the initial setup that the king responds with his own indication of events. As a new story unfolds, it is literally painted in a different color. Even as this account unfolds, there appears a third which happens to be the final version of the truth (Kung Fu Cinema, 1).\r\nThrough each successive narrative, the viewer sees friendship and loyalty among the assassins, who then appear ail when it seems that they are betrayed. Each story has the characters questioning themselves and others regarding motives, inquire who is their true friend and true love, then red ink to extreme lengths to prove that love and undying loyalty.\r\nWith each version motives are questioned as to whom is the true person and whom is the betrayer. Things are never what they seem. Sky allows himself to be killed because he is loyal to a higher cause, while anon. appears to be loyal to the king when actually he wants to kill him because he destroyed his family and kingdom.\r\nSky, Broken stain, brief Snow and unidentified appear to have differing relationships in each of the three versions . In one version Snow is furious that Broken Sword had a run a risk to kill the king, then refused; that he appeared to have betrayed their group. He tells Nameless why. His calligraphy showed â€Å"our land.†Nameless later gives this calligraphy to the king.\r\nIt is a Chinese proverb which states,†to jut out yourself when all under heaven suffer, to enjoy only when all under heaven enjoy.â€Â This is concept greater than individual loyalty. Transcending personal vendettas, it calls for the greater good of the masses. Nameless ought to consider what is skillful for the majority, and not just what is right for himself. As a chivalrous hero of great skill in the wuxia tradition, Nameless is duty bound to do whatever is most righteous, no press the personal cost to himself (â€Å"Heroâ€Â, 4).\r\nWhen Nameless gets the chance to kill the king and comes within ten paces of him to do so, telling him of his personal grudge, he too recalls â€Å"our land .†and allows himself to be executed for a greater good, becoming loyal to a country rather than just his spry surroundings. Dying a criminal he is conceal as a hero.\r\nIn the meantime, there is evermore a relationship between Broken Sword and Flying Snow, one so powerful that it defies betrayal by other relationships. By the end, although Snow is confused whether Broken Sword really loves her, whether he is really loyal, he shows her by refusing to defend himself in a fight. She kills him, then distraught over the act, kills herself so they will go home together.\r\nAs Nameless debates over what to do in his meeting with the king, Yimon actually shows both characters as heroes. Both have causes to which they are loyal. i is a defender with raging inner turmoil, and the other is a unifier with raging outer turmoil as he struggles to bring all the competing kingdoms together. Yet Nameless undergoes a spiritual and emotional transformation as he finds that being a true hero means rising above one’s petty loyalties; it also takes trust to find a higher cause.\r\nBoth men care insights that aid them to overcome their mutual conflict as they share the ideal that both want what is best for the masses. As Nameless empties himself of his own desires, renouncing what he wants, he becomes invulnerable. lead by Broken Sword, Nameless has grown to charter that his loyalties were merely provisional, way stations on the path to something greater, though less tangible. By doing so, he echoes the philosophical tenets of Daoism with his self emptying. (Cinema cooking stove,p. 9).\r\nYet Yimou has been criticized for rewriting history, portraying the magnate of Qin as rosier than past historical accounts have shown. These accounts demonstrate that the man was a brutal tyrant. Additionally, the film’s strong adherence to sacrificing one’s identicalness for the good of the many as filtered through the state is a concept the pro communist Chin ese government was pleased with. However, at a press conference Yimou insisted that choosing which dynasty to put in the story was an aesthetic choice not preconditioned by any one political slant (Kung Fu, 1).\r\nMany critics mock Yimou over the position in the film, forgetting that this was one of several(prenominal) narratives. Granted, the story can be seen as set the good of the many over the good of the individual; that loyalty to the masses trumphs individual loyalty.\r\nHowever, Hero can also be seen as a denary narrative since the tales by Nameless and the king are mutually contradictory. In this context, tyranny is not only if a means to an end. Although viewers who want to ordinate themselves with the king of Qin will see a paean to Chinese unity and totalitarianism,; the reading is there for the taking. But such a position neglects to take into account the film’s clear message of underminding the peculiar(a) authority of any single individual and the idea o f narrative as closure itself.\r\nCinema Scope Magazine notes that Hero celebrates absence as spectacle, glorifying sacrosanct renunciation and perfect nonviolence as preconditions for peace. Like Nameless, it speaks to power, underminding authority’s grip on narrativity. instead of a struggle within the narrative, Hero puts the guarantee of the narrative into dispute. It is really about who has control of the story: Nameless or the king. As filmed philosophically, it is Yimou’s continual challenge to any state or empire.\r\nHero is allied to Daoism, a set of ideals which finds breadth in absence, transcendence in renunciation, fullness in letting go. The Lao Txu Dao’s primary text was written during the time of the Warring States, the period of turmoil that ended with the unification of China under Qin. In Hero he is still years away from this great accomplishment, simply the king of Qin.\r\nYimou’s best recent films The Story of Qiu Ju (1992) an d Not One less(prenominal) contain the same concept of speaking stories to power. Yimou has struggled with authorities over who gets to tell the authentic story; how different it can be from the official version . He still has movies such as To Live that are officially banned in China nowadays because of their recount of the unacceptably critical history of the large number‘s Republic of china form 1945 to the 70s (â€Å"Hero,†3).\r\nBoth Farewell My Concubine and Hero are tall(a) spectacles, demonstrating in differing styles various allegiances, alliances, and betrayals; even renunciation of individual loyalty for the greater good. A glimpse of turbulent Chinese history can be gleaned through the films. The international audience is so much the richer for having these works in their repetoire.\r\nReferences\r\nClark, P. (2005). Republic of China: A extension and its Films. Hong Kong: Chinese\r\nUniversity Press\r\nâ€Å"Chinese Film,†(2006). W ikipedia. Retrieved 5 tremendous 2006.\r\\r\nCinemaScope. (2003). Vol 5, issue I, no14. Retrieved 4 August 2006.\r\nâ€Å"Farewell My Concubine.†(2006). Chinese Retrieved 5 August 2006.\r\\r\nâ€Å"Hero,†(2004). Men’s Health. September. Retrieved 4 August 2006.\r\nIj, F. (2005). â€Å"Review of Reinventing China: A Generation and its Film†Film Criticism.\r\nVol. 30.\r\nIMDB.(2006). Retrieved 4 August 2006.\r\nKung Fu Cinema. (2006). Retrieved 6 August 2006.\r\nâ€Å"Movie Reviews,†(2006). Retrieved $ August 2006\r\nZhang, X. (1997). Chinese contemporaneity in the Era of Reform. Durham, NC: Duke U Press.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n'
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